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Because then we'd have to rent a venue for a whole new day, which costs LOTS of money and means the cost of YOU going to the event would be MORE money.

It's truly really nice of you to take your time to field questions even though people will still find something to complain about no matter what and forget that the universe doesn't revolve around them.

Posted (edited)

adam we want lpux :)

If they have information, they'll tell us about it. Always asking for LPUX won't help ;-) Edited by DecanoLP

it's cool that LPU have this kind of activities, unfortunately this will benefit only the people near important cities on europe and usa most of... =/ south america, africa and most of asia will be far from getting something like this

qft and why i wont be joining LPUX. Incentives are very low.
Posted (edited)

LPUX will have some advantages for everybody, in any country. Please, someone tell me it.


Some locations, like South America and Middle East, is very rare to see a Linkin Park's perfomance.

Pay a travel? it's impossible, unless for who is rich and don't need to work, like Astat said.


I don't know if Adam or some information explaining some advantages like this is already out. If it's out, someone can tell me?


That exclusive access to LPU Merchandise is cool but you have to pay a monthly pass to pay a CD, t-shirt or something like this, pay for ship it, and, sometimes is necessary to pay a tax.

Edited by Slim Shinoda
Posted (edited)

i'll be going!


i won the linkin park australia competition to fly over to london for the gig on the 10th... flights, accommodation, transfers and gig tickets included! so as you could imagine, i'm now even more stoked (like that was even possible!) that something like this just so happens to be occurring while i'm over there!


huge thanks to everyone involved with LP and the LPU for hosting something like this... it really is extraordinary.


and wth to people complaining that they should have known about this way in advance so they could buy LPUX straight away... i thought it was pretty clear that there'd be awesome stuff like this on the way?

take me damnit! ill fly to perth and buy us tix for the show in the 11th!! :P

Edited by AusNeil

take me damnit! ill fly to perth and buy us tix for the show in the 11th!! :P

haha sweet! decided to take my bro - which im a little nervous about - now i have to be the responsible adult of the trip! :D


might be booking my flights today for the brisbane show!


@ adam,


how long will be the summit take place ,any details abt the event is the band gonna play something for the members :) ill have to return to my place by 4 cuz i have univ classes in evening , help will be appreciated :)


Also, an idea for people who can't make it to London: Don't feel like the "official-ness" of this event should prevent you from being able to organize an LPU meetup elsewhere yourself! I say this because I've been keeping up with the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" that's going on in Washington D.C. on October 30th, and people have been organizing companion rallies in dozens of other cities for those who can't make it out to D.C. for the real thing. LPU'ers have put together some pretty awesome stuff in the past that was totally independent of stuff HQ had going on, so I know there are some pretty brilliant/resourceful LPU members who could make a companion event happen.


i dont get it i pre order the lpux and now i cant do the pass thing cause there is still no details about this event wtf?!

If you ordered LPUX you should have got an email asking you to RSVP to this event. Have you read through this thread? Adam answered many of my questions regarding the summit so that information might help you.


have a question

im goin to the 2nd show in london

but i dont have a lpu membership or any of those , just because until now i never needed that

and i live in uk since like a month , what will be the prize to get involved in the summit ?

buying a LPU year membership ?


have a question

im goin to the 2nd show in london

but i dont have a lpu membership or any of those , just because until now i never needed that

and i live in uk since like a month , what will be the prize to get involved in the summit ?

buying a LPU year membership ?

You will need to buy the lpux membership if you want to attend the Summit.

Posted (edited)

So, emails from lpu confirming that you are signed for the summit have been sent. few new informations have surfaced, and most interesting are:


"All Summit attendees will get to sign up for one of the activity choices: LPU Jam Session, LP Crew Bus Tour, On Stage Photo Op. Sign ups are on a first come, first served basis.


For the LPU Jam Session…


We’ll select a few fans on a first come, first served basis to jam together to LP songs using some of Linkin Park’s actual touring gear. All participants must have adequate musical experience and be familiar with playing LP songs. "


Well, another screwup from the lpu :/ Only 1 activity per person? For 40$? FUCK THAT!

Edited by michalangelo

So, emails from lpu confirming that you are signed for the summit have been sent. few new informations have surfaced, and most interesting are:


"All Summit attendees will get to sign up for one of the activity choices: LPU Jam Session, LP Crew Bus Tour, On Stage Photo Op. Sign ups are on a first come, first served basis.


For the LPU Jam Session…


We’ll select a few fans on a first come, first served basis to jam together to LP songs using some of Linkin Park’s actual touring gear. All participants must have adequate musical experience and be familiar with playing LP songs. "


Well, another screwup from the lpu :/ Only 1 activity per person? For 40$? FUCK THAT!

What the heck. That sucks so badly. Photo op is the best I guess. Crew bus tour wouldn't give any info, LPU jam is only for people that can play songs sadly (didn't know that either), photo op seems good. What happened to the backstage tour? That seems like the best option but I don't see that lol

Posted (edited)

What the heck. That sucks so badly. Photo op is the best I guess. Crew bus tour wouldn't give any info, LPU jam is only for people that can play songs sadly (didn't know that either), photo op seems good. What happened to the backstage tour? That seems like the best option but I don't see that lol

m&g, backstage tour etc are on the raffle ;] you have the chance to win those but you don't have to ;) ah i forgot, you have to buy a raffle ticket to win anything.


"- Check in and laminate distribution


- Q&A with Linkin Park


- LPU Raffle: Linkin Park meet & greet and photos with the band, backstage tours.


Additional raffle tickets available for purchase


- LPU Auction: Signed LP merchandise and rare collectables


- LP Crew Bus Tour, On Stage Photo Op, or LPU Jam Session"


So for "free" youll get laminated pass, q&a with lp (God knows how will this be done) and 1 thing from the last dash. I'm not counting day 1 cause there are things without the band... LPU Auction - nothing to explain, Raffle - maybe if youre in you have 1 raffle ticket for you. If you want more you have to buy i assume for 10 pounds LOL. This sux! I'm sure it was done like that on purpose, i mean the list and the video so people would buy LPUX or just the ticket for 40$. Now it looks different from what they told us at the beginning.


EDIT: I can imagine Adam defending the whole thing. In example:

1. "we can't work through 325436 people at the summit so we made it (most of the activities) limited to lucky bastards who win with the raffles."

2. "we can't work with 54326 people backstage so it's also limited to the same lucky bastards."

3. "we also can't afford to have 3464325 people who would like to play the instruments. so we figured out a great idea! lets make it for talented people who actualy play in any bands or something"

4. "most important thing: we just can't have 456345 people at the meet and greet with the band! it's just mission impossible for Joe to sign all that shit"

5. "We can't have 454544356 people making photos at the stage cause....err we just can't sorry"

6. "Don't like it? Well we lied at the beginning telling that most of the things will be guaranteed. Now you have to spend much more money to get some things. Thats the way it has to be, sorry"


And again, it's not against Adam! it's just against people making money on true fans who just would like to get-in-the-fucking-lpu-m&g-for-the-1st-time-ever :|


EDIT2: So to show i'm not making this thing up, thats what it says at the summit page:


"DAY 2 - November 11:

Main Summit event to include:


-Q&A with Linkin Park

-LPU Raffle: Prizes include meet and greet and photos with LP, backstage tour, signed merchandise, and more

-LPU Jam Session. Opportunity to play Linkin Park’s actual touring instruments. - doesn't say you have to choose between tour the bus and photos.

-Opportunity to tour the LP crew tour bus - doesn't say you have to choose between Jam session and photos.

-First entry to the concert venue on Nov 11 (Concert tickets not included)"

With that said we've been screwed. It's only my opinion but, well, if you can read you should get the same point i did ;)


And thats what is written it the email:

"All Summit attendees will get to sign up for one of the activity choices: LPU Jam Session, LP Crew Bus Tour, On Stage Photo Op. Sign ups are on a first come, first served basis. " So antoher one: if youre too late you can kiss their asses! FUCK THAT SHIT (#fuckthatshitlp @ twitter? lol2)


Oh this is a neverending story! Another one:


18:30 DOORS @ O2 Arena (11/11 LP Concert)

LPU Summit Attendees will get first entry to the venue with their laminate.


So still we have to wait 2 hours to get the first entry. HAHA Doesn't make sence if you you have seating tickets like me, does it?

Edited by michalangelo

How do we sign up for that ONE activity? Hmm I don't wanna complain because we are lucky they are even doing a Summit but damn the info we were given few weeks ago was so fucking misleading IMO.


Photo op on stage...what does that mean? You just stand there and take a picture on stage? Will LP's equipment even be on stage that early? Especially if there is a support band. Confused.

Posted (edited)

How do we sign up for that ONE activity? Hmm I don't wanna complain because we are lucky they are even doing a Summit but damn the info we were given few weeks ago was so fucking misleading IMO.


Photo op on stage...what does that mean? You just stand there and take a picture on stage? Will LP's equipment even be on stage that early? Especially if there is a support band. Confused.

haha you got the point! another thing wtf is photo op on stage XD well they sure know how to mislead people! Edited by michalangelo

FACT: You guys bitch a lot. Secondly, If you don't like what they're selling, then don't buy it. Ever heard of free will? And i doubt the LPU and the band want people who are going to bitch and complain anyways to go.

Posted (edited)

FACT: You guys bitch a lot. Secondly, If you don't like what they're selling, then don't buy it. Ever heard of free will? And i doubt the LPU and the band want people who are going to bitch and complain anyways to go.

Well we'd rather bitch instead of being a blind fan who doesnt care much about money. I don't like ass-lickers so please leave your comments to yourself.




I bought the summit pass and AFTER that we got the mails telling a different story. What you said was a complete bullshit. Richie-fuc***g-Rich? 40$ is hard to get for something like that. IF you would like to sponsor other people go ahead Richie ;)

Edited by michalangelo

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