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When I read the title I was expecting it to end with "leak", but either way, the descriptions are making me go insane, I want the album in my hands right now.

Posted (edited)

in btw forgot to mention will there be scratching this time by joe at least in one of :( , since there are twelve songs , i would be happy If he has made a single version like A.06 Or SMSTYM :) , seems joe is sticking again to the same sampler and midi pads , to get those electro beats in due course he might forget even scratching , or stand still like same Mtm on stage when they play ATS live in upcoming shows , that should not happen this time i pray :(

Edited by aravind221

LP always have 12 songs on their album, even if you count Meteora since Foreword really isn't a 'song'.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Reanimation was only 12 songs. /sarcasm


LOL @ 12 tracks. I guess they're relying on the remix contest winner to make it 13? And then another bonus track for the Japanese release...?


unique, epic, kick-ass, classic. those are the 4 words that i describe on not only how exciting the album (a thousand suns) will be but it sounds like its gunna 'own' every album, single and e.p. that linkin park ever released lol :D


Thanks for the info. I guess there would many ppls who might blame LP for the new music as they did when I first listened to M2M. I juz can't wait to listen to the new ones, and never cared 'bout those ppls


When they say that the rythm goes crescendo it just reminds hiw much Across the Line is Awesome :P


wow LP tracks longer than 3 minutes? OHMYGAWD.


Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Reanimation was only 12 songs. /sarcasm

i think people need to remember that in terms of studio albums (original content; no remixes, mashups etc) LP has never gone beyond 12/13(if you count bonus tracks) .


Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Reanimation was only 12 songs. /sarcasm

Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Reanimation is a remix album of Hybrid Theory. :rolleyes: It also has remixes of two b-sides and 6 short interludes that don't really justify as a song to me. I guess it's your own personal opinion though, but bottom line is that Reanimation is a remix album.

Posted (edited)

what does it mean on track four that the album will not go down in radio? someone PLEASE tell me..

I think because of this


The chorus is not really identifiable with the first listen. The track runs itself without real structure. Linkin Park abandons the traditional verse / chorus


maybe it refers to most of the songs

Edited by April

I think because of this


The chorus is not really identifiable with the first listen. The track runs itself without real structure. Linkin Park abandons the traditional verse / chorus


maybe it refers to most of the songs


thats good right?


Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Reanimation is a remix album of Hybrid Theory. :rolleyes: It also has remixes of two b-sides and 6 short interludes that don't really justify as a song to me. I guess it's your own personal opinion though, but bottom line is that Reanimation is a remix album.

Well I will go so far as to venture that 2 of the instrumentals count as songs, 3 spoke word interludes that don't count as songs, which brings you to 17. I'd really like to know what that 6th interlude you're speaking of is.


And yes, Reanimation is a studio album, albeit a remix album. Not many people can say a remix album is better than a studio album *coughMETEORAcough*


So yeah, I count it as an album. Since you know, your post didn't say STUDIO album.


EDIT: Also, 12 tracks on the album? I love it. I love short and sweet albums, and LP always have 12 songs on their album, even if you count Meteora since Foreword really isn't a 'song'.

So STFU and either take back what you said or be more specific with your wording.


Lol so much violence ^^ reanimation is a remix album not new material, it may have be done in studio like collision course for example, but you don't consider it as a properly named Studio Album :P

Posted (edited)

YES! I'm so freaking excited I haven't read the article yet... I cannot concentrate... :D


Edit: well, all of this seems very promising. And by the lenght of "The Catalyst", it appears we only have a very small part of the song...quite good news, I was afraid of being bored of it before it actually comes out . :)

Edited by Qwerty18

The number of songs on Reanimation has *nothing* to do with the number of songs ATS will have, please end that discussion. Also, since the songs seem to be longer as on previous albums, a 12-track album doesn't really mean it's 'short' anymore (12x 4:30min = 54min for example).

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