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I Don't Think you can so u love or hate a song by hearing 30 seconds of a 5 min plus song and a 15 song album.LP wants to try new things and they could make Hybrid Theory over and over but that would get old real fast and they don't want to do that A thousand Suns here we go!

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The same reason there are people talking about how awesome it sounds. Not everyone will be happy. :)

I think the world would implode if LP fans were all happy with something.


6 More days and then we can really judge this song. It's quite hard to do with a 30sec clip from a 5+ min song.

Personally I love that LP is taking a new direction. Adam's posts have me even more excited!


6 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!


I love it. I don't want Hybrid Theory again. I don't want Meteora again. When MTM came out that's what I wanted. But once MTM grew on me and I saw the ideas these guys have when they think outside their "label", I wanted things to progress further. This is doing it in my opinion. Like the guys always used to say, they chose the name Linkin Park because it means nothing. It lets the music define the name. And I believe that is still true to this day.




Some people hate changing, they keep getting older and older XD


One of the better posts I've ever seen on this website. I've heard the whole song, and I think it's great. I'm not just saying that because I work for the band. At the video shoot I stood there with my jaw open. It was something totally unexpected, but it excited me as if LP has been my favorite band forever. That's my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to share it. Just wanted to add to the convo.

I'm honored haha. As someone who has been an LP fan since 2000, since I was 12 years old, I think I will share that same excitement on my first listen. I've grown up with this band and I'm excited that they have grown up too, instead of falling into the trap so many other bands do of staying too static.



I love your post, that's exactly what i think too.

Haha I don't think I've ever been sigged before...glad some people are with me on this.

6 days? I thought the music video is going to be shown in some tv program 29th this month. I don't remember who said it, it was a couple days ago.


6 days? I thought the music video is going to be shown in some tv program 29th this month. I don't remember who said it, it was a couple days ago.

nah its not the video. During the X-Games they'll being playing the song

Posted (edited)

6 days? I thought the music video is going to be shown in some tv program 29th this month. I don't remember who said it, it was a couple days ago.

Let me try to remember...........

Ok, I think we heard it from a topic. It said gamex or gamepro or whatever (nah, X-Game) on the TV on ESPN channel. They will play The Catalyst 1 day before the release.


P/S: Slow typer XD

Edited by ShadowThanatos

If they failed, explain the over 50 million albums that they have sold then. LOL

The point he was trying to make was that a lot of their songs aren't straight-up rock songs. Some of them aren't even close to being classified as rock :P


I love it. I don't want Hybrid Theory again. I don't want Meteora again. When MTM came out that's what I wanted. But once MTM grew on me and I saw the ideas these guys have when they think outside their "label", I wanted things to progress further. This is doing it in my opinion. Like the guys always used to say, they chose the name Linkin Park because it means nothing. It lets the music define the name. And I believe that is still true to this day.

TOTAL quote, you're totally reflecting my thoughts :D I really can't talk about the song because it seems a very different piece of music, variating from part to part of itself, so It's diffucult and uncorrect to judge from 30 seconds. The snippet makes me wait for something growing to a bridge or a rock chorus, but maybe I'm thinking too canonical.


Let's wait you guys :D I'll judge when I'll have heard the whole song AT LEAST 4-5 times.


Why don't people say "be respectful" when someone criticizes politics, someones music taste, football team ect. But when you talk about unproven things like God, they just say "No, it's holy!"


Well around here we do have the no flaming rule, and while you personally may not believe in God, there are others here that do, so I'm telling you to be respectful. The same would apply if you were talking about any of the other topics you mentioned.



Posted (edited)

I've never been this excited about an LP release. I want to listen to ATS now.


It's too soon to say, but I get the feeling this might be their best album yet, this might be everything that MTM was supposed to be.

Edited by WookieBastard

I think the whole discussion should not be measured with loyalty or "belief in the superiority of the bands musical attitude".


I liked the stems and the last preview very much but to be honest, I think the new preview sounds a little cheap. I mean you guys are right, it IS too early to judge, but I really hope that there will not be a fiasco like the one that happened with Chris Cornell a few years ago.

(his grunge/rock music went from this to



I don't want to bitch around, but I think this is a very interesting discussion..

Posted (edited)

Let's see what happens they have taken a risk to release The Catalyst (if finally it's the same elctro content in the whole song) as their first single. Now I want to believe that LP has made the best choice:

1-Because they always made the right one as for the 1st single

2-Because their label is Warner and they'd never let (or at least there would be some echos about it) LP release some uncommercial stuff.

So I'm pretty confident and happy with the preview


And for those complaining there's no guitar, I'll use my "Across The Line" point again.

For me one of the best songs of the MTM era and we only hear giutar when the bridge starts

And sometimes you don't need guitar to make an awesome song...

Edited by Yass

Hmm it is very troubling, the more i listen to this, this is not Rock, this is Dance music and I hate Dance music. Every person I have ever known and been friends with that liked LP liked them and saw them as a ROCK band, they where all fans of ROCK music.


I understand that LP fans have a rather varried set of tastes compared to must rock bands but meh.


If this album sucks, I think the fan base share a lot of the blame, when New Divide came out, people ripped into what is a fantastic song saying it sounded like What i Done when it in no way does. It seems (and is confirmed by the recent LPTV) that the band are purposely trying to not sound like Linkin Park. Well that's the reason people like them, because they are Linkin Park.

Posted (edited)

It seems (and is confirmed by the recent LPTV) that the band are purposely trying to not sound like Linkin Park. Well that's the reason people like them, because they are Linkin Park.

So, if we are Linkin Park fans but the band isn't Linkin Park at all, what are we "fanboying" about ? But if they aren't Linkin Park how could they have been the same band who did Hybrid Nu Meteora Theory ? They could not, obviously, so who did that album ? OMG .... TIME PARADOX :rolleyes:


Leaving out jokes, if there's a single good and unquestionable message or truth behind M2M and ATS is that a lot of people misunderstood what really Linkin Park were about, sticking their mind and musical tastes to the old style and thinking that LP is just that and nothing more. I've always loved (progressively and year by year, loving, trading, collecting and sharing LP music and LP live shows) LP music globally, their creativity and risk making and much more of what LP were and truly are right now.


These guys are artists, and like it or not, what you think about the band, the band ISN'T.


So, live with this, love the new music, enjoy the new album or maybe hear something else. There is A LOT of music out there, many bands that are making 25 rock albums that sounds all the same and all the fans want to hear and do all their label or their "fanbase" expect em to do - go listening to those bands and leave this band alone.


I guess the whole point of taking such risk in changing so much their musical expectations (and the ones by their fanbase) is that Linkin Park doesn't need someone claiming them to be "like THIS" or "like THAT", they want to be something else. And yes, the band can really live without you or without any people that want them to be in some personal way.


The fan doesn't define the artist, it's the artist that define its fan.

Edited by lparcshinoda
Posted (edited)

I don't listen it, cause I imagine everything how could sound the full song, but these "dance" and somewhere "It's like Scooter" sounds formidable.

Hope the full song will be cool, but I don't like that electro drum part in the remix samples.


And that's it lparcshinoda, for ex. if Green Day prepare a nu-metal album, it would no longer Green Day if the continue this, and if LP anti-nu-metalish tracks, I say it's not LP. Mix Media was mixing hip hop with rock and etc., but not this mixing every element like dance too.

Edited by (DEMO)
Posted (edited)

I don't call this dance lol, you'll never see the catalyst in a club i think :D

Edited by Yass

One of the better posts I've ever seen on this website. I've heard the whole song, and I think it's great. I'm not just saying that because I work for the band. At the video shoot I stood there with my jaw open. It was something totally unexpected, but it excited me as if LP has been my favorite band forever. That's my opinion, and I don't expect everyone to share it. Just wanted to add to the convo.

Does it have any guitar in it?


a 34-second preview cant judge the whole thing,

it's just abt 1/6 of the song which is a small portion.


and i think u guys shouldn't use hybrid theory, meteora or mtm's prospectives to judge ATS

every album that LP made is unique, it's evolving.


Definitely digging the electronic side of this. From the video teasers and images we've been getting I was hoping this is the kind of direction they would go. Hopefully ATS will be the kind of album that MTM had the potential to be.

Posted (edited)

Hey guys.. I found some longer preview (0:40) of "The Catalyst" right here...


EDIT: and there's a little bit of guitar.. oh yeah


EDIT 2: yeah... there is. listen carefully


download here


source: linkinpark.sk

Edited by Sabi

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