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2018.06.20 New York City, New York
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 20 Show Date: 06/20/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180619 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180620 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180621 City: New York City State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Gramercy Theatre Venue Type: Theatre Venue Website: http://www.mercuryeastpresents.com/thegramercytheatre Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: 'Post Traumatic' Release Show Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 4 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Dead center, in front of stage
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 72:14 mins
Format: .MOV / 11.85 GB
Comments: Missing 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' and 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out' (the latter was livestreamed on the LPLive Twitter). Full source uploaded to YouTube on the night of the show.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: Castle Of Glass Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Piano Style Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Pre-Show Song No 4: xx Pre-Show Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 5: xx Pre-Show Song Name 5: About You Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Hard Ending Pre-Show Song No 6: xx Pre-Show Song Name 6: Papercut Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Pre-Show Song No 7: xx Pre-Show Song Name 7: Make It Up As I Go Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Place To Start Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hands Held High Song Notes 6: Verse 1 Acapella Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Kenji Song Notes 7: w/ Roads Untraveled False Start Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Guitar Refrain) Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Ghosts Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 10: Mashup Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Sorry For Now Song Notes 11: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Demo Verse Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Crossing A Line Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version; False Start Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Make It Up As I Go Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 18: Mashup First Encore Song No 1: 19 First Encore Song Name 1: I.O.U First Encore Song Notes 1: Live Debut First Encore Song No 2: 20 First Encore Song Name 2: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 3: 21 First Encore Song Name 3: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- Mike hyped up the crowd before coming onstage during the extended intro of 'Welcome.'
- At the start of 'Castle Of Glass,' fans kept shouting 'Kenji,' which prompted Mike to say, "It's not time for that yet... unless you're just calling me by my middle name."
- Mike gave a speech about seeing all of the negativity from social media and why he doesn't talk about politics much, stating, "I always feel there's something worse just around the corner." He discussed the Parkland survivors he met the day before on Jimmy Fallon's show and the interaction they had, summing it up with: "What happened to them shouldn't have happened to them. If there's something that you guys feel that way about that makes you say 'I shouldn't have said that...' Don't do what I did. Do the right thing, and say something about it." At the end of the speech, he went into an impromptu acapella of 'Hands Held High.' This is the first time since 2017.07.03 London that the song has been performed like this.
- Mike accidentally started 'Roads Untraveled' before 'Kenji' started, prompting to whisper "Not that, not that, not that..."
- Mike rapped the original demo verse in place of Chester's verse during the bridge of 'Sorry For Now.'
- In response to a fan, Mike talked about 'QWERTY' before 'In The End' and told the story about how the song was written and how it lead to false assumptions by fans about what Minutes To Midnight would sound like.
- Mike briefly restarted 'In The End' to change the sound of the keyboard.
- After 'In The End,' Mike said the following about the song: "I want you to know that when we do that, some people get really sad... I want you to know that if you're feeling that, it's okay. As I've gone on and done that song more and more, for me, it turns into a celebration."
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Papercut,' 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out,' and 'Running From My Shadow.'
- Before 'Make It Up As I Go,' Mike told all the females in the crowd that they'd need to sing K.Flay's part.
- Mike sang the first verse and chorus of 'Good Goodbye' before performing and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental. This differs from previous shows as he wouldn't normally do the 'Good Goodbye' chorus, but the crowd was already singing it loudly and he went along with it.
- 'I.O.U.' was not on the written setlist. Mike added it into the set last minute - he came out after the encore break and said "I'm calling an audible and adding a song to the set."
- During the bridge of 'Running From My Shadow', Mike crowd surfed into the crowd. After the song, he stuck around in the crowd to sign autographs and take pictures with fans for an extended period of time.
Debut(s):- 'I.O.U' was performed for the first time.
Other Notes:- Mike performed an album release show on June 20th at New York City's Gramercy Theatre.
- After several festival and promotional appearances, this was Mike's first full solo headlining show as a solo act.
- Mike performed a soundcheck before the meet and greet started. He ran through a couple songs and tried experimenting with some different things, like trying to play pads during the bridge of 'Crossing A Line.' He also only performed the 'Papercut' portion of the 'Over Again/Papercut' mashup.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.19 Tampa, Florida
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 19 Show Date: 10/19/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181017 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181019 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181020 City: Tampa State: Florida State Abbr: FL Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Ritz Ybor Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.theritzybor.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 7 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: I.O.U. Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Ghosts Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Roads Untraveled Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In Stereo Song Notes 6: Remix Ending Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Until It Breaks Song Notes 7: Tour Debut; Shortened (Mike/Chester's Verses Only) Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: World's On Fire Song Notes 8: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 9: Piano Style Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Sorry For Now Song Notes 10: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Lift Off' Demo Verse Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Crossing A Line Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 12: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Sharp Edges Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: In The End Song Notes 14: Piano Version Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: About You Song Notes 15: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Over Again Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Papercut Song Notes 17: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 18 First Encore Song Name 1: Wisdom, Justice, And Love First Encore Song No 2: 19 First Encore Song Name 2: Iridescent First Encore Song No 3: 20 First Encore Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go First Encore Song No 4: 21 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 22 First Encore Song Name 5: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 5: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 6: 23 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Before 'Roads Untraveled', Mike talked about how the song was about the broken engagement of a close friend of his.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now' before Mike rapped the demo verse of 'Lift Off'
- Mike elected not to play piano on 'Sharp Edges' at this show. He stood on the side of the stage and watched the song. This was a very emotional performance of the track.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again'
- Mike only played 'In The End' during the piano section of the show, the first time he had done so since he started playing other Linkin Park songs.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
Other Notes:- Mike posted a Twitter poll asking fans what they wanted to hear at the show. The options were 'I.O.U.', 'In Stereo', 'Until It Breaks', or all of the above. He ultimately played all 3.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.05.12 Los Angeles, California
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 05 Day: 12 Show Date: 05/12/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180512-1 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180512-2 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180614 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Outside City Hall Venue Type: Outdoor Venue Website: https://grandparkla.org/ Event Website: http://isatv.com/blog/identity-la-2018/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Identity LA Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Other Bands:Jay Park, Hotel Garuda, Milck, Kinjaz, The Flavr Blue, G Yamazawa, DJ Zo, Ruby Ibarra
Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Right side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: K-FAM Media Productions
Time: 34:12 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Streamed live on YouTube. Starts with 'Castle Of Glass'; incomplete.
Source 2: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Right side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: N.K.
Time: 53:40 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Missing first part of 'Welcome'. Uploaded to YouTube.
Source 3: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Left side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: Alexadndra Larco Bazan
Time: 55:41 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Streamed live on Facebook. Uploaded to YouTube. Person filming sings quite loudly throughout the show.
Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Welcome Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: When They Come For Me Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: Sorry For Now Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal; Mashup Pre-Show Song No 6: 06 Pre-Show Song Name 6: In The End Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Rehearsal; Piano Version; Shortened (Until 1st Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 7: 07 Pre-Show Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song Notes 7: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Set: 50 Minute Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Place To Start Song Notes 2: Live Debut Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Song Notes 3: Live Debut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: w/ Joe Hahn Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Kenji Song Notes 6: Live Debut Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Guitar Refrain) Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 8: Mashup; w/ Taka Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Live Debut; Ext. Intro Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: In The End Song Notes 11: Piano Version Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: About You Song Notes 12: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Over Again Song Notes 13: Transition Ending Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Papercut Song Notes 14: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 15: Mashup Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Remember The Name Song Notes 16: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Show Notes:- Mike completely restructured the set from the show he played earlier in the day.
- 'Welcome' opened the show, this time with a brand new extended intro. The intro was not performed at the earlier show in Carson.
- Joe joined Mike for 'Castle Of Glass.' The intro was riddled with errors.
- Chester's vocals were sampled for the choruses of 'When They Come For Me.'
- Taka from ONE OK ROCK joined Mike for the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup. He performed 'Somewhere I Belong' with Linkin Park at the Hollywood Bowl show in 2017.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike went into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike sang the first verse of 'Good Goodbye' before performing the chorus and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental.
Debut(s):- This was the first time Mike performed 'Place To Start' and 'Watching As I Fall.'
- A shortened version of 'When They Come For Me' was performed for the first time. Mike performed the song in a linear fashion before stopping just before the bridge.
- A different shortened version of 'Roads Untraveled' was performed for the first time. Mike played it without the guitar refrain after the first chorus. When Linkin Park performed it at the Hollywood Bowl, it was shortened without the ending.
- This was the first time the studio version of 'Kenji' has been performed. In 2015, Mike mashed it up with a remix of 'Castle Of Glass' during his Fort Minor sets.
- This was the first time 'Sorry For Now' has been performed in any form.
Other Notes:- Mike performed a soundcheck at noon before heading to Carson to perform at KROQ's Weenie Roast.
- "IDENTITY LA is a Concert & Celebration for Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Occurring on Saturday May 12th at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles, the festival boasts an afternoon and evening’s worth performances by internationally renowned APA artists. Headlining the event will be Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, multi-platinum Korean-American hip-hop artist Jay Park, and acclaimed DJ duo Hotel Garuda."
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.18 Osaka, Japan
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 18 Show Date: 08/18/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180816 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180818 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180819 City: Osaka State: Osaka State Abbr: JP Country: Japan Country Abbr: JP Venue: Maishima Sonic Park Venue Type: Outdoor Event Website: http://summersonic.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Summer Sonic Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Asian Tour Stage: Ocean Stage Other Bands:Beck, Chance The Rapper, ONE OK ROCK, *, Ramz, The Oral Cigarettes
Show Number: 7 Show Number Total: 9 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 2: Piano Style Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Kenji Song Notes 3: Ext. Intro w/ 'Hands Held High' Verse 1 Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Crossing A Line Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: About You Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Over Again Song Notes 8: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Papercut Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Make It Up As I Go Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 11: Mashup Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Remember The Name Song Notes 12: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 13: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike rapped verse one of 'Hands Held High' over the extended intro of 'Kenji'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- Mike spoke about the dealing with tough situations during the piano intro of 'In The End,' explaining how he turned to painting and making music after Chester passed to help cope with the loss and how he hoped if anyone in the crowd went through a tough time that they they'll be able to find a way out of it.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.’
- 'I.O.U.' was on the setlist after 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out' but was dropped due to time constraints.
Other Notes:- Mike joined One Ok Rock later in the day for their performance of 'One Way Ticket'. He rapped verse one of 'Where'd You Go' over the song. 'One Way Ticket' is a song on the 2017 One Ok Rock album "Ambitions" that Mike co-produced.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.25 Reading, England
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 25 Show Date: 08/25/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180824 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180825 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180826 City: Reading State: England State Abbr: ENG Country: England Country Abbr: ENG Venue: Little John's Farm Venue Type: Outdoor Event Website: http://www.readingfestival.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Reading Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Stage: Main Stage Other Bands:Kendrick Lamar, Panic! At The Disco, N.E.R.D, Dua Lipa, Sum 41, *, Skindred, Proteje, Trash Boat
Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (BBC Radio 1)
Taper: Lexx
Time: 45:53 mins
Format: .mkv / 1.66GB
Comments: Webcasted live.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: 0 Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 3: Piano Style Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Crossing A Line Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: About You Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Over Again Song Notes 8: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Papercut Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Make It Up As I Go Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 11: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Remember The Name Song Notes 12: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 13: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Similar to the show in Summer Sonic Tokyo the previous weekend, Mike performed in front of a backdrop that had the cover of Post Traumatic on it.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- During the intro of 'In The End,' Mike spoke about the nature of him getting onstage and doing this tour. "Getting up here and doing this is really fulfilling and really an accomplishment just to get over my own anxiety about doing it again, and I have to be honest, I'm really indebted to you guys for helping me get here. I don't think I would be able to get out here and do these without you guys. In doing the shows... the last time we played here was 2003? Honestly it feels like the first time I've ever played. Since the beginning of the band, we've always done meet and greets and seen fans before the shows, and one thing that's been consistent is fans telling me how they relate to a song or how what we did intersected with their life. One thing I've been hearing quite a bit is how you guys are going through some things, and how the connection to the music helps you get through it. With that said, I know there are some people who want to come and there are other people who are still hurting and have stuff going on. And I want you guys to know, if that's you, don't be ashamed of that."
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- There was a moshpit during 'Over Again.'
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.
- Mike sang the chorus of 'Good Goodbye' instead of the 'Bleed It Out' chorus during the mashup of the two songs.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Other Notes:- Mike performed on the Main Stage at Reading on August 25th. The last time Mike performed there was in 2005 with Fort Minor (despite him saying during the show that he last played there in 2003 - that was with Linkin Park).
- Mike joined Sum 41 onstage later on in the day for their cover of Linkin Park's 'Faint.'
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.26 Leeds, England
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 26 Show Date: 08/26/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180825 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180826 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180829 City: Leeds State: England State Abbr: ENG Country: England Country Abbr: ENG Venue: Bramham Park Venue Type: Outdoor Event Website: http://www.leedsfestival.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Leeds Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Stage: Main Stage Other Bands:Kendrick Lamar, Panic! At The Disco, N.E.R.D, Dua Lipa, Sum 41, *, Skindred, Proteje, Trash Boat
Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Crossing A Line Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: About You Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Over Again Song Notes 8: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Papercut Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Make It Up As I Go Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 11: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 12: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Due to heavy rain, Mike's set was slightly delayed as the crew took extra efforts to protect the gear from the rain. As a result, the setlist he played greatly differed from the paper setlist: 'When They Come For Me' was set the open the show, followed by 'Watching As I Fall.' 'Petrified' was not on the original setlist.
- Mike performed with a backdrop that had the cover of Post Traumatic on it.
- Mike slightly changed the festival set from the previous day at Reading, replacing 'Roads Untraveled' with 'When They Come For Me.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- During the piano intro of 'In The End,' Mike talked about the famous "Are you playing Reading or Leeds?" inside joke.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.’
- Mike sang the chorus of 'Good Goodbye' instead of the 'Bleed It Out' chorus during the mashup of the two songs.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Other Notes:- Mike performed on the Main Stage at Leeds on August 26th. This was the first time he's played Leeds since 2003, having to cancel his Fort Minor show there in 2005 due to having to be in Florida the day after Reading.
- Mike joined Sum 41 onstage later on in the day for their cover of Linkin Park's 'Faint.'
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.07.28 Salt Lake City, Utah
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 07 Day: 28 Show Date: 07/28/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180630 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180728 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180807 City: Salt Lake City State: Utah State Abbr: UT Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Rice-Eccles Stadium Venue Type: Stadium Venue Website: https://stadium.utah.edu/ Event Website: https://loveloudfest.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: LoveLoud Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Other Bands:Imagine Dragons, Zedd, *, Grace VanderWaal, Tyler Glenn, Vagabon, A.W.
Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast)
Taper: Lexx
Time: 47:22 mins
Format: mkv / 843 MB
Comments: Webcasted live by AT&T on YouTube and Twitter.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 1: Piano Style Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Ghosts Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 3: Shortened (No Guitar Refrain) Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 4: Mashup Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Crossing A Line Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version; Hard Ending Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: About You Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Over Again Song Notes 8: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Papercut Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Make It Up As I Go Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Remember The Name Song Notes 11: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 12: w/ Phoenix Show Notes:- Mike was sick during this show. In an interview on the JOOX app a few days later, he said he was glad to have gotten over that hurdle and the anxiety of playing his first sick show.
- While opening a short performance at the KROQ HD Radio Sound Space, this was the first time that 'Castle Of Glass' opened a full setlist.
- Mike seemed to run out of breath at the start of the second verse of 'Roads Untraveled' and whispered the first lines.
- After 'Roads Untraveled,' Mike spoke about a friend named "Jay" from high school, who is gay. "It would still cause him a little bit of trouble in his life if I told everyone exactly who I was talking about. I'm up here today because I don't want that to be the case. I hope that there's a point, hopefully soon, where I don't have to worry about saying that or telling that story and I can tell you exactly who it is and that can all be out in the open."
- Mike stumbled during the 'Waiting For The End' verse of the 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' mashup.
- Mike started 'In The End' an octave lower than he normally does. He skipped the final key part as well.
- After 'In The End,' Mike talked about one of the reasons he played the festival was Dan Reynolds' documentary "Believer," talking about how he saw it at the Sundance Film Festival, two years after he had been in the same area to see Chester in rehab.
- 'About You' was performed without the normal vocoder intro, likely because the song accidentally started too early. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.’
- To start 'Remember The Name,' Mike called out a crew member named Bradley to press the button to start the song when he was out on the catwalk.
- Phoenix joined Mike and played guitar during 'Running From My Shadow.' This was the second time a Linkin Park member performed with Mike during his solo sets - Joe joined Mike for 'Castle Of Glass' at his Identity LA performance.
- Mike teased a U.S. Tour announcement at the end of the show, saying "looking forward to coming back in the fall."
Other Notes:- LoveLoud is an annual festival founded by Imagine Dragons' frontman Dan Reynolds in support of the LGTBQ+ community.
- This was Mike's last performance fully solo. At the next show in Hong Kong, Mike had band members perform with him.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.13 New York City, New York
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 13 Show Date: 10/13/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181011 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181013 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181014 City: New York City State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Rooftop at Pier 17 Venue Type: Outdoor Venue Website: https://www.pier17ny.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Against barricade, slightly to the right of the stage
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 108:31 mins
Format: .MOV / 17.6 GB
Comments: Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Includes soundcheck footage of 'Dedicated' and part of the unknown song. Released on LPLive on November 4, 2018.
Source 2: Video - AUD (Unknown)
Taper: Giovani D98
Time: 98:44 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Includes the last song by Don Broco. Full source uploaded to YouTube on November 5, 2018.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: World's On Fire Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: In Stereo Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal; Remix Ending Pre-Show Song No 4: xx Pre-Show Song Name 4: Sharp Edges Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 5: xx Pre-Show Song Name 5: Dedicated Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal; Shortened (First Verse + Chorus Only) Pre-Show Song No 6: xx Pre-Show Song Name 6: High Road Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Rehearsal; Ext. Intro Pre-Show Song No 7: xx Pre-Show Song Name 7: Until It Breaks Pre-Show Song Notes 7: Rehearsal; Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) Pre-Show Song No 8: xx Pre-Show Song Name 8: Unknown Song Pre-Show Song Notes 8: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: I.O.U. Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: In Stereo Song Notes 4: Remix Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Make It Up As I Go Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: When They Come For Me Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Hold It Together Song Notes 7: Sample Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 8: Piano Style Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Ghosts Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Sorry For Now Song Notes 10: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Lift Off' Demo Verse Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Crossing A Line Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Roads Untraveled Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Wisdom, Justice, And Love Song Notes 13: w/ 'Hands Held High' Verse 1 Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Iridescent Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 15: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + 'Where'd You Go' Piano Outro Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: In The End Song Notes 16: Piano Version Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Piano Version Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: About You Song Notes 18: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Over Again Song Notes 19: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Papercut Song Notes 20: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending; w/ Fan on Vocals First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Robot Boy First Encore Song Notes 1: Tour Debut; False Start; Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: World's On Fire First Encore Song Notes 2: Live Debut; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 3: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 4: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus; w/ Fan on Vocals First Encore Song No 5: 25 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now' before Mike rapped his verse of 'Lift Off'. Mike messed up the lyrics in the second half of the verse. This is the first time 'Lift Off' has been played live in any form.
- Mike rapped the first verse of 'Hands Held High' over 'Wisdom, Justice, And Love'. This is the first time 'Hands Held High' has been played since 2018.08.24 Rock en Seine where it was rapped over the extended intro of 'Kenji'.
- Mike played a bit of the 'Where'd You Go' piano after the 'Waiting For The End' singalong for the first time.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- Before 'In The End', Mike told a story from one of the first "real tours" the band had gone on. He talked about how the headlining act was rude towards the opening acts and their crew and how it taught the band to really take care of their openers. Mike went on to talk about their show at 2001.02.21 New York City, New York and how one of the band members from the aforementioned unnamed band came backstage at that show and told the band that Linkin Park's success should have been theirs. Chester responded in a very chill manner, which Mike commended him for.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- A fan named David was brought on stage to do backing vocals on 'Papercut'. He later did additional vocals on the 'Bleed It Out' part of the 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out' mashup. He was originally meant to come out and play guitar on 'Roads Untraveled', but Mike forgot to call him out. Jim Digby walked out on stage to remind Mike, but it was already too late.
- The shortened version of 'Robot Boy' played during the The Hunting Party cycle opened the encore. This is the first time this version of the song has been played since 2015.11.07 Blizzcon and the first time it's been played in any form since 2017.10.27 Los Angeles, California.
- 'World's On Fire' was played live for the first time ever. During the bridge, Dan performed a drum solo and Mike played the synth part of 'Robot Boy'.
Debut(s):- This was the first time 'Lift Off' was performed live in any form.
- This was the first time 'World's On Fire' was played live.
Other Notes:- Before the show, Mike and the band performed a soundcheck, rehearsing 'Crossing A Line', 'World's On Fire', and 'In Stereo'. A shortened version of 'Dedicated', 'Sharp Edges' with Matt on vocals, 'High Road', and 'Until It Breaks' were also performed despite them not being played at the show. An unknown, potentially new, song was also played.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.20 Orlando, Florida
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 20 Show Date: 10/20/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181019 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181020 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181021 City: Orlando State: Florida State Abbr: FL Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: House of Blues Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.houseofblues.com/orlando Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 8 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: I.O.U. Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: In Stereo Song Notes 4: Remix Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Make It Up As I Go Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Roads Untraveled Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Hold It Together Song Notes 7: Sample Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Sorry For Now Song Notes 8: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Crossing A Line Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Ghosts Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 11: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: In The End Song Notes 12: Piano Version Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Numb Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Iridescent Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Welcome Song Notes 15: Hard Start Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 16: Piano Style Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 17: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 1: 18 First Encore Song Name 1: About You First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending First Encore Song No 2: 19 First Encore Song Name 2: Over Again First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending First Encore Song No 3: 20 First Encore Song Name 3: Papercut First Encore Song Notes 3: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 4: 21 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 22 First Encore Song Name 5: It's Goin Down First Encore Song No 6: 23 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned during 'Iridescent'.
- Before 'In The End', Mike told a story about coming to Florida as a kid when his dad worked for NASA. He explained playing Florida for the first time with Linkin Park (their first show outside of the west coast was in Florida on their first tour), driving the RV across the country, and mentioned Joe's huge DJ rig.- Mike gave a little girl with a "Make Chester Proud" sign the choice between 'Burn It Down', 'Heavy', and 'Numb' after 'In The End'. She chose 'Numb'.
- Mike performed Welcome mid-set for the first time and without its intro for the first time since 2018.06.14 Hollywood, California.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
- On 'Papercut', Mike picked up a guy's Linkin Park hat and wore it for the rest of the song.By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.25 New Orleans, Louisiana
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 25 Show Date: 10/25/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181023 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181025 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181027 City: New Orleans State: Louisiana State Abbr: LA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: House of Blues Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.houseofblues.com/neworleans Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 11 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Audio - AUD (Unknown)
Taper: Evie Totty
Time: 98:10 mins
Format: .TS / 356 MB
Comments: Audio streamed live on Periscope until the second verse of 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out'. Parts of 'Running From My Shadow' streamed in video.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: When They Come For Me Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Remember The Name Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Ghosts Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Roads Untraveled Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Hold It Together Song Notes 7: Sample Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 8: Piano Style Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'High Voltage' Verse 1 + Chorus Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Cigarettes Song Notes 11: 2015 Remix Version Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 12: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Burn It Down Song Notes 14: Piano Version; Shortened (First Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Heavy Song Notes 15: Piano Version; Shortened (First Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Numb Song Notes 16: Piano Version Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: About You Song Notes 17: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Over Again Song Notes 18: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Papercut Song Notes 19: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 20 First Encore Song Name 1: Wisdom, Justice, And Love First Encore Song No 2: 21 First Encore Song Name 2: Iridescent First Encore Song No 3: 22 First Encore Song Name 3: World's On Fire First Encore Song Notes 3: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo First Encore Song No 4: 23 First Encore Song Name 4: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 4: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 5: 24 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now' before Mike rapped the first verse and chorus of 'High Voltage'.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again'.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
Other Notes:- Before the show, Mike and the band rehearsed 'It's Goin' Down'.
- Mike held a poll on his Instagram of which song he should add to the set: 'Cigarettes' or 'Hold It Together'. He played both.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.28 Dallas, Texas
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 28 Show Date: 10/28/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181027 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181028 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181030 City: Dallas State: Texas State Abbr: TX Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: House of Blues Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.houseofblues.com/dallas Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 12 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (HTC One M8 Plus)
Taper: Queenslander24
Time: 85:47 mins
Format: .MP4 (2160p) / 14.4 GB
Comments: Uploaded to YouTube by the taper on February 04, 2019. Original file shared on lp-bits in 2020.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Invisible Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Robot Boy Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: World's On Fire Song Notes 2: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Make It Up As I Go Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 5: Piano Style Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hold It Together Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In Stereo Song Notes 7: Remix Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Until It Breaks Song Notes 8: Shortened (Mike/Chester's Verses Only) Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Ghosts Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Iridescent Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Crossing A Line Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 12: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 17 First Encore Song Name 1: Introduction First Encore Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version First Encore Song No 2: 18 First Encore Song Name 2: Petrified First Encore Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version First Encore Song No 3: 19 First Encore Song Name 3: I.O.U. First Encore Song Notes 3: Acapella Intro First Encore Song No 4: 20 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 21 First Encore Song Name 5: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 5: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 6: 22 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Dallas was the only show of the Post Traumatic World Tour to feature the setlist EXACTLY as printed with absolutely zero changes. Not a single other show on the tour across the globe had this happen. And for that reason, Dallas is special!
- This is the first full show of the tour to not feature 'Roads Untraveled' and 'Sorry For Now'.- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned during 'Over Again'.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike rapped part of 'I.O.U.' acapella before the song.
Other Notes:- Before the show, Mike and the band rehearsed 'Invisible'.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.11 Incheon, South Korea
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 11 Show Date: 08/11/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180809 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180811 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180812 City: Incheon State: Incheon State Abbr: KR Country: South Korea Country Abbr: KR Venue: Pentaport Park Venue Type: Outdoor Event Website: http://pentaportrock.com Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Asian Tour Stage: KB Kookmincard Starshop Stage Other Bands:Nine Inch Nails, *, The Koxx, Crossfaith
Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 9 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Audio - AUD (?)
Taper: BlueHeaven_T
Time: 52:37 mins
Format: .FLAC (16bit/24bit) / 1.07 GB
Comments: Taper also recorded Nine Inch Nail's set, releases on ninlive.com.
Source 2: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Center of the crowd, behind the main pit
Taper: 달달
Time: 51:57 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Cuts in during the second verse of 'Welcome.' Uploaded to YouTube a few days after the show.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 2: Piano Style Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Ghosts Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 5: Mashup Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Crossing A Line Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: About You Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Over Again Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Papercut Song Notes 10: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Make It Up As I Go Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 12: Mashup Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Remember The Name Song Notes 13: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- Before 'In The End,' Mike spoke about Chester being a tourist in Korea. "He was always such a joyful energy... he would just walk into a room and the energy would double. With that said, I don't want this to be a somber thing. I want you guys to sing this as loud as you can."
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.’
- Mike went into the crowd during the 'Good Goodbye' and 'Bleed It Out' mashup.
Other Notes:- Mike performed before Nine Inch Nails.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.12.06 Brooklyn, New York
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 06 Show Date: 12/06/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda18/20181117 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181206 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181208 City: Brooklyn State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Barclays Center Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: https://www.barclayscenter.com/ Event Website: https://alt923.radio.com/events/alt-923s-not-so-silent-night-december-6th-barclays-center-ft-muse-florence-and-machine-more Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: ALT 92.3's Not So Silent Night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:Muse, Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Foster the People, Bastille, *, Chvrches, AJR
Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 29:35 mins
Format: .MOV / 4.81 GB
Comments: Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on December 9, 2018.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 2: Mashup Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: About You Song Notes 4: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Hard Start; Transition Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Over Again Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Papercut Song Notes 6: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 8: Mashup Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- The 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup didn't have its usual singalong outro.
- 'About You' started right with the first verse, skipping both the usual vocoder intro and the first chorus. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Good Goodbye/Bleed it Out'.
- Mike messed up parts of 'In The End'.
- 'Crossing A Line' was on the setlist after 'In The End' but was dropped due to time, likely because the band had a 2+ minute break before 'About You'.
- 'Running From My Shadow' closed the show for the first time since 2018.11.12 Cincinnati, Ohio. It did not have an outro.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.06.30 Camden, New Jersey
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 30 Show Date: 06/30/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180621 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180630 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180728 City: Camden State: New Jersey State Abbr: NJ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: BB&T Pavilion Venue Type: Amphitheatre Event Website: https://radio1045.iheart.com/featured/birthday-celebration/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Radio 104.5's 11th Birthday Celebration Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Stage: Main Stage Other Bands:Imagine Dragons, Judah & The Lion, *, AJR, Sir Sly, Missio, The Great Enough
Show Number: 6 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Section 104, Row M, Seat 3
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 48:16 mins
Format: .MOV / 7.86 GB
Comments: Missing most of 'Remember The Name.' Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on July 1, 2018.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Watching As I Fall Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 3: Piano Style Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Ghosts Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 5: Mashup Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Crossing A Line Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; False Start; Hard Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: About You Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Over Again Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Papercut Song Notes 10: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Make It Up As I Go Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Remember The Name Song Notes 12: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- Mike went into the crowd during 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' and 'Running From My Shadow.'
- Mike quickly restarted the intro of 'In The End' to change the piano setting just as he did the 2018.06.20 New York City show, even remarking "we had the same thing at the last show... this sound sucks." He didn't perform the ending key part, instead saying to the crowd: "Can you guys do me a favor? Keep making Chester proud, okay?"
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.
- After 'Papercut,' Mike said, "This has never happened before... but I almost went to a really dark place just then, and you guys brought me out of it."
Other Notes:- Mike was added to the lineup for this show on May 21, 2018, well after the original lineup had been announced.
- This was the first time Mike performed a solo show at a venue Linkin Park had previously performed at.
- Radio 104.5 held a contest leading up to the show for lucky callers to win a Meet & Greet with every artist at the show, with Mike presenting two drawings to the winner and their guest.
- During their set, Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons spoke about Chester, Mike, and Linkin Park before dedicating 'Yesterday' to them. During the song, he saw a "Make Chester Proud" sign in the pit and he spoke again about Chester and Mike after the song.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By RogueSoul,
- Added by RogueSoul
2018.10.27 Woodlands, Texas
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 27 Show Date: 10/27/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181025 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181027 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181028 City: Woodlands State: Texas State Abbr: TX Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Venue Type: Amphitheatre Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Buzzfest Event/Festival Italics: 0 Stage: Second Stage Other Bands:Dirty Heads, *, Puddle Of Mudd, The Nixons, The Blue Stones, Hold On Hollywood, Kulick
Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Remember The Name Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Sorry For Now Song Notes 4: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Crossing A Line Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 6: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: About You Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Over Again Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Papercut Song Notes 10: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: It's Goin' Down Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 12: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 13: Ext. Outro; w/ grandson Show Notes:- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- After 'Papercut', Mike decided to perform 'It's Goin' Down' which was not on the show's setlist. On Twitter in response to us saying "WOAH" about it, he replied, "I was feeling the vibe".
- Grandson joined Mike on stage for 'Running From My Shadow'.
Other Notes:- After the show, Mike replied to a tweet showing his crowd for the show, which Buzzfest said was the largest crowd they'e ever seen on the Second Stage for an artist. He voiced his displeasure at being selected to play on the Second Stage instead of the Main Stage, saying, "This crowd was a good crowd. I liked them very much and would like to do this again some time, maybe in a space that actually fits all of them."
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.11 Toronto, Ontario
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 11 Show Date: 10/11/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181010 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181011 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181013 City: Toronto State: Ontario State Abbr: ON Country: Canada Country Abbr: CN Venue: Rebel Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: https://rebeltoronto.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (Unknown)
Taper: Toronto Insights
Time: 69:32 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Highlights and footage from most of the show. Uploaded to YouTube several weeks after the show.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version; Shortened (Until Bridge) Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: I.O.U. Song Notes 3: Acapella Intro Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: In Stereo Song Notes 4: Tour Debut; Remix Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hold It Together Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 7: Piano Style Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo +' High Voltage' Verse 1 Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Roads Untraveled Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 12: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Burn It Down Song Notes 14: Piano Version Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Numb Song Notes 15: Piano Version Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: About You Song Notes 16: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Over Again Song Notes 17: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Papercut Song Notes 18: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 19 First Encore Song Name 1: Wisdom, Justice, And Love First Encore Song Notes 1: Tour Debut First Encore Song No 2: 20 First Encore Song Name 2: Iridescent First Encore Song Notes 2: Tour Debut First Encore Song No 3: 21 First Encore Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go First Encore Song No 4: 22 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 23 First Encore Song Name 5: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 5: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 6: 24 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike stopped 'Petrified' before the bridge, likely due to a technical problem. Mike went backstage briefly before coming back out after the song to introduce the band (their cue to come out during the bridge was skipped).
- Mike performed an acapella intro to 'I.O.U.'
- 'In Stereo' was performed for the second time on the tour, the first being in 2018.09.07 Wien, Austria. This was the first time both Dan and Matt played during the song.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now' before Mike rapped a verse of 'High Voltage,' after being requested the show before. This is the first time a different song was rapped over the bridge of 'Sorry For Now.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- After 'In The End,' Mike asked for requests from the crowd. He played piano versions of 'Burn It Down' and 'Numb.' This was that Mike performed the entirety of 'Burn It Down' on tour, and the first time since 2017.03.24 Amsterdam, Netherlands that it was performed like that.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- 'Papercut' closed the main set for the first time.
- 'Wisdom, Justice, And Love' opened the encore. This was the first time the studio version of the song has been played since 2011.09.25 Singapore, Singapore, and the first time since 2018.09.01 Moscow, Russia that the song was played on tour (Mike played an instrumental version of it at that show).
- After performing a partial piano version of the song in 2018.09.01 Moscow, Russia earlier on the tour, Mike performed 'Iridescent' in its entirety for the first time since 2011.09.25 Singapore, Singapore.
- 'Make It Up As I Go' and the 'Good Goodbye' and 'Bleed It Out' mashup were performed in the encore for the first time. The mashup was played second-to-last for the first time since 2018.05.12 Identity LA.
- This was the first full headlining show of the tour to not feature 'Welcome.'
Debut(s):- This was the first time a shortened version of 'Petrified' was performed.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.10.15 Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 10 Day: 15 Show Date: 10/15/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181014 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181015 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181017 City: Stroudsburg State: Pennsylvania State Abbr: PA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Sherman Theater Venue Type: Theatre Venue Website: https://www.shermantheater.com/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 5 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Until It Breaks Song Notes 5: Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hold It Together Song Notes 6: Sample Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 7: Piano Style Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Sharp Edges Song Notes 10: Tour Debut Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Crossing A Line Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Roads Untraveled Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Wisdom, Justice, And Love Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Iridescent Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 15: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + 'Where'd You Go' Piano Outro Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: In The End Song Notes 16: Piano Version Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Numb Song Notes 17: Piano Version Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: About You Song Notes 18: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Over Again Song Notes 19: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Papercut Song Notes 20: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Welcome First Encore Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 3: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 4: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- 'Until It Breaks' returned to the set after not being played since 2018.09.07 Wien, Austria.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now'.
- After being soundchecked at 2018.10.13 New York City, New York, 'Sharp Edges' was performed in the set for the first time in one of Mike's solo sets. It was last performed at a show at 2017.10.27 Los Angeles, California. This is also the first time Matt has done lead vocals on a song. Mike played piano on the song.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
Debut(s):- 'Sharp Edges' was performed during Mike's solo set for the first time. It was soundchecked a few days earlier.
Other Notes:- Before the show, Mike and the band performed 'It's Goin' Down' three times during a soundcheck.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.11.09 Denver, Colorado
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 11 Day: 09 Show Date: 11/09/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181108 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181109 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181111 City: Denver State: Colorado State Abbr: CO Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Fillmore Auditorium Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.fillmoreauditorium.org/ Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco, AmirSaysNothing
Show Number: 18 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithoutsources Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Invisible Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: When They Come For Me Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: In Stereo Song Notes 3: Remix Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Hold It Together Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: High Road Song Notes 6: Tour Debut Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 7: Piano Style Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Invisible Song Notes 9: Tour Debut; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 11: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: In The End Song Notes 12: Piano Version Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: About You Song Notes 13: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Over Again Song Notes 14: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Papercut Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 16 First Encore Song Name 1: Wisdom, Justice, And Love First Encore Song No 2: 17 First Encore Song Name 2: Iridescent First Encore Song No 3: 18 First Encore Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go First Encore Song No 4: 19 First Encore Song Name 4: It's Goin' Down First Encore Song No 5: 20 First Encore Song Name 5: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 5: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 6: 21 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike opened with 'Remember The Name' for the first time at a headlining show. He opened with it at Milano Rocks at the end of the European Tour, but that was a shortened set.
- After being soundchecked multiple times on the tour, 'High Road' and 'Invisible' made their tour debuts at this show. 'High Road' was on the printed setlist at 2018.10.10 Montreal, Quebec, but got replaced by 'Kenji'.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Invisible.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'About You'.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike added 'It's Goin' Down' to the set after 'Make It Up As I Go'.
Debut(s):- 'Invisible' was played for the first time during Mike's solo show. It was last played 2017.07.06 Birmingham, England.
Other Notes:- Mike and the band rehearsed 'Invisible' at soundcheck.
- AmirSaysNothing joined the tour on November 5 and was added to the lineup for the remainder of the shows.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.11.11 Chicago, Illinois
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 11 Day: 11 Show Date: 11/11/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181109 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181111 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181112 City: Chicago State: Illinois State Abbr: IL Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: House of Blues Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.houseofblues.com/chicago Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Other Bands:Don Broco, AmirSaysNothing
Show Number: 19 Show Number Total: 23 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone XS)
Location: Front row
Taper: lauraspaces
Time: 90:07 mins
Format: .MOV (1080p) / 6.75 GB
Comments: Uploaded to YouTube. Same taper as Las Vegas.
Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Hold It Together Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: Robot Boy Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: World's On Fire Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: Invisible Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: Lift Off Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal; w/ Mashup Lyrics Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Make It Up As I Go Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: In Stereo Song Notes 3: Remix Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: I.O.U. Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hold It Together Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 7: Piano Style Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Invisible Song Notes 9: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Roads Untraveled Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 12: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong + Short Piano Outro Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending First Encore Song No 1: 17 First Encore Song Name 1: Robot Boy First Encore Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only) First Encore Song No 2: 18 First Encore Song Name 2: World's On Fire First Encore Song Notes 2: Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'Robot Boy' Synth Solo First Encore Song No 3: 19 First Encore Song Name 3: Until It Breaks First Encore Song Notes 3: Shortened (Mike/Chester's Verses Only) First Encore Song No 4: 20 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 21 First Encore Song Name 5: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out First Encore Song Notes 5: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 6: 22 First Encore Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 6: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike took the stage at 7:54 PM, making it one of the earliest starts he's had all tour.
- Dan performed a drum solo over the extended bridge of 'Invisible.'
- Mike put on a mask and a unicorn hat that he got from the crowd after 'Roads Untraveled.'
- Before 'In The End,' Mike talked about memes.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'About You'.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike added 'Until It Breaks' to the set after 'World's On Fire.'
Other Notes:- The band rehearsed 'Hold It Together,' 'Robot Boy,' 'World's On Fire,' 'Invisible,' and 'Lift Off' (which was mashed up with lyrics from other songs) at soundcheck.
- AmirSaysNothing joined the tour on November 5 and was added to the lineup for the remainder of the shows.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.05.12 Carson, California
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 05 Day: 12 Show Date: 05/12/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda18/20180507 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180512-1 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180512-2 City: Carson State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: StubHub Center Venue Type: Stadium Venue Website: http://www.stubhubcenter.com/ Event Website: https://kroq.radio.com/weenieroast Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: KROQ Weenie Roast Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Stage: Bud Light Side Stage Other Bands:James Bay, Alice Marton, Nothing But Thieves, Mt. Joy, DJ Jeremiah Red
Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast)
Taper: Vector09
Time: 35:59 mins
Format: .TS / 798.6 MB
Comments: Webcasted live by KROQ. Uploaded to Sharemania.us.
Setlist Icon: Yes Set: 30 Minute Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 2: Mashup; Live Debut Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: About You Song Notes 3: Live Debut; Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Over Again Song Notes 4: Live Debut; Transition Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Papercut Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version Live Debut Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; Live Debut Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Crossing A Line Song Notes 8: Live Debut Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Remember The Name Song Notes 9: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Verse 1/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Remember The Name Song Notes 10: Take 2; Shortened (Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Show Notes:- Mike played on a B-stage at the back of the crowd.
- Confetti was used at the start of the show during 'Welcome' and during 'Crossing A Line.'
- Mike sang the first verse of 'Good Goodbye' before performing the chorus and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental.
- Mike started singing into his vocoder at the start of 'About You' and sang "Los Angeles!"
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike went into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Smoke cannons were used during 'Papercut' and at the end of 'Crossing A Line.'
- Mike went into the crowd for a majority of 'Remember The Name.' At the end of the two choruses, Mike went onstage and restarted it, saying "Can we pull a Kanye here? Is that okay?" and went straight into the first verse again.
Debut(s):- This was Mike's first performance as a solo act. In 2015, he performed some solo shows in the U.S. and Europe, but as Fort Minor.
- This was the first time 'About You,' 'Over Again,' and 'Crossing A Line' were performed in any form.
- Mashups of 'Good Goodbye' and 'Bleed It Out,' and 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' were performed for the first time.
- This was the first time Mike performed a piano version of 'In The End.' In 2017, Linkin Park performed a stripped down version of the song at their pop-up show in Grand Central Station by request.
Other Notes:- Mike went live on Instagram just before the show and sang parts of 'Looking For An Answer' to warm up and talked to fans in the comments.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRYBy hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.19 Chiba, Japan
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 19 Show Date: 08/19/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180818 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180819 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180822 City: Chiba State: Chiba State Abbr: JP Country: Japan Country Abbr: JP Venue: ZOZO Marine Stadium Venue Type: Stadium Event Website: http://www.summersonic.com/2018/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Summer Sonic Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Asian Tour Stage: Marine Stage Other Bands:Beck, Chance The Rapper, *, My First Story, Ramz, The Oral Cigarettes
Show Number: 8 Show Number Total: 9 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Upper level seating, left of center
Time: 39:25 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Uploaded to YouTube on August 23. Missing 'Introduction,' 'Petrified,' 'About You,' 'Over Again,' and 'Papercut.' Smooth transitions between songs.
Source 2: Video - PROSHOT (WOWOW Prime)
Taper: royevilone
Time: 25:08 mins
Format: .ts / 3.43 GB
Comments: Aired on October 8th. 'Crossing A Line', 'In The End', 'Make It Up As I Go', 'Remember The Name', 'Running From My Shadow' and interview. Posted on Sharemania.us.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Kenji Song Notes 5: Ext. Intro w/ 'Hands Held High' Verse 1 Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Roads Untraveled Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Crossing A Line Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: In The End Song Notes 9: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: About You Song Notes 10: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Over Again Song Notes 11: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Papercut Song Notes 12: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Make It Up As I Go Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 14: Mashup Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Remember The Name Song Notes 15: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 16: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Because ONE OK ROCK didn't perform at the Tokyo show, Mike had more time to perform than he did at the previous show in 2018.08.18 Osaka, so the set was extended.
- Instead of performing with a traditional stage setup, Mike performed in front of a giant tarp that had the cover of Post Traumatic on it.
- Mike completely changed around the setlist for this show, opening with 'Introduction' and 'Petrified' for the first time on the tour and for the first time since 2015.09.08 London, England (when he performed a solo Fort Minor show there). Dan came onstage at the end of the song, being the first time he's performed on the track.
- After being absent from previous non-headlining festival sets, 'When They Come For Me' was performed.
- Mike rapped verse one of 'Hands Held High' over the extended intro of 'Kenji'
- Mike led the crowd in a piano and acapella singalong of 'Waiting For The End' after the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup. This version is similar to the intro he did for the song at the 2017.10.27 Hollywood Bowl tribute show, and is an extension of the acapella version he had played at the show in 2018.08.16 Chengdu, China.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- During the piano intro of 'In The End,' Mike talked about when he first met Chester when he auditioned for Linkin Park.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.
- Mike spoke in Japanese before 'Make It Up As I Go.'
- Mike wore a Pikachu hat he got from the crowd during the 'Good Goodbye' and 'Bleed It Out' mashup.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Other Notes:- Mike's performances at the Summer Sonic festival in Osaka and Tokyo were the very first shows he announced he would be performing on the Post Traumatic Tour.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.24 Saint-Cloud, France
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 24 Show Date: 08/24/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180822 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180824 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180825 City: Saint-Cloud State: Île-de-France State Abbr: FR Country: France Country Abbr: FR Venue: Domaine national de Saint-Cloud Venue Type: Outdoor Event Website: http://www.rockenseine.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Rock en Seine Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Stage: Main Stage Other Bands:PNL, Die Antwoord, *, Parcels
Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (Culturebox)
Taper: LinkinPark:BR
Time: 62:44 mins
Format: mkv / 990 MB
Comments: Webcasted live.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Kenji Song Notes 5: Ext. Intro w/ 'Hands Held High' Verse 1 Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Roads Untraveled Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Crossing A Line Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: In The End Song Notes 9: Piano Intro; Piano Version Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: About You Song Notes 10: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Transition Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Over Again Song Notes 11: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Papercut Song Notes 12: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Make It Up As I Go Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 14: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Remember The Name Song Notes 15: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 16: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike rapped verse one of 'Hands Held High' over the extended intro of 'Kenji'
- Mike led the crowd in an acapella of 'Waiting For The End' after the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- Mike spoke about the things that helped him decide to do this tour before 'In The End': "There's a couple of things that helped me get there. One of them was just realizing that it was an opportunity to get over some anxiety about getting up without the other guys in Linkin Park. The other thing was to get up here and say thank you to you in person for all the incredible support you've given me and everybody on our family."
- Mike also talked about the #MakeChesterProud hashtag during the piano intro of 'In The End,' talking about a book he had read called Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy by Sheryl Sandberg.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus. The song was not performed with its regular vocoder intro.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.’
- Matt didn't sing the backing vocals during the end of 'Papercut.'
- Mike messed up the lyrics to the first verse of 'Make It Up As I Go.'
- Unlike previous performances, Mike sang the chorus of 'Good Goodbye' rather than the chorus of 'Bleed It Out' during the mashup of the two songs. A similar occurrence happened at the 2018.06.20 New York City show, where the crowd took over and sang the chorus of 'Good Goodbye' before Mike could start the 'Bleed It Out' chorus.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Other Notes:- Mike performed at day one of Rock en Seine in Saint-Cloud.
- This was Mike's first show in Europe as a solo artist.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.31 St. Petersburg, Russia
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 31 Show Date: 08/31/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180829 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180831 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180901 City: St. Petersburg State: Russia State Abbr: RU Country: Russia Country Abbr: RU Venue: A2 Green Concert Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://a2.fm Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Other Bands:Husky
Show Number: 5 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (Unknown)
Taper: alyona.bazhurina
Time: 31:12 mins
Format: MP4 (1080p) / 3.75 GB
Comments: 'Petrified', 'When They Come For Me', 'Watching As I Fall', 'Roads Untraveled', 'Sorry For Now', 'Crossing A Line', 'In The End' and 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out' only. Released on lp-bits on September 16, 2018.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Watching As I Fall Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Roads Untraveled Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 6: Piano Style Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Sorry For Now Song Notes 8: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Crossing A Line Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: In The End Song Notes 10: Piano Version; Piano Intro; Hard Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Heavy Song Notes 11: Piano Version; Shortened (1st Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Burn It Down Song Notes 12: Piano Version; Shortened (1st Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Numb Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Hold It Together Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: High Road Song Notes 18: Ext. Intro Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Make It Up As I Go Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 20: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Welcome First Encore Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: Ghosts First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: I.O.U. First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 25 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- The setlist changed once again, Mike adding 'Watching As I Fall' in, moving 'Hold It Together' down into the set, and moving 'Ghosts' to the encore.
- Before the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup, Mike told a story about his piano teacher and how he learned to play the types of music he listened to.
- Mike led the crowd in a piano and acapella singalong of 'Waiting For The End' after the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- Mike performed short piano versions of Linkin Park singles 'Heavy,' 'Burn It Down, and 'Numb' after 'In The End.' Unlike the previous show in Köln, Mike played the entirety of 'In The End' and 'Numb.'
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Before 'Hold It Together,' Mike spoke about how he no longer gets sad from thinking about Chester, talking about the Chester graffiti in Russia.
- Mike dedicated 'Ghosts' to his favorite sock puppet, Boris.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Debut(s):- This was the first time Mike performed the entirety of 'Numb' at a solo show.
Other Notes:- Russian rapper Husky performed an opening set.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.08.29 Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 08 Day: 29 Show Date: 08/29/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180826 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180829 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180831 City: Köln State: Nordrhein-Westfalen State Abbr: NW Country: Germany Country Abbr: DE Venue: Palladium Köln Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: http://www.palladium-koeln.de Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Other Bands:Don Broco
Show Number: 4 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (?)
Taper: Trancealien1
Time: 97:20 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Uploaded to YouTube a few days after the show. Fades in and out at the beginning and end.
Source 2: Video - AUD (iPhone 8 Plus)
Taper: Raissa Walberg
Time: 42:20 mins
Format: MOV / 1.96 GB
Comments: 'Petrified', 'When They Come For Me', 'Roads Untraveled', 'Hold It Together', 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go', 'In The End', 'Heavy', 'Burn It Down', 'Numb', 'Papercut', 'Ghosts', 'Welcome', 'Until It Breaks' and 'Running From My Shadow' only. Uploaded to YouTube after the show.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Hold It Together Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 6: Piano Style Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Sorry For Now Song Notes 8: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Crossing A Line Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: In The End Song Notes 10: Piano Version; Shortened (No Bridge or Final Chorus); Piano Intro; Hard Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Heavy Song Notes 11: Tour Debut; Piano Version; Shortened (1st Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Burn It Down Song Notes 12: Tour Debut; Piano Version; Shortened (1st Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Numb Song Notes 13: Piano Version Live Debut; Shortened (1st Verse + Chorus Only) Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: High Road Song Notes 17: Ext. Intro Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Make It Up As I Go Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 19: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Ghosts First Encore Song No 1: 21 First Encore Song Name 1: Welcome First Encore Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro First Encore Song No 2: 22 First Encore Song Name 2: Until It Breaks First Encore Song Notes 2: Tour Debut; Shortened (Mike's Verses/Chester Verse Only) First Encore Song No 3: 23 First Encore Song Name 3: I.O.U. First Encore Song No 4: 24 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 25 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike changed up the setlist for the show, moving 'When They Come For Me,' 'Roads Untraveled,' and 'Hold It Together' up in the set and adding 'Ghosts,' which had been absent from recent shows, to close the main set.
- Mike messed up the samples during the bridge of 'Hold It Together.'
- Mike led the crowd in a piano and acapella singalong of 'Waiting For The End' after the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now.'
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- A shortened version of 'In The End' was performed. This is the same way the song was performed at the 2012.09.22 iHeartRadio Music Festival.
- During the intro of 'In The End,' Mike talked about something Jim Digby said to him earlier: "He has these moments of clarity, and he said to me: 'You realize that what you're doing with this show is like making grief fun?' That's a fucking weird thing to say, man! But it's totally true in a way, because what I know about you guys and what I know about me, is that since the very beginning, we've put our hearts on our sleeves. We've sung songs about things that are difficult. And I always thought of those as calling cards, like a card you'd give to someone and say this is where I'm at, this is what I'm about, and if you're interested, you can show up too. And when people showed up, that's when it was different."
- After that, fans held up signs that said "YOU #MakeChesterProud." Mike continued: "Those are making me feel like I'm onstage rockstar style, and I don't want to feel that way. That's a thing about me that you should know. I have had to work really hard to get up onstage and be super comfortable. When we started the band, my friend Mark joked that I looked like the guy in your math class... For me, it's never been about 'yeah, look at me, I'm a big rock star.' It's always been more about... we have a special opportunity right now to make memories and to have something you'll never forget, and if I can do that at all, then I've succeeded."
- Mike began performing short piano versions of Linkin Park singles 'Heavy,' 'Burn It Down, and 'Numb' after the second chorus of 'In The End.'
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Fans did a Boris flashmob during 'Ghosts.'
- Mike performed 'Until It Breaks' for the first time on the tour, performing the same version that he did in 2015 during his Fort Minor sets. It's the first time since 2015.09.08 London that the song was performed in this form, and the first time since 2018.08.14 Shanghai that the song has been in a set (Mike rapped verse 3 of the track over the extended intro of 'Kenji').
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow.'
Debut(s):- This was the first time Mike played 'Heavy,' 'Burn It Down,' and 'Numb' during this tour.
- This was the first time these shortened versions of 'Heavy,' 'Burn It Down,' and 'Numb' were played. 'Numb' has previously been shortened (at the 2012.06.23 MTV Video Music Awards Japan) without the second verse and chorus, while 'Burn It Down' was shortened on The Hunting Party Tour, being performed without the second verse and chorus as well.
- This was the first time a piano version of 'Numb' has ever been performed.
- This was the first time on the Post Traumatic Tour that the full version of 'Until It Breaks' was performed.
Other Notes:- This was the first headlining show to feature an opening act (Don Broco from England). Don Broco also opened Mike's show in Offenbach.
- Dan arrived in Köln a few hours before soundcheck. He performed a solo set at the Red Sea Jazz Festival in Eilat, Israel the day before.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.09.03 Stockholm, Sweden
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 09 Day: 03 Show Date: 09/03/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180901 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180903 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180906 City: Stockholm State: Stockholm State Abbr: SE Country: Sweden Country Abbr: SE Venue: Berns Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: https://www.berns.se/en/nightlife.html Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic European Tour Show Number: 7 Show Number Total: 10 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (Unknown)
Taper: Wasserspiel
Time: 33:10 mins
Format: Unknown
Comments: Soundcheck only. Uploaded to YouTube the day after the show.
Source 2: Audio - AUD (Microsoft Lumia 950 XL)
Taper: Koldmuse20 (Krizlinkin)
Time: 60:06 mins
Format: wav / 989 MB
Comments: 'Roads Untraveled,' 'Castle Of Glass,' 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go,' 'Sorry For Now,' 'Burn It Down,' 'Heavy,' 'Numb,' 'In The End,' 'About You,' 'Over Again,' 'Papercut,' 'Welcome,' 'Kenji' and 'Running From My Shadow' only. Incomplete source uploaded to YouTube on September 6, 2018.
Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Roads Untraveled Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; w/ pre-song 'I.O.U.' Jam Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: Heavy Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Piano Tease Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: It's Goin' Down Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: Kenji Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal; Ext. Intro Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: Cigarettes Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal; 2015 Remix Version Pre-Show Song No 6: 06 Pre-Show Song Name 6: The Catalyst Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Rehearsal; String Tease Pre-Show Song No 7: 07 Pre-Show Song Name 7: Over Again Pre-Show Song Notes 7: Rehearsal; Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Pre-Show Song No 8: 08 Pre-Show Song Name 8: Papercut Pre-Show Song Notes 8: Rehearsal; Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Introduction Song Notes 1: 2015 Remix Version Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Petrified Song Notes 2: PT Tour Live Version Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: When They Come For Me Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Roads Untraveled Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Hold It Together Song Notes 5: Sample Intro Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 6: Piano Style Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup; 'Waiting For The End' Singalong Outro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Ghosts Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Burn It Down Song Notes 11: Piano Version Tease Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Heavy Song Notes 12: Piano Version Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Numb Song Notes 13: Piano Version Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: In The End Song Notes 14: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: About You Song Notes 15: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Over Again Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Papercut Song Notes 17: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: A Place For My Head Song Notes 18: Acapella Version Live Debut; Shortened (First Verse Only) Song No 19: 19 Song Name 19: High Road Song Notes 19: Ext. Intro Song No 20: 20 Song Name 20: Make It Up As I Go Song No 21: 21 Song Name 21: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 21: Mashup; w/ 'Good Goodbye' Chorus First Encore Song No 1: 22 First Encore Song Name 1: Welcome First Encore Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro First Encore Song No 2: 23 First Encore Song Name 2: Kenji First Encore Song No 3: 24 First Encore Song Name 3: I.O.U. First Encore Song No 4: 25 First Encore Song Name 4: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 5: 26 First Encore Song Name 5: Running From My Shadow First Encore Song Notes 5: Ext. Outro Show Notes:- Mike once again changed the setlist order at this show, most notably moving the piano versions of other songs before 'In The End' instead of after the song like he had been doing on the tour.
- Mike led the crowd in a piano and acapella singalong of 'Waiting For The End' after the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup.
- Dan performed a drum solo during the extended bridge of 'Sorry For Now.' Mike went to the bar and got a drink while the drum solo happened, and wouldn't start the song again until both Matt and Dan had drinks, too. Dan spilled his drink on his drums.
- Matt and Dan left the stage before 'Burn It Down' and returned halfway through 'Over Again.'
- A piano version of 'Burn It Down' was teased before 'Heavy' but not performed.
- This was the first time the full version of 'Heavy' was performed in a piano version on the tour.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike rapped the first verse of 'A Place For My Head' acapella after 'Papercut'.
- During the encore, Mike decided to perform 'Kenji' from a fan request earlier in the day at soundcheck.
- Mike stood on the bar to end 'Running From My Shadow.'
Debut(s):- This was the first time 'A Place For My Head' appeared in one of Mike's solo sets, and the first time it's ever been performed as an acapella.
Other Notes:- Before the show, radio winners were treated to an exclusive soundcheck. As a surprise, LPU members were allowed to attend as well. They ran through some tracks like 'Roads Untraveled,' preceded by a jam using samples from 'I.O.U.' He then performed 'It's Goin' Down' for the first time on the tour. Mike took requests, and performed 'Kenji' for fans. A fan asked for 'Bubbles' from LPU 8 but Mike said no. Additionally, he performed the Fort Minor 2015 Remix Version of 'Cigarettes' for the first time on the tour before saying that it wasn't going to play it during the show that night. Mike played the string part of 'The Catalyst' before going directly into 'Over Again.'
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator