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Everything posted by Pez

  1. So the guy that is mixing LIVING THINGS just mixed Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend"... Not a good start...
  2. Bette yet Im pretty sure I either read something or saw a video of Ryan and Chester with him not long ago.
  3. Pez

    LPLive Stats

    That Im not surprised about. How did the site go around the time or the release of ATS and also She Couldn't
  4. Pez

    LPLive Stats

    Yeah it would be pretty cool to see some stats now.
  5. So in-mates like LP music then... I just hope there not taking 'Bleed it Out' seriously...
  6. Looks like one of Mikes (well Im guessing) Fenders was sold off. I do see the other LP signatures on the guitar.
  7. PezLP I rarely use it. Might start going again seeing my followers jumped up haha.
  8. Because I was posting about MTVs spelling mistake...
  9. Only found out about 1hr ago when I checked my emails. I rarely use twitter and I open my Inbox to see a million twitter emails. Once phoenix re-tweeted it about 100 more people did after haha. And I was hoping you didnt see me spell congrats wrong. I kinda kicked myself in the nuts with that one.
  10. I like the fact that after a good 10+ years in the 'big leagues', MTV still cant get it right... Congrats boys!
  11. Haha exactly. Fuck Ill even throw my hand up to play for these guys. Bass is piss easy.
  12. Pez

    LPU11 Coming Soon

    Why LPUTV vids couldnt be downloaded = So people couldnt re upload them on youtube (which happens anyway). Why the CD wasn't included = Because they started selling the CD before the package became available (eg at the summit). If they had the cd in the package then all these people would get pissed cos they already bought the CD separately.
  13. Yeah I couldnt find anything for Mike but hes actually pretty good. Live hes a bit scratchy but in the studio he can pull off some killer notes. Have a listen to 4:50 and beyond in The Catalyst (The album version) and thats actually him doing all the high notes in the background. Pretty impressive if you ask me for someone who wasn't really a singer.
  14. Totally forgot about that! Hmmm puts things in a new perspective.
  15. Its called horrible ear burning quality to me.
  16. Pez

    LPU11 Coming Soon

    Whats everyone bets on date of release? Im saying anywhere between 20th and 30th of November.
  17. Im pretty sure Midis are alright to share. As long as there not officially released.
  18. No no no. Horrible youtube quality is something I cannot stand.
  19. Sorry I just realised you were talking about the second floor tom to his left when I thought you were talking about his left racked tom.
  20. I want a download!!!!!!!!!!!! This is definitely ipod worthy
  21. Me likely. SDC, offer a download link you good kids.
  22. Well according to Mike says that the main piano part was actually a Cool & Dre production. Also the fact that he was basically learning the piano part on the set of the video (and actually was playing it wrong for the first takes) kinda proves that he didn't write the piano piece.
  23. HAHA YES!!!! Such an awesome song.
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