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Slim Shinoda

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About Slim Shinoda

  • Birthday 07/07/1990

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  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil

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  1. Invisible Argentina and Sao Paulo
  2. We DESERVE Castle Of Glass just because:
  3. I am not able to upload on lp-bits... so I uploaded it on TPB: https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7714181
  4. I recorded from APFMH (cut) to LOATR/SOTD/I (cut too) I was not able to record whole show because my microsd is just 4gb... I recorded it in 720p If anyone want it, I can upload it on rutracker or lpbits
  5. http://multishow.globo.com/musica/noticias...to-de-Sao-Paulo 21h, BRT
  6. Curitiba is canceled. New show in Rio de Janeiro, 10/10. Porto Alegre moved to 12/10.
  7. OMG This line up is fantastic Have fun australian guys!
  8. But they can add another new dates close to Brazilian dates... there's around a rumor about LP to Play on Maquinaria Festival. But like I said, it is just rumors, for while. Let's wait.
  9. Some rumors is saying something about $350 for Premium Ticket We prayed but we'll have to pay an expensive price too
  10. HELL YEAH! São Paulo, 7/10, here we come!
  11. Awesome! LPArg have this information too And now? What everybody think about it? Different sources saying same thing... A dream is becoming true!
  12. Norah Jones is confirmed. http://www.xyzlive.com.br/norahjones C'mon LP! haha
  13. We know, you already heard a lot of time about it but FYI, Destak said about anothers bands and artists. They said only when it is REALLY defined. Ex: They said about Tarja and she really comes to here...
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