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  1. I'm always warmed at how people can tell the differences like this. I might have that ability too but then I read this and I feel small lol, thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
  2. Went back to listen to a lot of early DSP's from 2007. Chester sounded awesome, especially in BTH. Interesting. I do remember some instances of perfomances sounding a bit off but I like that.
  3. Genuinely thought you were fake out of nowhere at first, because you're also dealing with many massive SOB/Shinoda fans around here obviously. It's all good. Like I said, we don't REALLY know what's going on with them aside of their public image, whatever they might share with us. I concur lol jk.
  4. Not sure about Tak these days but Ryu and Mike publicly acknolowdged that confusing beef and made peace. Besides that, we don't really know what's going on privately, as I do recall a Facebook (or Instagram don't remember which one but he definitely posted it at one point) Ryu post saying he didn't get a plaque for another new milestone for either TRT or RTN, someone asked him to ask Mike about it and he jokingly said something like "Don't have his number anymore lol". It's been a long time so forgive me if my memory tricks me.
  5. Hearing anything related to SOB these days, even if it's a decade+ old, it's a miracle. I'm still wishing for a reunion or let alone Tak or Ryu making a song with Mike again but that seems extremely unlikely at this point.
  6. That's awesome! Had this game on my old (now gone) iPod in 2011. How can I play it?
  7. Only way for records to sound good through vinyl is on older stuff, pre-1999/2000 I assume(?) I have a bunch of them but mostly for aesthetic purposes. Hard pass for this as it seems that there's not much going on except the presentation, which looks pretty lame.
  8. Shit, now that we've finally gotten the proper OSC instrumental and not the weird RB mix, can't avoid hearing Jay-Z rapping "99 Problems" lol
  9. Apparently they tried to reach me a few days ago but I wasn't at home so I still havent got it yet. I hope they try it again, I don't wanna lose it or something.
  10. Jay Gordon hasn't done anything else with the band besides one song in 20+ years. Why did he open his mouth now? Even with the rumors having some kind of veracity, I was very confused by his out of nowhere statement. Regardless, whatever might happen next year, I'm excited.
  11. There's 2 fair points here. I've heard for some time about the myth surrounding vinyl being "The best way to experience music in high quality/fidelity" which to a certain degree is true, especially for older music or for people who rather want to hear it in the 'purest' way possible. It's up to personal preference, for 20$ (+ shipping) is not too bad, I bought the CD version of Papercuts so owning this limited edition thingy wouldn't be too bad.
  12. Awesome stuff, either if it's after, during or before MTM20 I'm very hyped for the full show being released (RME anyone? I'm so f'ing hype for real, I really hope they put it out). Also, did anyone notice how at 1:35 the live video does a weird audio transition between the actual feed and the LPU6 version?
  13. Oh wow, that was cool to hear. I assume after nearly 20 years she's in much better terms with the band, especially Mike.
  14. Mike seems not to be a huge fan and it's totally fine, it's more like "Oh okay, they're a thing and they're not hurting anyone, they can have fun" because I wonder how charging money for it affects the tribute band in the sense of the label possibly getting involved legally (as an ignorant person myself about it). The major negative for me about this whole thing are the people who see these bands either live or online and react with the "Oh man, this person nails and sounds like Chester, the real band should contact them, it's disrespecting that LP wants to continue without a singer, shame on them!" type of absolute immature take. Aside for that, I'm not big on these either, but it would be kinda fun to help a local band if they wanted to cover a song giving them or even playing with them using official stems of the samples.
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