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I'm so sorry everyone.

This loss comes as one for everyone. It is confirmed that Chester Bennington has committed suicide this morning.


Even here writing this post I'm not really sure what to type or say. It's unbelievable that he's gone and it's heartbreaking from every end. It is his dear friend Chris Cornell's 53rd birthday, and it seems all too tragic and sad (and perhaps even coincidental) that this is the day he left us. I don't think anyone could've seen this coming.


For me, personally, it's been one of the worst months of my life. My girlfriend left me for someone else and one of my old friends died in the Marines plane crash, and now my hero has committed suicide in the span of two weeks. Through all of this, I relied heavily on Linkin Park's music to help me through it. Songs like 'Leave Out All The Rest' and 'Sorry For Now' and even 'Crawling' were ones I was turning to to get me through. Chester's voice is something irreplaceable and in every word you can feel every single emotion and though that came to his mind.


I met Chester for the first time two months ago at the secret show in New York. He shook my hand and told me "Thank you for everything." Those words, while simple, will be something I never forget. Those four words were so genuine and had so much emotion packed into them that I could feel he truly meant them. He was a man who could never do anyone wrong.


Linkin Park is a band that has touched everyone in every part of the globe whether all they knew was 'In The End' and 'Numb' or whether they were the true hardcore fans that loved 'And One' to death. Whether it was just an angsty teenage fad for you or a lifelong dedication, Linkin Park was always there for you in your life. Chester's voice and musicianship was something of legend and something that this world may never see again.


We don't know what the future holds for Linkin Park, or for any of us, in fact. What I do know is that no matter what happens going forward that we are all a family, united by a love for music and this band. We are Linkin Park Live. We are Linkin Park Association. We are Linkin Park Fan Corner. We are the Linkin Park Soldiers and that will never change. Forever and until the end we will always be here for each other and that's something that will never change.


If you or anyone you know is suffering from problems with mental health, please go to someone. This goes to show you that it doesn't matter who you are or what you have. Mental illness can affect anyone. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call someone or a Suicide Prevention Hotline. Your life is valuable and there are people who love you and will be devastated if you leave too soon. Everyone here will always be here for you if you need it. Don't lose hope. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.


Thank you for everything, Chester. Goodbye and we hope from the bottom of our hearts that you've escaped your demons. Rest in peace.

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Posted (edited)

This is a beautiful post, Dylan. This literally brought tears to my eyes. You're right, we will always be here for each other. We will all get through this, together. Chester may be gone, but he will always live on through his music and the lives he's touched.

Edited by Justin
Posted (edited)

Well said, Dylan.


It's unfathomable. I can't believe it. It hurts.

Edited by Kevin

OH man, this is something that i can't belive, and is so sad for me, right now writing it i have tears in my eyes, my idol, the man i loved linkin park by that, listening som many years 13. Ehh don;t know what to say, still love LP, love you guys see ya i cant write anything right now more :(


Well written!! I feel sorry for you and for everyone else affected by this. I love you all.


One more light goes out and we care. Rest in peace Chester Bennington


Heartbreaking news. Absolutely devastated. I was 10 when I first listened to Linkin Park, and they have been a huge part of my life. I never thought that it would end like this. Can't imagine what the Bennington family must be going through right now. I hope they find peace through this tough time.


@Dylan I hope you make it out of your problems alright.


Goodbye, Chester.


I've heard his voice in my head more than anyone else's and that will probably remain true for the rest of my life.

Posted (edited)

I'm devastated. Goodbye Chester, and thank you for everything. I'm sorry we couldn't be there for you like you were for us so many times in the past. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. I hope they can stay strong through this.

Edited by Mesck547

Especially for those who never had the chance to see LP perform live - I feel sad for you.


I had the chance to see them twice, in Cologne 2014 and Berlin 2015. Seeing him watching Mike at this FM show was great too.


This is a legend in its own. He helped so many teenagers getting through bad days, depression and other bad things. His voice was so unique, smooth but at the same time we could see his pain in his voice, his anger. He helped so many bands to be what they are today. He will be remembered as one, if not the best, rock-vocalist of the new millennium with his unique style between screaming like a demon and singing like an angle !

Rest in peace Chester....

Posted (edited)

So hard to see how his life ended. Very pissed and angry about this. You were a wonderful human being that didn't hide from showing his demons, but sadly, it ended up consuming you. Rest in peace Chester.

Edited by KlaytonShinoda

We are together in this, my friends. We, the fans. I cried a lot in the past few hours.


I cannot express to words (right now) what this meant to me. Perhaps one day. For now... Thank you, Chester. I hope you are in a better place right now. We love you.


I already expressed some of my thoughts in the other thread about this, but I just want to add that July 20th is Chris Cornell's birthday. So I guess Chester's death might have something to do with that.


I don't know where to even start guys.


Please seek help if you feel like Chester's death is too close to home, and please keep an eye on each other. We are all a Linkin Park family, look out for each other out there. It's a painful world.


Goodbye Chester... I'm so sorry life couldn't be there for you...


Thank you everyone for the kind words you're sending to me. I'm absolutely crushed by everything that's been going on ut in the music I've found hope and I know everything will be better one day.


Never forget that everything happens for a reason and things will get better. Just hold on even when things seem like they'll never get better. Everything will. I promise.


End of an era for me. I hope everyone sticks around guys, wont be the same without all the fan sites. I am well and truly crushed

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