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Everything posted by Aiman

  1. I just wanna hear some good music. I don't really care about the era.
  2. I know I'm right, just trying to be nice about it LOL
  3. Are you sure? It just looks to me like some random fan took a screenshot from the lyric video and added text to it. The font looks like Bebas, which is not the same as the LP logo.
  4. IMR and LGM are pretty cool, but whoever made them needs to fix the LP font. The spacing is way off, not to mention the letters look different, especially the 'K's and 'R'.
  5. I think we can rule out Hit the Floor, Nobody's Listening and Session. Nobody really seemed to care about Don't Stay when they played it in 07-08. If you ask me, it's just a poor man's One Step Closer. From the Inside wouldn't really be special since they just recently dropped it. So, I agree with what the others have said: Figure.09, the fan favorite or Easier to Run. A piano/acoustic version seems more likely to me than the album version, though.
  6. Aiman

    Mexico DSP

    With You from Carson sounded great!
  7. Wow finally a legit remix with *gasp* actual vocal parts! No other remix even comes close to Roads Untraveled!
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if that song eventually got released somehow (most likely via LPU). The way I look at it is that the band probably has a few demos with potential (Across the Line, that Meteora demo) and they don't want to release all of them at the same time, because that wouldn't really be the smartest thing, especially when they offer LPU CD's every year. If they put all the good ones on LPU9, the other CD's would probably suck.
  9. Just out of curiosity, anyone know of any good record players? Something that sounds good and won't scratch up the LP.
  10. It's kind of a trick, and I know how this is gonna sound, but just because it's in 720p doesn't mean it's HD. If you watch in 720, you can tell it's not HD quality
  11. Just listened to "Saa'iq". It's got some Castle of Glass in it. Pretty good stuff.
  12. It wasn't just that, though. I swear I remember the drum samples being off too and that's Rob hitting those pads, but maybe I was just hearing things.
  13. Was it just me, or was the timing a little off on the intro for Faint. It seemed like Rob and Brad weren't really in sync.
  14. If that's the case then maybe they'll play the entire LT album from start to finish, which I think is around 37 minutes if I'm not mistaken. That's my guess, anyway
  15. Legend has it he became a motivational speaker...
  16. http://lplive.net/shows/20120518.php I think it's worth mentioning that this was the first time the album version of With You was played since (probably) 2002, since the first show of 2003 has it listed as "Reanimation-style". And for those who think SS06 had the album version, you can clearly hear that it had the Reanimation verses.
  17. Forgot to say congrats LPL and nice find. Once again you have not disappointed
  18. You guys gotta update the show page lol
  19. Sounds to me like someone (at WB) wasn't really feeling the hip-hop parts the songs so they cut them out... just a guess though.
  20. Yeah, I had to Google that to find his new one.
  21. Sweet! I don't even remix songs, I just like listening to instrumentals sometimes
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