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Everything posted by Pez

  1. That is one pretty awesome looking hoodie.
  2. Disagree. The way LP performed SOTD at the 3 shows I saw here in Aus, they had a great amount of energy as well as performed it well. Its a good soft song that is pretty upbeat and head nod-able.
  3. Just think of the ammount of volunteering emails they are getting. It does take a bit to select who they want lalalala. Took them a while to get back to me about the Newcastle gig.
  4. Yep. And I was in on that one. Fucking love that song!
  5. Im already palming my downloads off so they can be posted. michalangelo is recieving the goods to upload.
  6. Pez

    LPLive Shirts

    Ill be getting both. Just grey for now. Nice stuff Overkill!
  7. Took the words (Or actions) right out of my mouth. Thanks
  8. Haha and the funny thing was As me and Mike were talking. This bloke was Already typing out his post about it hahaha.
  9. Fuck this. Empty Spaces will be number 1 on the billboard charts!
  10. Can I get this straight because I've seen me getting bagged out a little on two different topics. Kurtis can back me up on this. I waited until the very end of the line (Well before the photo people because they had to be at the end of the line) to make sure if anyone else got in first they could go. I actually had no intentions on getting up their again. When I got to the table they guys remembered me and thanked me for Newcastle. I introduced my brother and said hes a bass player. Then Mike and Chester begun to discuss along with Dave about it. I got the rest of my stuff signed and went to the back of the group for the photo. As I was there Tim Solar came and said you guys are too short to be back here. Come to the front for the picture. As we came back to the front Mike goes "Pez, I wasnt to sure about doing it but Dave was interested. But you got Chester's vote so were going to bring both you and your brother up on Faint" And thats what pretty much happened.
  11. Thats exactly what I though. Im looking at it going wow Its only 61 keys. and then I hit the keys and think wtf its plastic. I wouldnt pay a good couple thousand Australian to play plastic keys.
  12. I though I shall bump this to discuss what I saw at the summit. First with Guitars. I noticed only 2 new Guitars. One for Brad and one for Shinoda. Both are fenders. Heres Shinoda's, Its a back up Fender for the Whiteish one he uses during WID and BITS etc Brad's has A sunburst finished Fender Strat now, He uses it on Jornada Del Muerto. You can see it infront of the roy tribute fender here I asked both Brad guitar tech and Mikes whats new with their gear rack wise. They said not much is different. The only real thing mentioned was Delson now has the Octive shifter thing in his rack and then the EV-5 controls the shifting. He also mentioned that Delson now has over 200 patches in the G-Major. I just saw this pic. Its chester guitar in-front of Mikes rack I cant tell from the angle but it looks like a DD-7 pedal at the front of the line. Also Its quite obvious yet I have no idea what its there for but thats just a good ol Roland Micro cube amp. The TU-3 is for Kirk when he tunes the Gats before he sends them on stage but you can clearly see the Hog which was used heavily on the ATS album. You can also see it on this photo next to the pedal board on Brads rack You can also get a glimse of Mikes pedals in this. But still means fuck all to me On to Chester pads. The pitchech pads are controlled by a Roland TMC-6. This allows the jacks to be converted to MIDI lalalala all techy shit. I also think Robs pads are also controlled by a Similar device. Also heres a pic of robs new pads incase anyone wants to see an up close look. Well if you seen a Blackout live video you would notice Dave isnt playing a Bass. Hes actually playing one of these It was fresh out of the box too because The empty box was in Daves Bass road case. Yeh so this is what he uses to trigger his bassy parts in the song. Along with breakdown samples. Even tho I'm not a bass kind of guy (They look so ugly and unappealing to me ) I though I would post this. As I work for Roland who has Boss under its wing. I can tell you those last 2 white pedals far right are LS-2 pedals. There basic Line selectors. Nothing special. As for the other stuff. I have no idea. Still unsure on what its used for but heres a pic of that little pedal board under Mike's keyboard If anyone knows anything about it please post. This piece of gear is bugging me because I still have no idea why its there or what its used for or does. FILL ME IN!!! Heres a few snaps of Mike's new keys. Its fucking massive!!! Even tho the second pic is quite blurry, Those things listed are actually the song names. Mike basically hits on whatever song and it loads all his presets and his ready to go! One that got me was there was a Patch for Crawling. Maybe for his little piano thing during the reanimation intro but still puzzled me. Last thing is I just noticed this. Mike actually has 2 acoustics in his tour rig now. Maybe ones a backup or whatever but still there Heres the pic And yeah thats I all I've got to say enjoy....
  13. Last I heard was he was managing a band. I know Astat knows because hes the one that told me.
  14. Both Hugo and Maurice (and add Cory in there too) are great people! My experience wouldn't of been as half as exciting without the crew.
  15. Yeh man didn't get a chance to really have a chat unlike the 11th last night. You were in a different group and I would be at the front of the line to your back. But def awesome day and show!
  16. Aye narc, did a bloke buy 400 yesterday?
  17. The Fact that theres no videos of our performance online expect a 7 second clip of us walking off stage hahaha.
  18. QWERTY or Given Up or NMS on acoustic Now that will impress me.
  19. Pez

    LPU Video Chat

    Just got it. Cheers champ.
  20. Pez

    LPU Video Chat

    Damn missed it cos Im at work. I went to log on but the comps here arnt to flashy when it comes to flash
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