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Everything posted by Pez

  1. IMO, for someone to say 'In Negotiation' is really stupid. Cos now you have thousands of LP fans believing this can happen and then when the management finds out they wont appear, these fans will get real shitty and make the festival look bad. Moral of the story, don't announce anything until its confirmed.
  2. I dont believe he was drunk. Numerous people said he was sick.
  3. Haha that is just sooo good. Now spam the site on Mikes blog, LP.com, LPU, TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
  4. Well if the petition is about something you want changed or played during the show then giving it too the guys at a Meet and Greet would be too late. They would finalise what there playing during rehearsals. Thats as long as there isnt any last minute emergency changes EG dropping of songs due to whether or someone being unwell.
  5. Pez

    LPL + You

    Damn. LPL 3.0, I remember that. The good old merge with LPU-I or whatever the site was called.
  6. I though it was a pretty random question. But anyway back on topic, just because of one scream doesn't mean it's such a good performance. He still a little pitchy at some parts.
  7. These guys, getting hurt, getting sick. I hope everyone is healthy and can play. It just seemed weird not to have phoenix up there playing.
  8. Mike or Phoenix or someone was asked about this in a LPU chat I believe. Someone said Phoenix ate it. But I believe one of the guys said that there was someone filming next door or something (remember they were in a studio) and the elphant came from that set. So I believe there was no elphant ideas durning the making of the video.
  9. Besides the obvious typo everyone else has picked you up on this is seriously my favourite set they have in this touring cycle. I was happy as fuck to get this set at Sydney for the second night. Just epic.
  10. There was one Leak which was fake. It had some band called trible ink's (or whatever they were called) songs on it mixed with WID to make it seem legit. Then there was the actual leak where the album leaked a couple of days before hand. Those were the legit songs. Thats when Mike did a blog post announcing it was leaked and he asked if any fans were going to listen to it, listen to it in its track order (eg Wake First, Given Up second etc)
  11. As soon as I saw you Try and convince us that ITE is instrumentally one of the best songs, I stopped reading. The song is built on synths, clean harmonics with power chords piano riff and drums and base. Not so hard. Garage bands can make songs like that these days. Want something ground breaking. Tell me how many albums have songs have songs like Blackout and When They Come for Me on the same album. They are completely two different sorts of songs form somewhat two different genres. Some bands would be lucky to even write one song like that on an album. But two completely different songs have made the album.
  12. I used to jizz on this video pre album. Now I jizz whenever I hear Blackout. Epic track.
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