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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Yeh I made a thread on this a while ago when it first came out. I think that thread is prob fossilized now.
  2. Couldnt the purchaser just re email the support and ask to DL the show again due to the unfinished files being update and so on?
  3. I'll put my money on the guys competely scrapping the original vocals.
  4. Just gave Crawling a listen. He is really really REALLY struggling with that. No idea why tho.
  5. Great LPTV, Cant wait for the Australian tour plus the LPU sydney summit ones!
  6. Thanks. Took me a while to make. Though I should make something seeing I had only made a sig once for this site. But yeh back on topic. Another London show. Lucky mofos.
  7. You know because im like best buds with the band now I get these exclusives seconds before you. Hahahaha. I think my humor has hit an all time low
  8. I would now Consider this confirmed! Source: Linkin Parks official Facebook.
  9. Theres actually a few people (two on this site I believe) which have the tracks but are being selfish and not sharing them. First thing I would of done is Post them. Remember, this site has giving you a heap of shit like She Couldn't and other cool stuff so you could at least share the tracks to a few members.
  10. My guess would be the mix wasn't finalized.
  11. I think Newcastle and Sydney 2 are the best shows. No idea why tho...
  12. Sorry to bump this but after reading that TPI Interview with the bands crew. This basically means that those Headphone are just Ear protectors to Protect his ears from the constant loud music. And like I said earlier, relays heavily on the fold back monitors.
  13. I actually noticed that too. Hahaha. Its like chester having to write the lyrics down in his iPhone for TLTGYA when he was at the summit.
  14. I got a bit feeling that these Multitracks will end up like the GH ones....unreleased.
  15. That was a good read. I think Ive met everyone mentioned on their besides a couple. But the statement about the guys being really laid back and cool is true. Such a good crew those guys.
  16. Haha Its kinda cool when I was randomly talking to this guy I met, LP fan. He was like "...and they pulled this kid up called Pez to play guitar. He was great!" And Im just like "yehh man, that was me" haha blows them away. Its happened 3 times. What you mean? by first time you mean the Newcastle show? Cos Brad has no part in that one besides recording my shitty side of stage iphone video. Which fails. Im lost haha. Yeh thats pretty much how they write stuff down here. Funny how some of the answers got screwed up like she said Brad played in Newcastle too. Lost in translation I guess.
  17. +1111 EMA crowd would the biggest this year....I mean last.
  18. Thats weird. They skip The first Melb show and put the 2nd up, Then skip Sydney and put Canberra.
  19. I hope you do too. Basically if it wasnt for you i would be playing a heap of LP songs wrong still. Fucking Ultimate-Guitar can be useless at times. But yeh man you deserve it.
  20. Yeh I looked at it after I posted. Didn't do a spell check or anything. It's a bad habit using slang too. But yeh. Thanks for the read
  21. Thanks! I actually enjoy typing Out these things. Helps me relive the moment. My pleasure. I'm glad you liked it. Took me all day to type out basically. Like I said tho, I enjoy writing these sorts of things. My awesome meter was running pretty much at maximum capacity. Haha Haha I wish man. The guys at work think I'm in the band now haha. Twos enough, I'll leave it open to other kids.
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