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30 Second Snippets of "A Thousand Suns" Out Now!

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Messenger: My favourite. Sounds very good to my ears.

Wisdom, Justice and Love: Is this what aliens put on when you lie in their operation table???

Posted (edited)

Guys, let's remember!


When the first snippets came out of The Catalyst (with electronic beats), few/many have criticized the band! After releasing the second snippet from The Catalyst ("Lift me Up, Let Me Go"), there was a change of mind/thought of some people.


Nobody thought about listening to these snippets? In the snippet, released a few days, "Waiting For The End", Chester sings solo and putting Mike in the final stretch. In this snippet of this site, we may hear something different!


So think about it!


(Sorry for the translation: my english is very bad, so I used the Google Translator)

Edited by Victor Del Porto

This same thing happened when MTM came out. So expect the album to leak extremely shortly. To me I'm kinda torn with the sound of the clips but I dont wanna jump the gun till I hear the whole album.

how fast did it leak after something like this happened?


Some random thoughts.


And for the morons who keep on preaching that we shouldn't judge the album from snippets, we fucking know, stop going on about it. These are thoughts from the snippets. Some of the snippets are bad. I think the album will be amazing.


Robot boy, for its name, sounds nothing like I expected. Sounds like A Perfect Circle wich will be great when I hear the full song.


Waiting for the End has grown on me, very different.


Blackout: The synths make this easily, if anything i think the chorus would feel out of place without the synths.


Iridescent: Sounds nothing to me, very generic, I cant even remember it.


Burning in the skies: Shit lyrics to begin with lol. Funky drums.


The Messenger: I was kind of expecting Let Down type greatness, but I dont like this SO FAR. His voice sounds raw though and thats a plus.


Empty Spaces: This is the song were Brad was using the bullhorn.


Mmm.. I know you can't judge on 30 sec. snippets. But you can judge what you hear in the 30 seconds, and feel the style of the song. Thats why I can say that Burning in the Skies, Robot Boy, Waiting for the End and Iridescent are not my songs. I'm not saying that I hate them, but Its not my music.


All the other songs sound really great. My only problem is that of the 11 songs that I might like, 6 of them are not real songs because of the length. So that makes 5 good real songs on the whole album. Sad.


Nevertheless, I'm really looking forward to it, and totally fell in love with Wisdom, Justice and love & When they come for me. The Catalyst and Wretches and Kings already were great songs.


I really think I might like the album very much. Definatly better than MTM. My God, that was a disgrace for a band like LP (eventhough it has some really great songs)


I actually really like Mike's singing in the album unlike some of you. His deep smooth voice is a nice getaway from Chester's high scratchy voice. Iridescent and Messenger sounds a little too poppy for me, and Robot Boy and Burning in the Skies is tolerable from what I can hear. Everything else is AMAZING ASGHSOADIFJOS NFLINHASDFOFG!!1!


It comes as no surprise to me that the majority of the people already trash-talking this album (based on a total of 7 minutes and 18 seconds of material from a 48-minute album, mind you) come from "metal up your ass" country (a.k.a. Europe). I'm sorry, but if you people seriously expect "good music" to always consist of songs with heavy guitars, lots of screaming, and hard rocking drums, you've been following the wrong band for the last 10 years. Go listen to Korn or Godsmack or some other relic of the nu metal era if that's the kind of music you want to hear. You'll probably find their albums in the bargain bin at your local retailer.




I'm sure we should all bow before your superhuman powers of foresight.

This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do!


alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS...

And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY"

The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?


This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do!


alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS...

And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY"

The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?

This. But it ain't help. Too many fans who started getting fans on LP when they brought out MTM i bet.

Seriously, this is crap ! :)


This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do!


alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS...

And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY"

The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?

And thus, you are not a fan of the new style. Yet here you are, on a FANsite. Bitching. If you don't like it, then that's your problem, and no one wants to read your rants.


This isnt Linkin Park anymore, all you guys can like it sure, its your decision, but you also have to see the point that alot people might not like the new style LP do!


alot people bitched about MTM (me too) but now i realy would like hear it insteed of ATS...

And yes, we can judge by 30 seconds if a song is great or not for our own taste, and my taste say "NO FUCKIN WAY"

The blackout is great sure, i love it when chester screams, but the rest of the album? common is just ballads most of the time...where is the heavy linkin park most of us older fans felt in love with?

I think people should stop saying "This isn't Linkin Park anymore". If I'm not completely wrong, the same six guys made it, so I'm pretty sure it still has to be Linkin Park.


And thus, you are not a fan of the new style. Yet here you are, on a FANsite. Bitching. If you don't like it, then that's your problem, and no one wants to read your rants.


I think as a fan i can say what i think, noone tell you to shut the fuck up, so noone has to tell me to STFU get me? good!

Posted (edited)

Too many fans who started getting fans on LP when they brought out MTM i bet.



Are you implying we all become fans during the MTM era?

Ignorance is bliss.

Edited by ShinigamiPWN

its funny. if all the 30 second samples sounded excellent, like in a way that everyone could agree, people would be like hell yea judge the 30 second sample. but since a lot of people don't like it, there is sort of like a cock block on the lp bashing train.


i mean i get it, it's annoying to come on a site dedicated to the band you love and people are just bashing it left and right, but i think its safe to have a little bit of opposition here and there.


anyways, in general the 30 second clips are supposed to display some of the strongest moments in the song, or parts that reflect the song as a whole. with that being said i feel like who ever edited out these clips didn't do that very well. and if these are the best reflection than lol the outlook isn't that good.


honestly i don't like what I've heard so far. There are a couple of good tracks but I haven't heard anything thats given me the rush that the catalyst, wretches and kings, or even waiting for the end gave me from their 30 clips. Oh yea, and I judged thoes songs by their clips and I loved them afterwards still.


I know there are a lot of changes in the music within the album tracks themselves but I'm hoping these clips are a failed representation of the album. Especially BLACKOUT. That synth totally undermines the entire "alleged" hardcore vibe of it.

Posted (edited)

Go listen to Korn or Godsmack or some other relic of the nu metal era if that's the kind of music you want to hear. You'll probably find their albums in the bargain bin at your local retailer.

You just justified your opinion of closed-minded people, by being closed-minded and claiming that metal bands will be found in the bargain bin?

Edited by rav0k

You just justified your opinion of closed-minded people, by being closed-minded and claiming that metal bands will be found in the bargain bin?


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