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About Pez

  • Birthday 07/19/1992

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Linkin Park - Sydney (20/10/07) Linkin Park - Newcastle (4/12/2010) played guitar on Faint!Linkin Park - Sydney 1 (11/12/2010)Linkin Park - Sydney 2 (15/12/2010) LPU summit + played guitar on Faint again with my brother!Linkin Park - Brisbane (23/2/2013) Linkin Park - Sydney 1 (24/2/2013) Linkin Park - Sydney 2 (27/2/2013) Linkin Park - Melbourne 1 (28/3/2013)Linkin Park - Melbourne 2 (1/3/2013)Linkin Park - Adelaide (2/3/2013)Linkin Park - Perth (4/3/2013)

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    On a Stage somewhere in Sydney

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  1. Great find. Are you able to relink the photos are they aren't viewable for me. Saw a shot of the Roland drum triggers via Frank Maddocks instagram post. While hard to see in the light it looks like its the Roland PDX-100 pads.
  2. Hopefully I am in the clear for this bump rather then creating a new topic. But the gear geek in me wants to talk all the new toys! So as you can imagine, new tour, almost 7 years since the last means new gear. LP also auctioned off a lot of stuff as well a few years back so I'm expecting new rigs everywhere. My notes so far: - New rig for Joe. My pick ups is hes definitely using Native Instruments control vinyl as the logos are easily visible. I am pretty certain it is a Pioneer DJ DJM-S11 mixer with two Pioneer PLX-CRSS12 judging by A & Bing stock photos vs YouTube & Zane low interview shows. It looks like he has kept a bunch of Midi Fighter products with two Midi Fighter Twisters and two Midi Fighter Spectras. Can't make out whats between them but I assume its a screen to see Ableton Live view or control his turntables. He also has replaced his old NI Sample Pad and gone with two touch polyphonic touch pad Midi controllers. On research the only thing that is looking close is the ERAE Touch. Its hard to see the notch/control on the left hand side but the plugs on the back line up to what is seen in the shots we have of it so far so I am leaning towards that. From what else I can tell Joe has a small pedal board and an expression pedal at his feat during the show also seen in the background of the interview but zero idea what they are or where they're used. - Mike also has a new rig. Doesn't look like a Nord keyboard anymore. I believe its a Native Instruments Kontrol S-Series MIDI keyboard judging by the lights and knob positions. I would assume 88 key model as well. Mike also has one of those ERAE Touch MIDI controllers Joe has. Next to that is definitely an LCD screen showing Ableton Live Session View. Next to that is possibility another ERAE Midi controller but its on an angle so its hard to tell. - New kit obviously for Collin. DW brand kit with Zildjian cymbals. His whole set up and positioning is different to Robs which is obviously normal for a different drummer. Also got a bunch of Midi Triggers but unsure brand etc at this time as I haven't seen a decent shot but nowhere near as many as Rob used to have. Some drummer geek can look into that. - Guitars I believe all were once part of LP's arsenal previously just now used in different tuning due to key changes etc. Great example is Mike's spray paint SIB guitar is now in D for faint when it used to always be a C# guitar. Alex is also using Brads arsenal of guitars which is interesting. I mean if you have them there you might as well use them. I don't think any of them have pedal boards as such but both Alex and Dave has a small stomp box at their feet either to turn their mics into talk back to talk to monitor world or a tuner. - For mics I think they've ditched Sennheiser systems and gone with a Shure system. The Wireless mics are looking like AD3 Microphone judging by the shape, button and charging tips at bottom. Possibly a KSM9 head on it but not sure. Mike also definitely has a AD651B on his which like mentioned before allows him to switch to a talkback to talk to Monitor World. I don't believe it is on Emily's however. - So all their In Ear Monitors are stumping me. Given they have gone with a Shure system (which I assume is an Axient system) for microphones I would of thought the IEMs were Shure too. However the body pack receiver they all have isnt as boxy enough IMO to be a Shure. Further they all have some sort of attachment which the headphones plug into. I'm going to keep looking into this one. All in all, excited to see more footage and photos for the coming tour, but the above is what I've worked out so far.
  3. Almost certain these are the Shure UHF series but cant confirm because I can't find that release date. I thought Shure discontinued their wireless systems after the L series (which this isn't) in the 90s re-entering the wireless market in mid 2000s which rules the first picture out. But again looks identical. I know 100% the 2004 pictures he is using that Shure UHF series Microphone (U2 model in MK2 freq) based on the MK2 marked under the picture (which funny enough, was posted by the LPL Twitter account that appeared in a photo. Long story short, 99.99998% sure it is the Shure UHF Series (So a U4s or U4d receiver, U2 Mic) but the date time line messes with my head. Note, have used these mics before, they are stupidly heavy hahaha.
  4. Pez

    We Are Back!

    Low key been itching to sign in again and say hello. The new site is cute. Nice job team.
  5. Got mine today, pretty sure I identified my part... Vinyl looks awesome too!
  6. I'd provide mine but I'd have no idea if I'd be able to scan it.
  7. Little off by on topic. Did anyone get an email from the merch providers regarding their order (The Deluxe vinyl)? They said there was a payment issue for both me and a friend but I can see the charge on my credit card.... Are we the only ones?
  8. Two things I'm dying for, that 360 video to be taken off private and those Instrumentals and Accapellas to be officially released. Oh and an album with a full tour if we are granting wishes here.
  9. I like LPs logic tho. "Hey, we'll play ALITS but we'll drop the 3 other hunting party songs we've been playing". I know it was a festival setlist but still hahaha
  10. Papercut intro caught me off guard. So boss. PS, Looks like Brad is wearing in ear monitors now. Its either his headphones are now feeding him audio or hes wearing them underneath the headphones like rob does. I'm leaning towards his phones are the ones producing the sound. But I can confirm hes wearing a IEM belt back with wires heading down his back.
  11. Brad has Soundproof headphones. Same if you were to go to a gun range to protect your ears. He also wears ear buds inside his ears as well. All to protect his hearing. Hes the only member in the band that doesn't hear the click. Rob on the other hand still has in-ears running the click and all, but has the headphones over the top for a little bit of sound reinforcement.
  12. Dont gonna lie, I like this video a lot more then the orginial. I feel its a little more ftting to the song.
  13. Also, I thought Id give shazam a go to see if it had any extra info we might not have. All I got back was Tags Luna and Malc Rx7. According the the album field its got 7 - Luna and 4 - Malc Rx7 so maybe that will be there track listings? They also are interestedly under Joe Hahn as the artist. Edit: Just realized this and more is covered in the White Noise thread.
  14. Poor bloke has an ear infection and everyone goes nuts. Brad's a nice bloke. Pulled me aside back in 2010 after the show and said some very kind words which I'll keep between me and him. He's a part of Linkin Park, I wouldn't want to see him leave. There are 5 other blokes in the band too who would have their own views on sets and what should and shouldn't be in there. Just saying. The poor bloke gets a lot of slack on this site as of late.
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