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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Got it going. I fucking do that in my car all the time hahaha
  2. I wanna know what the go was with the keyboard. Break as in Shinoda was going hard out and broke a key or what. Im guessing it would of been a back up Neko keyboard that replaced it. Wonder how long it took to replace it. Cos shinoda has a far bit of stuff running into that keyboard.
  3. That is hands down my favourite song of MTM. Its just full of musical goodness. I got to see it once live in 07 and then was blown away when it was just stripped back to the acoustic for the summit.
  4. What site is the video hosted on? Like youtube or Vimeo or some shit?
  5. Awesome man! Good to see you on the boards here to now. Hope you hang around this great site.
  6. Yeh I have to say the same. It has to be one of their strongest perfromances of some of their MTM songs. BIO doesnt jump it but I still prefer it then some of the other ones.
  7. Yeh Fiore wasnt in the country until Either the Perth date or Adelaide date. Thats why he didnt get any footage of my first time on stage. Spewing. Not a sign of me. I think the bit where Mike and Chester come off stage and hes taken his in ears out was in Sydney. I think my brother had seen that because thats the side he came off the stage.
  8. Damn not exactly what I would of considered an Aus tour wrap up interview. Maybe some highlights moments or talking about the summit. Over even mentioning me, brad Or Lewis would of been great!
  9. Agreed. Either you or Mark ask Pooch what the go is?
  10. I would like them to release Music in 3d. Now there's a challenge
  11. I think it will be 9:30ish Sydney time so add an hour to that for Day light savings
  12. Haha Yeh I was lurking the relaunch. Took me a bit to join tho
  13. Congrats guys! I want to make another account at 10000 or something so I can get an extra special blowjob from Mark
  14. Few things I didnt like. There was one whole orginal numb and then Half Numb encore. just stick them together! No APFMH, that shit needs to be in there!
  15. +1 While everyone sits here and and bitches and moans about this my close family have to basically leave everything behind and evacuate because water will be destroying their home. Real nice guys.
  16. So there saving the best till last
  17. I swear I was about to post a post exactly like this. Even tho I'm not directly effected my sister and cousins and other close family are either stuck or have been effected. If MFR was able to help out with Black Saturday that happened in Victoria a few years back then they should offer some help to these floods. Ive donated and I hope you guys can help us out a little.
  18. Have i ever told you how much i love you? How much from JB?
  19. Faint....that song is the moment of my life...twice therefore Faint on repeat.
  20. He also said in the LPU video chat recently that they wouldnt rule it out and 'they' were talking. By they I guess its management. But thats kinda sucky if they need to change their next single for it.
  21. Did both sydney shows (well that I remember). Didnt at Newie tho.
  22. Jan 10 here in Aus. I hate it how we always have to be a day later for this shiz.
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