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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Newcastle out? What does the pic file names *prays for pic of me*
  2. Newcastle out? What does the pic file names *prays for pic of me*
  3. Already done that. Narc85 going to drop a word for me.
  4. Ill be there rocking out. If i get pulled up again I will bow down to them. Dont think I have a chance tho.
  5. happy birthday champion. Have a good one!
  6. Haha that photo is very dave look a like. I saw a bloke on a bus in Sydney who was exactly like dave. He was rocking Aviators tho.
  7. Omg the way They edited Mike saying Motherfucker was awesome. I couldn't stop laughing. They did the old reverse the vocals trick.
  8. They chopped the crap out of this performance.
  9. I'll rock it in my cover videos too. If you can get me on by the summit time I'll have a crack at going up again.
  10. Win No bitching here. But it would of looked good is i was rocking on stage with a LPLive shirt on. Good publicity for you guys.
  11. Are the Cds still only the 700mb ones or so that cant hold the full concert?
  12. Dude, you deserve it. The amount of setlist tweeting you have done is unbelievable. I tried to do it at Newcastle but failed. You deserve it alot more then I do mine.
  13. Yeh Im fucking pumped! Teach me how and they will
  14. There is no access at this point.
  15. Just got word from good Ol' Pooch. Personally Im pumped
  16. Not a fan. No W&K Plus you need to wait until the 11th song of the set to hear the first ATS song, a song from an album that their promoting. So yeh You need to hear new shit like within the first few songs.
  17. Good to see Ive inspired some people to go for one of their dreams. Good on ya man. Also I was having a chat with Joes Girlfriend too. She pretty nice. She was playing Good ol scrabble on the iPad haha And Im surprised the guys remember me. Gosh I must of left quite an Impression.
  18. Pros. Faint, WTCFM, OSC, and ND are all encore worthy songs Im going to get flamed for this but Lying From You > Papercut IMO Good to see FTI in there Cons. Breakings gone Messegner gone (Im dying!) Ive started a trend with Faint now.
  19. Im really liking this set! Edit: Shit Ive started a trend with Fans on Guitar In Australia. Next we will have to compare whos the best
  20. When they come to me to encore. Thats fucking mean!!!!!
  21. Thats what I was thinking. Faint hasnt been played yet. They either dropped it. Encored it or Jigga What/Fainting it
  22. This set list is looking good! Reqium W&K Lying from You Givin up What Ive done No More Sorrow From The Inside Jornada WFTE WJ&L Iridescent Numb Radiance LOATR Fallout Catalyst
  23. Yeh. Im Planning to get to Sydney at 12 PM and just chill outside. I dont mind, I love just chilling. Nothing beats being Lazy!
  24. New setlist!!! Check the twitter! Reqium W&K Lying from You Givin up What Ive done No More Sorrow From The Inside Jornada WFTE WJ&L Iridescent
  25. Its funny when people say that. I rocked up at 2ish at Newcastle. There were 3 people outside. It was just me my bro and them outside until about 5:45. Doors opened at 7. I found that quite amazing.
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