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Everything posted by Aiman

  1. I hardly ever like LP's videos tbh. I thought LOATR and Faint were awesome, but the others from what I remember, were just "meh".
  2. Yeah that really sucks. Now don't get me wrong, I love blink just as much as the next guy, but he's really the only one of the three who can actually play live. I saw them back in 09 and had a great time; thought it was a great show, but Tom really sucks live. Mark's not so great either, but ffs Tom sounds horrible. He's lucky he's funny.
  3. STANDOUTS Here's a live playlist I made (after all, this is LPLive) called Standouts. It's got four songs from every album except Living Things, plus four non-album tracks. I decided not to include anything from live albums (Live in Texas and Road to Revolution) or LPU CD's (kinda cheated with Breaking the Habit though lol) because I wanted to focus on some of the forgotten stuff, but the tracks I did choose have all been officially released. The albums they're from are on the right side of the picture.
  4. LMAO. Sounds more like Wretches to me.
  5. Kind of an old question, I know, but Points was on the Papercut single and In the End was on it's single. Not sure if that's the show you're talking about, but Papercut live from BBC is from the same performance as the other two I mentioned. http://lplive.net/shows/20010111-1.php They sometimes change the lyrics after they've already printed them out on paper. I think that's what Mike says.
  6. Nobody's Listening - Green Lantern remix
  7. For me, it won't work with Chrome or Firefox, but it does work with IE... but the audio doesn't.
  8. Well, I ordered this on Amazon last week and it came in the mail this morning at about 10AM (not bad Amazon!). A little back story: When rumors of ATS were that it would be a somewhat of a concept album, I was stoked. As it turned out, it was my favorite LP album. From start to finish, it was a great experience (I know, I know... that's what she said). Actually, the ATS era was the only time I saw them live. I had the CD in my car from release (sep 2010, I think?) til today, when I swapped it with LT. So, in other words, the band set the bar pretty high. I've been listening to the album for a few days and I really like it a lot. My favorites are Roads Untraveled, Castle of Glass and Skin to Bone, though those are all subject to change. I will say this, Tinfoil as a standalone track is nothing special, but it fits perfectly as an intro to Powerless. When I want to listen to that song, I'll start with Tinfoil. It reminds me of some of the bands live intros. Just a neat way to set the mood. I'm not gonna rate it on a scale or anything; either I like it or I don't EDIT: Also, Thanks for the mention of the BID EP, Geki! I didn't know Walmart was selling them, but since they're $5, I might stop by and pick one up!
  9. First impressions: I'll Be Gone - nice intro Powerless - repeat Gotta listen to it a little more before I can voice an opinion.
  10. Well, they didn't play WJL in Chicago, so you can still get B13 shows
  11. Joe looked like a Mortal Kombat character
  12. Aiman

    "Set B13"

    Just got back from the show. Pretty cool, but I was pretty disappointed because I had a court date at 10:30 am and I had to come late to the summit, thinking it would be no big deal, but they wouldn't let me in late which was really frustrating and annoying.
  13. Can't help you with Meteora, but the "Minutes to Midnight" font is Century Gothic, and the MTM era "Linkin Park" logo is Futura Extra Bold, with the letters being more condensed than usual. The ATS font is called Bebas (or at least it looks like the ATS font).
  14. I like the LIT one and the last one the best. My vote went for LIT...
  15. ^ Agree with everything said, including the vote. QWERTY
  16. Well, it does makes sense. It's just about in the center of the country and it's the third biggest city in the US. The only drawback is that it's on a Wednesday.
  17. Well everyone, I was scrolling through the tour page on http://linkinpark.com/ when I noticed there was no meet and greet mentioned for the Chicago, IL show on January 26, 2011. I clicked on the show page and one user named SHELLSHOCK commented on a link he found: http://lpu.linkinpark.com/summit-chicago/ This would make sense as Adam mentioned earlier that the next LPU Summit will be in the US. So what you do think? Will the next LPU summit be in the Land of Linkin? EDIT: It has been confirmed: There is even a video from the official LPTV channel
  18. 1. Hit the Floor 2. Nobody's Listening 3. By Myself
  19. Wasn't that an April Fools joke by LPA?
  20. Am I the only one who assumed Pretend to Be would be on LPUX?
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