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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Is there a Download Link floating around yet? HQ one. Or Itunes or something? Anyone know?
  2. Epic late notice. Normally they give at least a week or so.
  3. I dont mind it. I do agree that it suits the movie better then the original. But the original is just too amazing, so much power in the lyrics and the music. Unfortunately I dont think this will live up to New Divide or What I've Done like it has in the past.
  4. As if you used me as a part of your pickup line. Next people would be saying "I know Pez, do me". I feel quite honored. And man, I can see the motto for the next batch of shirts. "BUY A SHIRT, IT GETS YOU LAID" Such a epic story.
  5. Had a completely different spin on it. I thought it was a shot on the lyrics seeing they are 'optimistic' lyrics
  6. No, not true. This is so not the reason I am so smooth with the ladiesssss
  7. Optimistic -disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. "Do you feel cold and lost in desperation You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remember all the sadness and frustration And let it go Let it go" I SEE LINKS!
  8. 20th October 2007 Sydney Entertainent centre. Awesome night.
  9. Not true. Chester was the one that wanted me up their the second time. Brad was that hung out with me for a min or two after the show thanking me.
  10. Hahaha, harsh. Come on, I think I would be floating around the middle there
  11. Im putting bets in Iridescent. Seeing TF3 is coming near release date it would work out. But yeh thats if it is in the movie at all. Nothing is really confirmed besides rumors. I think Blackout would be a cool single. Wouldn't get much radio work but its real different. Same can be said with W&K and WTCFM. Just made a video for every song
  12. Let me clear this up. The DVD is a normal DVD just like any other movie would you buy. You can watch it on your HDTV with a DVD player or Throw it into your xbox 360 and watch it though there. You are also able to watch it on your computer if you wish. But when you put the DVD into your computer. You can open the DVD like a normal folder. You will see a folder called 'MP3s' and you will see the audio tracks from the show. Just pull them out of there and into another folder (like my DSP folder) and throw them in itunes. Hope that clears it up for everyone.
  13. Whats everyone guessing as the single?
  14. Totally off topic but your sig deserves some recognition. It needs an award or something. ITS JUST TOO GOOD!
  15. Pez

    New LPTV posted

    I actually miss the fact that they didnt do a bunch of LPTVs like they did for the making of MTM, we got a few but nothing big like the ones we got in MTM Also, where the LPU Summit from Australia LPTV?!? I want this 7-8 Minutes of goodness!
  16. Awesome show. Much better then that Leak we got earlier. The audio is wonderfully mixed (and by Ethan I believe according to the credits) Also Shout-out to that Robot Boy Instrumental thing at the end of the show Epic.
  17. Pez

    New LPTV posted

    COLOR!!!!!!! Haha Nah this is my favorite LPTV so far. Pretty awesome stuff. And Phoenix needs to retire that guitar, It gets a beating every night.
  18. Mike > Brad > Chester > Dave > Joe > Rob.
  19. Ive ordered it (The suburb I live in hates rock music so I was lucky to even be able to order it at Sanity) When it comes in, Ill watch it and post again with my update
  20. I dont know about out guys, but the video was enough to make me Jizz.
  21. No, APFMH > BITS in Bleed It Out anyday. That shit gets you PUMPED!
  22. Pez

    Robot Boy Live

    Its actually not as hard as the guys are making it sound to pull of live. IMO doing the chorus from HHH was much harder.
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