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My body still doesn't believe it. I'm here drinking some tea with my GF.


And all I can think is basically "now what". Just that,,, is that just BAM like that 17 years ending....

And look at that photo under this post, he's smiling in the studio.


I have seen Chester twice this year's and freaking laughed my ass of on the promo tour.


Just, Now What..... This site slowly fades? LPA slowly fades? LPU slowly fades?

Our friendship slowly fades?


I don't know....


I just cant believe this is happening. I am shocked and devastated. Chester was THE voice for me. He was my Dylan, Lennon, Cobain. He represented everything about music that I loved. We'll never have another Chester and that hurts. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet him and express my gratitude. I'll always hold those memories dear until the day I die. Thank you for everything Chester.


This is not sinking in. I'm not sure it's ever going to. I've been sobbing since I heard the news. I keep thinking it can't be true. Not Chester. He seems like he has such a positive outlook on life.

I feel incredibly sad for him to know that he was suffering that much. I'm so sorry that you couldn't find peace here Chester. I hope you have found it now. We all just wish it was here with us.


Thank you for the memories, Chester. I am eternally grateful. You saved so many lives with your voice and music. I'm sorry the favour couldn't be returned


This is truly unbelievable and saddening... Their songs meant so much to me during my teenage years and still do. I am so greatful that I have met the band once at a meet and greet and saw a few shows live. I was excited to see them again this October....so sad that Chester was in such a dark place that it had to end like this. I feel for his family :/ Rest in Piece, Chester. Thanks for the great songs....listening to Hybrid Theory now.


I am in tears right now writing this... When one step closer dropped I was 12, right now I'm 29.


This band was a part of my life. I picked up the guitar cause of them.


Dead by sunrise was the soundtrack of fall/winter 2009. So many memories attached to that album.


I don't know Chester personally, but it feels like I lost a friend... And it hurts, it hurts so bad.



Thank you LPLive for also being a part of my life.


In true LP fashion, IF Someone Falls Down???? Pick em up.

Posted (edited)

I had to hear this on the radio. I was at work and the DJ was saying "with a heavy heart..." and I'm thinking they are joking about some couple breaking up. Then I hear "Chester Bennington...(well you know the rest)" I felt like collapsing. I thought it was fake. I pull out my phone to tons of texts saying "I'm so sorry man" and so on. Jeeze.


This hits like a ton of bricks. Lost my grandmother in September, lost my Dad in March. One More Light(the song) helped me get through it. Now I'm listening to it in mourning of the guy who sings it.


No band has ever gave me the anticipation of new music like Linkin Park. Wondering whats next, what LPU tracks we will get, and so on. I'm going to miss the ever loving crap out of Chaz. I can't believe I've been sobbing for a guy that I don't truly know, but was a huge part of my life for so long.


The fact we will never see any new videos, music, tweets, or whatever else from him just is surreal.


I hope his family, friends, Mike, Brad, Rob, Dave, all find some peace in this. It's so heartbreaking.


I just cant believe this is happening. I am shocked and devastated. Chester was THE voice for me. He was my Dylan, Lennon, Cobain. He represented everything about music that I loved. We'll never have another Chester and that hurts. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet him and express my gratitude. I'll always hold those memories dear until the day I die. Thank you for everything Chester.


This is the best statement I saw. He is THE voice to me as well. Great post

Edited by BrandonR24

I'm really, really dreading whatever statement the band ends up releasing. I cannot imagine how they must feel. To be together as one lineup (more or less) for 18 years, and to have it end like this...


This is just terrible. It'll take a long, long time for this one to settle in my heart.


I really feel broken guys. I remember when I became a Soldier, because Linkin Park saved my life with all the songs, especially "From the Inside".That's my anthem! I feel that someone takes something important in my life and destroys it with his/her hands. I'm gonna miss Chester for the reason that he was the soul of the band! I don't deny I feel so depressed right now, guys. Greetings for all Soldiers, members of the Band (Mike, Brad, Rob, Dave y Joe) and the Bennington family! Stay strong!


This band has been with me through everything since 1999. I was 14 back then and now at 32 they are still who I fall back on for good and bad times. I had cancer a few years ago, LP was on my iPod every single day during my treatments. Wish I could tell you what you did for me. I was lucky enough to meet Chester and have seen the band 13 times (14 was supposed to be August 1). Chester is the voice of our generation and will always be remembered as that. We love you Chester, thank you for blessing us with your voice and words.


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Oh my. I never thought this day would come. I still can't take it. Their music has saved my life, many times. And now Chester is gone. Their music filled a big hole in my life. I was so sad and lost at the time, before I found Linkin Park. Every time I've felt depressed, sad or whatever, their music has always been there for me, Chester's beautiful voice singing to me, as if he is next to me to say everything will be fine. Their music have made me smile and cry. I remember listening to One More Light recently, crying alone and thinking how can I take life any longer, and when he sings "Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do" at the end, I knew everything will be ok again. He, and the band, saved so many people, and now he is gone. He loved and was so kind to every single one of us. Their latest album gets a whole new meaning now for me. All the song titles, and the lyrics, seem so sad now. I wonder if the songs reflected his feelings and thoughts about ending his life, and were there signs, that we ignored, in the music. He seemed to be so happy about life, and the new album. I can't hold my crying when I listen to LP now.

I found them around the time when the Burn It Down music video came out. I had never heard anything like that before, I was so impressed and immediately became a huge fan. I was a teenager who was missing something, and their music filled this hole in a way. When I heard "Iridescent" it became my favorite song. I can remember all the good and bad days, that when this song has been playing in my earphones. That song especially has helped me countless times, and will continue to do so, it has to be one of the most beautiful pieces of music ever written. I feel very very grateful and honored to have seen them live once, in Finland, Jämsä 31st August 2015. It was the first ever concert I went to, and which I have always remembered, and will remember, as one of the best days in my life. Meeting the band, I remember how happy and full of joy Chester (and the whole band) was. Always when I think back to that day and all of the moments, I feel pure happiness.
From all the powerful screaming to his soft and calm singing, he was our hero and a genius in music. I have never seen or heard any singer as versatile. He played shows in pain, e.g. with a broken wrist, a broken ankle. He truly cared about music and the fans, and he always gave everything he got especially in live shows. I can't believe he is gone. My condolences to his family, relatives, the band, and all of the other fans here and around the world. You will be eternally missed, and we will always love you. Chester <3

Linkin Park has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to their songs, they are what got me into music in the first place. I listen to them so often I felt like I knew Chester, and now I feel like I have lost a good friend today. He was a great inspiration to many people, he overcame so much and helped so many other people do the same. I am truly saddened he chose to end his own life. I can't imagine what the rest of the band is going through, losing someone you've worked so closely with for so many years is like losing a brother. On top of all that, he was also a husband and a father, and his family has my deepest sympathies.


My heart is broken, and I have cried a lot tonight.


Sending love to Chester's family, friends, and Linkin Park.

And sending love to LPL family, and the rest of the LP community. We are all here for the same reason.



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