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Everything posted by Pez

  1. I think that song is long gone. The one they tried to make in a day but it ended up being just a big disaster itself.
  2. Nope. Wouldn't expect them to air the entire thing.
  3. If they did Id be extremely disappointed. You cant really say "Were going in a new direction" lala and then all of a sudden do a massive U-Turn and go back to the old you. But IMO and what I read (eg Chesters Nu-Metal comment on LPU chat) is theres no chance of that happening anytime soon.
  4. Incorrect. Iridescent isnt, When they come for me is only a remix on DJ Hero and Robot boy. Also you can count all the interludes but I wouldnt expect that to be on a game.
  5. Thats is actually common knowledge for a musician. Same with drinking room temp water. But yes, Astat is pretty good
  6. I just posted a few notes regarding the Russia so. IF you want you can sum them up and use them in the show notes. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?s=&s...st&p=145115
  7. This just aired here in Australia. Heres what was shown. New Divide (With Intro talked over) Given Up Ad Break Jornada Del Muerto Waiting For The End Breaking the Habit Fallout Catalyst In The End Ad Break Iridescent What I've Done Bleed It Out. Couple of show notes -The coverage actually blurred a lot of the Tranformer logos and banner expect the pictures of Optimus and Bee. It was weird tho, Sometimes the sides were blurred but sometimes you could clearly read the word transformers. Guess they couldnt make their mind up. -At the end of the first chorus when the synth and drums kick in and the lights go blue and red. The Crowd through red and Blue confetti in the air. Chester was actually really impressed and you could see him acknowledging the crowd. -Joes fader knob must of came off or broke during his scratching solo in The Catalyst. Theres actually a few shots where you can see him struggling to put it back on/fix it. -I think either Brads or Mikes guitar was slightly out of tune for Given Up. Its hard to tell and was only slightly noticeable when they were doubling each other. -Mike was actually mucking around with his vocal line at the end of The Catalyst. He sings the "God Bless Us Everyone" part in a different key and changes his notes a little. Im sure this is noticeable in the DSP they released but I haven't yet heard it. He Also decided to do "Ooh"s like chester does after Chester finished his final part. So when he finishes "cant be out run" Mike continues to follow with "ooh"s Thats just a few key things I wanted to point out
  8. Id Love to see New Divide on one. EVERYONE knows that song. Its actually been one of their most popular. When They Come for Me would be a really cool one for a drumming sort of game. So heres a top 5 IMO 1. New Divide 2. Faint 3. When They Come for Me. 4. Breaking the Habit 5. Papercut
  9. It all depends on how hard they took the idea of not wanting to be a fluke. IMO you cant go "Ok this is that shit 2nd album that all these bands make. Now Im just going to put it in a volt for future reference and start fresh" When Id be more like "This really sucks balls *Erase all button*" Get me?
  10. Not really. The boys scrapped it themselves because they didnt want to become one of those bands where the first album was 'a fluke' and everything else sucked.
  11. That would be a good example. But I would highly doubt that would of kept any of that. Plus I dont think the music would be worlds greatest. When they say they scrapped it, I dont think they mean they finished an Album and then burnt it to a CD and set it on fire type of thing. I think more like once they got though a heap of rough demos, they didnt like what they were doing so they then hit the erase all button.
  12. I highly disagree with people saying I have no Begun as a album song. Seriously the only reason people like it is because it was released as a Demo/B side or whatever. If that had an album spot, Id put money on it being seen like Hit the Floor. A song thats there that people dont mind to listen too but dislike it and forget about it because the other stuff is far better. Not only that but the song doesn't have the greatest structure. No real chorus point and doesnt really have a lot of dynamics. AND there is nooooooooo way Pretend To Be and I Have Not Begun would have fitted in with the rest of the songs.
  13. So how much of this show was recorded?
  14. Honestly how the hell was Faint eliminated -.- That video kicks ass. AND ITS DIFFERENT! I thought thats something people want these days. JOKES HT fans hate it Haha anyways my vote is From The Inside
  15. I highly doubt you'll find a good quality Audio of the performance. Even if you did, the out of Sync clapping would really kill it for you haha.
  16. Everytime I see this thread now I think "Damn, who would be hyped for DBS now?!?"
  17. That sounds a lot like scratching to me with a heap of delay.
  18. Can we just get this straight people. When the guys were saying this, they didnt mean they had 100 demos just laying around. Its was more like 100 different ideas that didnt really become anything else. Remember, brad did Song A to Song Z and Song Q was the only one that started building into what we now know was HHH. So thats 25 other 'Ideas' that never really became anything else then an idea.
  19. I like how he singer goes on about it being an energetic song yet all 4 of them just stand there
  20. I could of sworn there was another thread like this posted about a month or two ago....but anyway. I still listen to ATS on a regular bases. This album never dies out for me. Its like my exact genre, my style, its the music I like hearing. I honestly cant help myself to sing along even if its in the car, on a tv ad, its a must. Honestly no other album has been played as much as this one.
  21. Really good cover actually. I might catch these guys when they come to Sydney in the next month or two.
  22. No No No NO I have just found it! Exactly the same! Its a Roland GR 500 I googled like 6 Knob Les Paul and just searched through Until I saw a picture of this. From the screen shot I have of Brad one in BITS, I can defintally match everything, Colour, Knobs and even the pickups! Pretty damn unique guitar.
  23. I was honestly thinking last week that some of the stuff he comes up with is really unique. Like a lot of drummers (AC/DC to name one) use pretty simple beats and do so for numerous songs. I actually cant find a song where his drum pattern is almost identical to another song. I also say the same thing comparing him to other artists. Like I dont think theres an another unique drum pattern out there like the one he plays in TLTGYA. Hes pretty good. Go listen to songs (especially the newer stuff) and listen to how complex his stuff is. Like theres a kick in the most unqiue place that even an average drummer like myself cant play without somewhat going out of time. Better yet the entire Catalyst base drum line is just a single pedal, no chance I can play that. I have a lot of respect for him.
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