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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Actually those lines right there can be determined in quite a few ways. And even now days that line is till true when you think about it. Just the line "My band had a singer", "They didn't need me" isnt really just about him rapping. It was more aimed at having two vocalist. Cos even back then Mike would sing a little. And when you said about him proving people wrong, you cant tell me ATS didnt prove everyone wrong. The record company was against it, Some fans dont like it, but it still has proved those critics wrong by being one of their best selling albums so far.
  2. I just posted a status about it on facebook. Dead set a year later and its still my most listened to album for sure. Still blows my mind!
  3. They definitely have a say. I remember when they were talking about Projekt Rev, I think Mike said that they dont go picking shit bands to make them look better, or pick bands and restrict what they can do (Eg massive drum risers and pyro etc). They pick bands on what the fans will enjoy. And they couldnt care if they 'out play them'. I think it was in an interview and he was referring to My Chemical Romance.
  4. Blackout has my Vote. Catalyst is a pretty close second.
  5. I believe that Madison is nothing but a Shinoda production. I dont think there us anyway to prove it otherwise anyway. Not much was said about these VMA stuff expect they were made just for the show by Mike and that he didnt colab with Lil Jon (which was first thought). They both did there own tracks and had no influence on each others music for the show.
  6. Bingo. You guys are bitching more then that group. And your calling yourselves the fans.
  7. Everyone knows my opinion when it comes to all the bitching, It really ruins this site. If some people dont like it then maybe you should go ahead and join the rest of these guys... https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Thousand-S...116672418405806
  8. Def fake. I can hear where its been cut just slightly. If they really wanna prove its a Demo they would have to release the full thing.
  9. Id totally want one but like Im not feeling this.
  10. If you are refering to the program he is using on his computer for the scratching, its called 'Scratch Live' Wheres this pic at? I remember seeing a screen cap from RTR which showed a couple of songs.
  11. Yeah got the first one. Just seeking ones from summits and shit. Big ones are a bonus!
  12. Has anyone got some pretty good pictures of Joe's 2010-2011 live Setup?
  13. I remember having the Meteora one. Definitely not correct as what the guys play but it is a little bit similar. I'd much rather Astats tabs tho
  14. Well done guys. Good to see you guys doing stuff for MFR.
  15. Well actually and honestly, the guys are 'good at' everything. So your going to have Mike who we all know is a man of many talents get stuck back behind a microphone rapping? Even Brad and Rob are really good at keys, so does that mean they have to stick to their respective rolls. I honestly think thats pretty stupid.
  16. Well you are an walking encyclopaedia. I pitch in when I can but Im still as informed on this stuff then you are. Specially when it comes to the CDs and those things.
  17. Its funny. I actually love that little instrumental Lockjaw that Shinoda did for protools. I love the guitar work on that and that was all him. Also the guitar work on The Rising Tied is pretty cool too.
  18. Ill fucking laugh if its HT part 3. All you kiddies are writing off saying ATS Part 2 lalala when it only states Brad isnt playing guitar. That doesnt mean Mike isnt taking guitar duties on albums like he always does.
  19. I could swear there's a few song from the MTM era with have no Chester what so ever. No Roads Left, In Between of the top of my head.
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