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I doubt I'll do anything for the contest. I play guitar and piano but I have never been able to write my own music.

You should give it a shot - using the song tracks as a skeleton is going to be a lot easier than writing from scratch, at least that's my thinking.


Good luck to GigaScythe, Astat and whoever else enters but everyone here better believe I'm gonna give this EVERYTHING I have. I'm determined to win this! I predict little sleep once the contest starts :P


To everyone saying they don't want a fan remix on the album, chill the fuck out. It's not like they're going to put it in the middle of the album. It will be the last track and possibly not even on the CD, maybe download only. And as far as them inviting someone to play on the actual album, if someone is talented enough that LP picks them to be on a song then I for one will at least give the song a shot.


Fuck yeah, september 14th!!!!!!!!!!! We 're almost here, after years of waiting...I'm really excited right now :D :D

About the contest, I think this idea is pure win. To be featured on one of the most anticipated 2010 album is simply great , and it's also an unique opportunity to make its way in the music business.

Forget that. Once you sent your composition, you will loose any rights on your music and the music label can do what they want with it. <_< it's all about getting the album hyped and making money.


Forget that. Once you sent your composition, you will loose any rights on your music and the music label can do what they want with it. <_< it's all about getting the album hyped and making money.

You don't think being featured on an LP song might get you a little attention? No, you wont make money off this song but it puts your name in millions of hands across the world. Get real my friend.

As long as the song is released either in a special fan edition or itunes bonus track that's awesome! I wish I had some sort of musical creativity to get on this but sadly I don't haha I just hope the actual song on the album is solely Linkin Park and the remix/edited song is separate which is awesome - good luck everyone who enters though I have a feeling it will be US only as they may end up flying someone into LA to go into the studio


wow i play one age of empires 2 game and this happens!

I'm as musically gifted as justin bieber so i wont enter.

I was really convinced that it would drop late september but guess not woohoo!

And lol to everyone that said 2011!


You should give it a shot - using the song tracks as a skeleton is going to be a lot easier than writing from scratch, at least that's my thinking.

I see your point, but the farthest I ever get is a cool riff and then I'm just stuck. And even that is pretty rare. I play a lot of music, but none of it my own.


You don't think being featured on an LP song might get you a little attention? No, you wont make money off this song but it puts your name in millions of hands across the world. Get real my friend.

Warner and Linkin Park will make millions with the single/album cause everybody is talking about their "collaboration" with a fan. But that's just marketing. If you win, you're name will maybe be written on myspace and in the booklet in a very small font size. it's by far not enough to start the big career. It's about the hype, not about finding a talented musician ;)

whoa! i'll pull out my MPD24, Emu 49 midikeyboard and my guitar and FL 9.

Lock myself in my bedroom studio lol and compose my ass off haha


Can't wait to hear the samples!

Posted (edited)

God is fair.


Btw, i'm very excited about the new album, i really can't wait to hear the samples, the full songs, the new videos ahhhhhhhhhh \m/

Edited by Felipeintheend

I do not play any instrumentals. I have zero musical talent and yet I feel compelled to at least try this out. Maybe I'll write a small rap bit over an instrumental and some other ideas I have.


Oh, Morrow, come sweetly, I feel you nigh, completely.

With breathe and breeze upon the paradise sky,


To think Think Tank!


:o Can't wait!


As for the contest: Alex=YES!, Astat=God no! (only my opinion)


Wondering if there will be more than just 1 new song played in their live set. Hopefully at least 4 :P

Posted (edited)

Just to once again clarify, I have nothing against the creative abilities of Alex and Astat. I was basically just stating my pet peeve against those who don't take the time to properly evaluate all music in contests such as this simply because they only care about the person they "have heard of". They both have my support.


I shall be entering this myself as I have added a few instruments to my collection within the past month or so! :)

I also live next to Trent Reznor...(just kidding, you would probably all shit your pants from fright if I was serious.)

Edited by rav0k

(just kidding, you would probably all shit your pants from fright if I was serious.)

I did anyway, just because you mention his name.


Not the best time for me but I'll try to do my best.

You were the first person I was thinking about.

Astat and Alex are good musicians, but the point is that you have to do a remix.

We heard a lot of both but that were always covers (at least everything I heard).

Remixing and producing something new is something totaly different then just playing what's already given.

Coming up with a great idea won't be the sollution for the contest.

You have to produce a nice package where the whole thing just flows. Only playing an instrument or something like that won't be everything ;)


And that's the point were I can see the advantage of zwieR.Z experience...

Posted (edited)

The fact that we can remix it most probably means that the single releases with an apacella/instrumental.


Heck Yes.

Edited by adaminator1

LP are already getting ripped into by anybody that likes iron maiden due to the fact the last album was minutes to midnight and now the album is a thousand suns, are they borrowing from Iron maiden song names or what?

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