Trang Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Two questions: 1- The WID remix is exactly the Distorted? 2- Do we got lyrics for the 2 new full songs? Quote
Ashwhisker Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Two questions: 1- The WID remix is exactly the Distorted? 2- Do we got lyrics for the 2 new full songs? 1. Yes indeed. 2. There are some in the comments on this thread, no official lyrics yet as far as I know. Quote
toness Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 LPU9 was better for me but the instrumentals were quite interesting but nothing that much compared to the previous album. Only 3 songs stand out alittle for me Quote
spraypaintninkpens Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 a crazy ass question i think mark might be able to get the answer to, me and the miss's are gonna get married in 2012 and we wanna live band how much u think it would cost to have linkin park play? we wanna get a rough price Not sure if serious... Quote
Sucre06 Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 a crazy ass question i think mark might be able to get the answer to, me and the miss's are gonna get married in 2012 and we wanna live band how much u think it would cost to have linkin park play? we wanna get a rough price Linkin Park it is not those who will be playing at weddings. Quote
annare Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Somebody said Coal sounded like it was Cure for the Itch demo? Not at all! Quote
SergSlim Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 a crazy ass question i think mark might be able to get the answer to, me and the miss's are gonna get married in 2012 and we wanna live band how much u think it would cost to have linkin park play? we wanna get a rough price I guess they get at least half million dollars for each show. At least that's what I heard from promoters in my country, who think that LP is too expensive to bring them here.... Quote
andydlp Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 So I listened and I gotta say, in my opinion, the LPU9 cd was much better. I like instrumentals but there's nothing special on LPUX except Pale and Halo. What we don't know is also a great little demo along with PTB but the rest...not great for me. I love ATL on LPU9 and say what you will but for a 'demo', its a quality track. Drawing is also a kickass instrumental as is A-Six full length. The Figure.09 demo was like a whole new song and its was cool hearing different lyrics over Faint. Track length wise, yes, X beats 9 but quality demo for quality demo, 9 is way better than X in my opinion. Thats my thoughts on the matter Quote
nkramar Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 a crazy ass question i think mark might be able to get the answer to, me and the miss's are gonna get married in 2012 and we wanna live band how much u think it would cost to have linkin park play? we wanna get a rough price Of all the stupid shit I've ever been witness to you saying, this one is tops. Thanks for the laugh. Quote
Astat Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Two questions: 1- The WID remix is exactly the Distorted? 2- Do we got lyrics for the 2 new full songs? 1. Yes indeed. 2. There are some in the comments on this thread, no official lyrics yet as far as I know. Like I've already said, it's not EXACTLY the same as the Distorted Remix...probably about 95-98% identical though. Anyway, I typed up a review, so here goes: Unfortunate - Pretty standard-issue intro track, sounds fairly reminiscent of some of the concert intros Joe used in the 2000-early 2004 period. The strings sound like they're from the same sample bank Mike used when he did Drawing. Nothing wrong with this song, it's a nice little track, but we've heard this type of stuff out of LP plenty of times before. What We Don't Know - Sounds like this is another fully-finished Minutes to Midnight b-side! That makes what, 4 that we've gotten (No Roads Left, Across the Line, Blackbirds, What We Don't Know)? In that case, there should still be one other one lying around somewhere, unless the original versions of Not Alone or Pretened to Be were among the final 17 tracks they recorded. Anyway, I like this song a lot better than Pretend to Be. There's some pretty cool instrumentation going on, and it has a great melody. The lyrics aren't the greatest, but still a nice performance from Chester. Oh No - This is kind of in the same vein as Stick and Move/Runaway, there's barely any resemblance to the final track, but it's still cool to hear where it came from. The heavy beat that comes in about a third of the way through the track is clearly what they retained and built the rest of the song around. I Have Not Begun - I love how this song comes across like one big, rambling verse from Mike. I know there's a repeating "chorus" part but his delivery still never lets up. It's like he just picked up the mic and spilled everything that was on his mind. It's a bit faster than Mike's normal delivery too, it's been quite a while since I heard him rap like this. The echoing vocals at the beginning/end of the song remind me a LOT of the effect he used on the intro of Do What We Did. And like I've already mentioned, this continues a trend of Mike debuting unreleased verses in a live setting and then putting the full songs they're from on LPU CDs (Dedicated, Standing in the Middle). Pale - I know a lot of people are in love with this song, and I can see why, it goes into some pretty epic territory. But I think it's a bit too slow of a buildup, it gets a little monotonous in spots. And then when the heavy guitars finally do come in, I feel like it still could've been taken up another notch. This is one of those tracks that I really wish they would've kept working on, because it definitely shows a ton of potential. Pretend to Be - I've reviewed this song before, and my opinion hasn't really changed. I don't think it's anything special for the most part, some fairly interesting instrumentation (Rob in particular shines on this track), but easily forgettable from a lyrical standpoint, and unlike What We Don't Know, Chester's vocal performance isn't very redeeming either - the melody is pretty dull, which is actually a rarity for a Linkin Park song. Still nice to have another fully-finished song on the CD though. Divided - This track reminds me a bit of A.15 from Mike's VMA score tracks, or at least the intro does. In fact, the whole track is very reminiscent of the style of those VMA tracks. It sounds like this could easily be an all-Mike track, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was something he was working on around the same time he did the VMA tracks and some of the Fort Minor stuff. What I've Done (M. Shinoda Remix) - As I already pointed out, this isn't TOTALLY identical to the Distorted Remix we already had, although it is very similar. Regardless, it's still easily the biggest throwaway/filler track on the CD, and it really makes me wonder if this was a last-minute substitution for another track that they couldn't get clearance for or something. But having this track on the CD did make me realize that this is a much better remix than I remembered it being. I hadn't listened to it in probably a year or so, so at least this CD got me to listen to it again and give it a second chance. Coal - Haha, this track is so weird, I love it! It sounds like a mashup of a bunch of sound effects from 90s horror films or something like that. I have a feeling a lot of people will be let down by this track, as it's really monochromatic, but it's probably one of the most unique tracks we've ever gotten from them, and hey, let's face it - this is the only song that's surfaced from this far back other than the 4 tracks on the Xero tape. This song is 13 years old! The novelty of it alone makes it worth having. Halo - Hmm, I can't decide if I like this song or Pale better. Pale has more meat on it, but I can't help but love the distorted guitar harmonics that make up the "melody" on this one. This is a lot more interesting than some of the other stuff they were coming up with around this time, I wonder why this song didn't get finished for Meteora? Oh, doesn't follow the verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus structure. Warner and Don Gilmore never would've allowed outside-the-box thinking like this to appear on THEIR album! Quote
GraDoN Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 i also think LPU9 was better, Halo still the best track for me on the cd. I get how demo tracks are unfinished and thus complaining about no vocals is stupid but tbh i expected more because of the hefty price increase. Each to their own though. Quote
JanekZech Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 What We Don't Know - Sounds like this is another fully-finished Minutes to Midnight b-side! That makes what, 4 that we've gotten (No Roads Left, Across the Line, Blackbirds, What We Don't Know)? In that case, there should still be one other one lying around somewhere, unless the original versions of Not Alone or Pretened to Be were among the final 17 tracks they recorded. I'm pretty sure that Mike said LOATR was put on MTM instead of the early version of Not Alone. He said that they felt it was more touching or something. Forgot the source though. Oh No - This is kind of in the same vein as Stick and Move/Runaway, there's barely any resemblance to the final track, but it's still cool to hear where it came from. The heavy beat that comes in about a third of the way through the track is clearly what they retained and built the rest of the song around.In my opinion the drum parts from 0:50-01:10 sound a lot like Sad from 0:47-01:06. Am I the only one who thinks so? Quote
jFar Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 I don't wanna sound greedy (especially since I haven't actually purchased the CD, I'm going to though), but I am very disappointed... (If I'm wrong, correct me) They told us we'd get 10 unheard and new demos, what we got was: 6 Instrumentals 1 Previously Released Song (This Year) 1 Remix (99% Identical to Other Version) 1 Demo to a Song We've Had 3 or More Demos to, and Sounds Nothing Like the Others (If you listened to both, there's no way you'd tell they're related) 2 Full, Finished, Non Remix, Never Released, and Non Instrumental Songs I liked it for the most part, but expected more, for being the 10th year, after all, and them saying this years CD was THE BEST. Quote
Astat Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 1 Demo to a Song We've Had 3 or More Demos to, and Sounds Nothing Like the Others (If you listened to both, there's no way you'd tell they're related) The relationship between Oh No and the final version of Points of Authority is clearly obvious...listen to the beat that comes in at 0:50 in Oh No, then listen to the drum beat in the chorus/bridge of Points of Authority (0:50-1:15, 1:36-2:56). They're identical. The metallic "ping" noise on the snare hits totally stands out in both tracks. Not to mention that they're at identical tempos and the 3-note riff based around Eb, E, and Db is present in both versions (the one in Oh No is just an earlier version of the riff, which makes sense, as Mike confirmed years ago that the guitar riff in Points of Authority is a chopped-up and re-arranged sampling of an original riff Brad played). And as I already said, instrumental or not, a demo is a demo, and most of the band's demo recordings, particularly prior to 2007, probably exist solely in instrumental form, as vocals were always the last thing they put on a track. If a song isn't a finished idea, it's probably not going to have vocals. They said we'd get 10 unreleased demos, we got 9 (with the 10th being debatable, as it IS different from the previously released version of the WID remix). It was confirmed practically from the beginning when Pretend to Be was released on A Decade Underground that it would also be one of the LPUX tracks. A Decade Underground is supposed to be a sampler of LPU tracks from throughout the history of LPU, so how else would it have made sense to release it on that compilation? Quote
Pioneer0 Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 I don't wanna sound greedy (especially since I haven't actually purchased the CD, I'm going to though), but I am very disappointed... (If I'm wrong, correct me) They told us we'd get 10 unheard and new demos, what we got was: 6 Instrumentals 1 Previously Released Song (This Year) 1 Remix (99% Identical to Other Version) 1 Demo to a Song We've Had 3 or More Demos to, and Sounds Nothing Like the Others (If you listened to both, there's no way you'd tell they're related) 2 Full, Finished, Non Remix, Never Released, and Non Instrumental Songs I liked it for the most part, but expected more, for being the 10th year, after all, and them saying this years CD was THE BEST. Excuse me, but who said a demo can't be an instrumental track? A demo is a recorded "song idea", not neccesarily including vocals...... Quote
anjum Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Any lyrics yet? All of em! Search the last few pages! Quote
jFar Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Like I said, I didn't wanna sound greedy, but they said this would be the best LPU CD, and most of you probably think LPU9 or less was better, I read it, alot of people do. And the one thing I don't like about LPLive Forums is you can't be upset with Linkin Park in anyway without some person getting upset with you. Quote
LPxDC Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 im going to make mine simple & straight to the point i applaud the band as always for giving a cd every year regardless of quality of the content. Cd is great. People seem to forget the difference between demo and full song. Clearly the label says DEMOS. Which can mean anything. Even 10 seconds of guitar feedback with joe playing the fiddle. WID remix idgaf if its 10 seconds shorter it was stupid to have thrown that on there. So on the LPxDC/Richard scale of awesomeness 4/5 from me LPU9 > LPU X Quote
MONDREUS240 Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 I think this CD honestly would have been better than LPU9 if it had more vocal demos than instrumental demos. Quote
rsw2010 Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 im going to make mine simple & straight to the point i applaud the band as always for giving a cd every year regardless of quality of the content. Cd is great. People seem to forget the difference between demo and full song. Clearly the label says DEMOS. Which can mean anything. Even 10 seconds of guitar feedback with joe playing the fiddle. WID remix idgaf if its 10 seconds shorter it was stupid to have thrown that on there. So on the LPxDC/Richard scale of awesomeness 4/5 from me LPU9 > LPU X This This This. lol Idk why they added the remix, even if it is 1% different. It's incredibly lame. other than that, the CD sounds pretty good, from what I've heard on Youtube. Quote
arbiter Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 I love LPUX. It delivered on what it aimed to do. It gave us demos on the bands history. With the exception of WID remix, the rest of the tracks were great. Listening to the demos, i was able to get a glimpse into the bands writing process. Why the demos were discarded could easily be gleamed from some tracks but more difficult from other tracks. Some i thought were great ideas that the band could have pursued further. And its obvious the ones with vocals were the ones that made it really far along the writing process but due to some reason, got discarded anyways. I like that most of the demos were from songs that never made it to the final writing process or any official songs. I think that is one of the reasons some people may not like it. Unlike LPU9 that consisted mostly of demos of songs that were completed, LPUX was the complete opposite. So because of the lack of familiarity and ideas that never made it to the final process that included putting lyrics and melodies onto the track, they were looked upon unfavorably. Quote
deanowardust Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 is noone hearing numb's drumbeat in halo apart from me? Quote
Astat Posted November 15, 2010 Posted November 15, 2010 is noone hearing numb's drumbeat in halo apart from me? Maybe a bit slowed-down, but I can sort of hear a resemblence to the bridge of Numb with the double snare hits. I think that's probably just coincidental though. Quote
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