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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Its general admission so they let you into the standing area/pit
  2. I announce this, one of the greatest quotes in LPLive's History!
  3. If you've joined just to bitch and moan about the album, which some people like myself consider it the best then you should just leave before you get started.
  4. I wont say too much. This line should sum up my opinion. "ATS is the best shit I have ever heard in my life!"
  5. Off topic but does you name have anything to do with Beau Ryan
  6. I would guess just maybe a few weeks after HT dropping but I expect they would of took some sort of leave before hand for the tour and recording period.
  7. By 'Whole show' I guess you mean LPs set then yes you do get to see the boys full set. Then yes, you will get to see the full set. If there is supporting acts before hand, you will unfortunately miss those. I was a Volunteer for the Newcastle Australia show. Hope this helps.
  8. This is pretty fucking epic. And Im only up to SIB. Just curiously, zwieR.Z, Is there anywhere were we can download your pass albums? You made something the end of last year I think around December (because I was listening to it while driving to the Sydney LP concert) and I have miss placed the CD. Plus it would be cool to listen to some of the older stuff.
  9. Can anyone rip the trailer and youtube it or something? Cant watch it on MTV cos Im not from the US
  10. When I first read the date of this, it made me think whether this is the DBS performance that Ryan rumoured...
  11. 2007 Australian Tour, Chris Cornell as the support act. Hes a legend amongst legends in Rock and Roll. So yeah I dont think their too worried.
  12. Haterz gonna Hate. Potatoes gonna potate...
  13. That performance of Messneger was amazing. I was speaking to a few members from here on Facebook Chat. We all agreed on how well it was done. I would Love to see a Linkin Park Movie with something like this.
  14. Mike posted this on his blog when I have not begun was unknown to us at the time. It wasnt till like a week after LPUX released that someone put two and two together and worked out the lyrics were actually I Have Not Begun. Kick ass shit tho.
  15. Id die to be a part of this if it was Australia. Anyone down for Faint?!?
  16. Your joking right. Warner was having doubts about ATS, If they werent aloud to be who they want to be then ATS wouldnt of been released. Simple as that.
  17. Actually those lines right there can be determined in quite a few ways. And even now days that line is till true when you think about it. Just the line "My band had a singer", "They didn't need me" isnt really just about him rapping. It was more aimed at having two vocalist. Cos even back then Mike would sing a little. And when you said about him proving people wrong, you cant tell me ATS didnt prove everyone wrong. The record company was against it, Some fans dont like it, but it still has proved those critics wrong by being one of their best selling albums so far.
  18. I just posted a status about it on facebook. Dead set a year later and its still my most listened to album for sure. Still blows my mind!
  19. They definitely have a say. I remember when they were talking about Projekt Rev, I think Mike said that they dont go picking shit bands to make them look better, or pick bands and restrict what they can do (Eg massive drum risers and pyro etc). They pick bands on what the fans will enjoy. And they couldnt care if they 'out play them'. I think it was in an interview and he was referring to My Chemical Romance.
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