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Everything posted by Pez

  1. All the guys still write on the road. Including back in the early days when they had the rig in the back off the bus. Thats where the main Sample of Somewhere I belong was made. There was also a video a while back where Mike and Phoenix were in the back of the car on the way to the show's venue recording in 'the new studio'. So the guys have always been writing on the road. And most of the time these becomes songs we now know today.
  2. Yeah I remember there being an announcement saying it will take up to 8-10 weeks. I think it's only been around 6-7 so they should be sent in the next couple of weeks.
  3. Pez is in! Australia Sydney! Systeme de Street...right?
  4. Hard to tell from such shit Quality video. I highly doubt it tho. As if they would give the only copy of the Demo to a shopping mall for some M&G with Chester.
  5. Hard to Tell. Looks like a Comb back with the sides shaved.
  6. Did anyone from the site go to the show. Maybe thats a feature we can do. Have an 'Im attending' button linked to shows to we know who will be attending shows. Just a though
  7. Just saw the Link in my facebook news feed. Good on the boys.
  8. HOLY CRAP THIS IS THE MOTHERFUCKING SHITTTTTTT Im in love. I want an download Immediately, like right now! This shit is crazy! EDIT: There is a donwload! Go to THIS LINK!! So pumped!
  9. Some sweet pieces of news here. Thanks for the info! That DJ post is a weird one indeed.
  10. Awesome quotes. You didnt have to include me tho.
  11. Did anyone tune in? Anything interesting, Rips? Edit: Hold up, the whole Australian time zone thing has thrown me off. Has this aired?
  12. True! Chester Really fucked up in that one hahaha.
  13. I volunteer for a charity called Make a Wish foundation. Its basically making kids with serious heath issues dreams come true. If some of you have seen my youtube videos or anything you'll notice the stickers on my guitar. Working for the charity I get to see things like this happen all the time. But sometimes these things are un-reachable due to the fact its hard to get contact with the people needed. To see that Adam has seen this and taken this straight too his 'boss' is amazing. Its really made my quite to call myself a Linkin Park fan. Why? Because we want this kid to be able to live his dream. So even tho Im not really involved in this or anything, but I would like to applauded everyone involved here because I know these things aren't easy from personal experience. And Im glad these is a positive outcome. PS. Thats an awesome vid. Its good to see the guys can do something so little that will make such a big difference.
  14. I was actually in the process of editing that exact thing, but then I decided to add a few facts myself. Thats why I took so long correcting myself. haha. Thanks anyway.
  15. Sorry But these arnt entirely facts if there not entirely true 5. The guitar part for no more sorrow wasnt actually a part of the TLTGYA song at all. Rick Ruban actually said to Brad that he thinks he should use the Ebow on the solo for TLTGYA. Brad didnt feel like it worked so then went and worked on a song Ebow Idea, that later turned into what we now know as NMS. 8. Thats incorrect. Points of Authority is the first song that love was used on. Chester actually said The Messenger in an interview but was incorrect. Hope that clears up things a little. Heres a few of my own. - Mike is known to own more guitars then Brad. - Brad Delson's Red Custom 24 Paul Reed Smith is one of the only ones ever made without the PRS logo on the headstock. - Due to Licensing restrictions. Wisdom Justice and Love can no longer be distributed though Linkin Park's DSP's. - All of the footage shown on the screens behind the band during the Live Performance have been made by a company called 'Ghost Town Media'. - It is known that the band loves their video games. Halo is one of their favourites. - Brad Delson is the only member on stage that doesnt use the In Ear Monitoring system. Instead he wears heavy duty headphones to protect his really sensitive hearing. - Linkin Park have contributed music to so far all three of the Transformer movies. One song which was made JUST FOR THE MOVIE!
  16. So what was the setlist in the end? Did it get aired?
  17. This has turned into a typical LPLive thread. So much bitching. I won't complain about one thong. Honestly it was just good to be able to watch the guys live. Some people are forgetting about the positive parts and focusing on the negative. Come on guys. They boys don't have to play shows like this. Your lucky enough just to be able to watch it online.
  18. Is there any HQ captures of the webcast available yet? Actually better yet is it legal to share here?
  19. -Rob actually came in and was playing on the off beat, which threw Mike off, It was corrected when Joe came in. -There basically was no Metaflanger in this. If its there, its barely noticeable unlike other shows. -Brad was playing the correct part. Its just mixed real high so it made it sound off.
  20. Epic post there. I actually said at one point in the skype chat. I enjoyed the show. I couldnt give a shit about what set they played or what-not. Its just good to be able to see them live, even tho it was from the other side of the world.
  21. You have won the most Robot Boy mentions in a single skype chat.
  22. OH yeah everyone pay up. Someones gna go ape shit about WJL being aired
  23. I could prob be in the skype chat on my iphone but watching the webcast is highly unlikely. Hope someone rips it!
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