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About Xandersilk

  • Birthday 05/07/1992

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  1. I'd like to add to this - another unknown meteora demo - program w/bass solo - plaster 2 'can't take this' version
  2. Serpent never existed. It was Shortcut all along. Not sure where you're getting Nursery from but that was probably Nocturnal which is Nobody's Listening.
  3. yes but that's an earlier version of it
  4. Aussie here, even if I did the link wouldn't work for you. Be patient guys, trust me it's worth the wait. EDIT: Looks like it's on youtube now anyway.
  5. It's clear that during the making of Meteora there was a lot more experimentation going on wheras with Hybrid Theory they went in with half of the album being nearly finished, and how they worked really hard to try not to let it sound like a derivative of HT.
  6. the hihats at the start are out of time, totally fanmade lol
  7. it was confirmed when chester said it didn't exist lol god if they actually tracked something that wack you'd think CB would know if anyone
  8. I'm in Australia and I've got 2 minutes to go! HYPED AF
  9. Wouldn't be surprised if Fiore just inadvertantly created new "grails" for fans to chase after 20 years in advance
  10. Lmao he's totally lying here. That's obviously not the case if we're getting 14 brand new, never before heard demos, for Meteora|20. M2M had about 150 demos. ATS and LT basically used the same demos but there were a lot of those too. Like probably 50 for each album THP and OML we're not entirely sure because there's not much documentation on the making of those albums.
  11. Wow, there's probably a lot more footage than previously thought regarding the meteora recording sessions, given the name WORK IN PROGRESS it couldn't really be anything but that. There could even be footage of demos we don't even know about even after listening to the whole lost demos CD. God my theorycrafting is going wild. I just want to hear some new LP material again man.
  12. He could have other plans for those, you never know, he could just be playing dumb. Trollnoda gonna troll.
  13. I would say we probably don't have the Wizard song in its full capacity but perhaps in an instrumental form, I'm sure fans would go nuts over that then, creating their own "covers" and "remakes" of the song.
  14. Ok, so here's something I noticed that I would like to point out. Here's an exerpt of Chester talking about the album from the Meteora linkinpedia page: And if we look at the lost demos CD we have at least 3 songs at the start of the album (Lost, Fighting Myself, and More The Victim) that are all titled like like they have lyrics and are the would-be final titles of the songs, as if they are the three finished songs that Chester referenced in the above paragraph (he said 15 songs were recorded and only 12 made the album). So we might not just be getting one completely finished Meteora "B-side" in Lost, but THREE fully finished Meteora B-Sides. They might just be trying to push "Lost" as the "Single" for Meteora20 as "She Couldn't" was for HT20. This is speculation of course but I really hope this is the case, as that would be "Massive". 😂 As for the others, Massive, Healing Foot, Wesside, and Resolution, I'm expecting all of those to be instrumentals, and at least one of them has gotta be that demo from Making Of when Rob is tracking drums. It will drive me crazy if that isn't in there.
  15. so has anyone got the stems or are they all locked behind the web3 wall?
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