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Everything posted by Aiman

  1. Here's my take on Bristow:
  2. They're just rounding to the nearest major city.
  3. When they start playing Powerless, I imagine it would have Tinfoil as its intro at some shows (at the very least). If that's the case, I don't see how they would play it different unless Powerless is different too, so I would mention that personally.
  4. http://lplive.net/shows/20120526.php Am I missing something? I couldn't find any mistake on the DSP nor this audience recording. The only thing I noticed was that a scarf was covering his mic at one point, so he moved it off. You can see that .
  5. New stuff: Castle of Glass Roads Untraveled Old stuff: No More Sorrow From the Inside
  6. The fact that the Tinley show won't have a DSP makes me really want to go, even though it's almost impossible for me at the moment. In the past, downloading a show I couldn't go to was like seeing them live for free (I never paid for a DSP). Actually, the one time I saw them live was when the DSP's were free for people who attended the show.
  7. I'm not so sure the solo part would work. TLTGYA has a different time signature.
  8. Now that they're doing a LFY/Papercut medley, if they ever perform with Jay-Z again, I think it would be cool to incorporate Papercut into the DOYS/LFY mash-up (and maybe even Big Pimpin') that would be similar in style to Points/99/OSC.
  9. That's my least favorite LP song, but tbh I don't think I've ever listened to the full song live. Just watched a couple of videos on YouTube and never finished them.
  10. Well, Joe's gotta do something, amirite?
  11. It's just bad live imo. Chester struggles too much and can't pull it off.
  12. The value dropped ever since the LPU started selling them for $10 in 2008.
  13. I've got a bunch of CD's and DVD's (mainly singles and albums), but this is my absolute favorite item:
  14. Just one: 26.01.2011 Chicago, IL I don't think I'm gonna go to the Tinley Park show this year. I've got a friend who wants to go, but money's kind of tight right now. Sucks because the First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre is way better than the United Center (imo).
  15. My thoughts on this: * +1 Amazon * No With You or Runaway = epic fail * Pushing Me Away piano version * Crawling with Hands Held High and Bleed It Out with A Place for My Head (see: Not Bad Obama) * No Session * No full scream for Given Up * Would be cool if they added bonus tracks (My December, We Made It, New Divide, Jay-Z songs, etc)
  16. LMAO! That part in the video gets me every time. "let me goooo"
  17. Guess I'm the only one who scratches his head sometimes, wondering who's doing the background voices (Across the Line comes to mind).
  18. I've been on other forums (unrelated to LP) and they all have meme threads, so I thought LPLive could use one! The only rule is that it has to be related to Linkin Park.
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