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Everything posted by 1996_LP

  1. well they better come to the UK then! otherwise its 2005-2006 all over again!
  2. THANK YOU! I was gonna say, there where far too many people putting the Requiem/Radiance on their "worst setlists" on the first page. Its probably one of the best, if not the best album/live openers LP have done thus far. I was dying inside when i was reading it in the comments!
  3. RESULT! hopefully it'll spread in our non-LPU family too
  4. I totally agree with the last 5 posts above. I doubt it'll happen though, but i'm still holding on to the hope they'll AT LEAST release the full acoustic set in HQ one day. Plus 20 eyes as well. What makes it worse is that we know these recordings exist, ad that Chester HAD expressed interest in releasing them. so whats holding them back? copyright? surely not with the acoustic stuff :/
  5. Wait... The HT instrumentals are already out!?
  6. So Far Away is far and away the best song on here Not just cause it was complete, but its another finished gem of a pre-HT demo. Its so different and experimental compared to everthing else at the time (along with the other demos leftshoe18 mentioned). I really wonder if we have them all yet? or if their still holding loads back!
  7. haha well you got a photo i guess. I sure hope the song surfaces eventually one day. Be it an LPL secret exclusive or otherwise
  8. As i haven't been able to hear the CD yet, is it Chester's version of Rhinestone or is it Marks?
  9. I'd like to think they'd still stick with DBS, but it probably looks more than likely they won't. I hope Fu will be their new bassist tho.
  10. Oh dear But I'm with the band on this, they've been over to Europe every year for the past 2-3 years. Probably 3 times as much a band twice their size wouldn't even do on tour. If that isn't dedication to the fans I don't no what is. I missed them the first time they came to the UK, 2nd time due to clashing with another band (ironically this was the one they cancelled). But 3rd time lucky! one of the best gigs I've been to in 2012.
  11. oh wow, so that was an Orgy song? That flew over my head
  12. Ah Good for him, but after all that he ISN'T going back to JK? Nevermind, thought to be fair their new drummer is pretty badass so Its no loss for JK
  13. Haha oh yeah. What is the deal with that lyric though? Its awesome, but its never made much sense to me
  14. oh wow this is epic! I hope they release them free of charge though. but either way, I'm downloading that shit one way or another
  15. ROFL Thats awesome!!! Hahaha This is why I love LP, their always doing crazy shit like this. I wonder if they got the bootlegger's consent or just went ahead and did it?
  16. Anyone seen the new "Man of Steel" poster yet?
  17. I'm so there at the London date -if its true. Although i does seem an awful long time gap. Thats almost a year from now.
  18. I've always been a firm believer that the HTEP is probably LP's best work (even after ATS) ever since I first heard it. Its something about their early work like alot of you guys have been saying that is so unquie & inspired. There was no inhibitions, no holdbacks, just the band being the best they could be with no label or even no fans to dictate them what to do. And their music was stella because of it. Brad's guitar work was experimental & complex, the lyric where innovative & thought provoking, chester was on the top of his game & Mike's rap's where spat with sheer passion. Not to put their latter works down in any way (as their song writting is still top notch) but i will always be fond of this era (HTEP especially).
  19. Yeah, probably fake, although like what i said in another thread, i wouldn't be surprised if we get something similar to this. Given the "short & punchy" songs mike keeps mentioning. I want more than one 5 min track dammit!
  20. haha cool, I'm digin' the old school vibe coming from this video. like back in the day when mike didn't have anything to do but rap on the stage although i do see a keyboard so he probably is behind that during the verses.
  21. Hmm. Most likely fake considering its from wiki, although, I wouldn't be surprised if we get something similar after what Mike said about the "firecracker" record with short punchy songs. And there was me thinking they'd go all out on the song lengths on this album I so longing for more LP songs over 4-5 mins. I don't wish this album to be a back step from ATS cause so far its sounding pretty damn good.
  22. Sweet stuff. I'm one of the few that really loves the tracklisting. Loads of these songs have great potential!
  23. Am I right thinking that you don't get the LPU11 CD with either of these packages? Do we still have to buy it separately for $10? Answers people!!!
  24. Great! More chats! I hope someone does a good transcript for it, Rob usually has a lot of interesting things to say.
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