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Everything posted by Pez

  1. I think the opposite. Without the interludes the album doesn't flow. The album would become one of these... Track 1, end in silence Track 2, end in silence Track 3, end in silence and so on With the interludes it would keep a low going on from song to song Track one flows into Interlude which sets the mood for track two Great example is take away The radiance between The Requiem and Burning in the skies. Now without the Radiance the songs dont flow into each other Get me?
  2. Thanks man, And that video is reallyyy sloppy. I had a Deadline for work for it. Used it as a promo thing.
  3. Then again, I waited 3 years last time hahaha.
  4. Ill be their. I really would like to hear Blackout Also im going to be at the summit. Should be good!
  5. Pez

    LPU Video Chat

    Oh too many numbers. Too many conversions. My brain hurts.
  6. Because I am awesome Nah just the way radio and Shiz works these days is fucked up. I heard blackbirds a week or so after 8 bit came out. I was tripping out.
  7. Couple of things. Blackout I see Phx is using some sort of sampler to play his bass parts. Its quite interesting how he must trigger it. It would have to be timed perfectly. Kinda looks like a SP-404sx but highly highly HIGHLY doubt it. Wonder what hes using. As for the break down. I am a little disappointed with that. If I can basically 99.9% do the breakdown myself on my pretty cheap awesome sampler in THIS VIDEO Then the boys should really be able to nail it. Chester goes fucking mental on the drums, both trigger and toms! I love that energy. First time the guys did a song where a guitar isnt played live. That is excluding All intervals, LPJZ and Acoustic songs Burning in the Skies This song didnt have as big of a reaction on me as I though I would. Tho this feeling may change if its played tomorrow night. But Mike Playing the solo FTW!!!
  8. I was only thinking the other day. Dont you miss the fact that we had a LPTV epp every week. And like then their were the itunes ones which were close to 10 minutes long or something. And they would come out weekly too. Oh those were the days....
  9. Its kind of a kick in the balls to put Brisbane and then wait for about 10 days for a show that was recorded the next day. Ah well, Such is Life.
  10. Oh I want it to be released already! Pootch said on Saturday night he had finished his end of the mixing and handed it over to Ethan(???) who splits the tracks up and gives them their names and what not.
  11. Someone has been a busy boy LOL AT 'AlexMcmillan'sGirlfriend' win!!!
  12. OMG BLEED IT OUT!! NO BREAKING THE HABIT Or Blackout. Either one I will kindly suck someone off for (No dont pull it out, it was just a figure of speech)
  13. Just listening to The Brisbane one. Its cool how they kept Chester's fuck up in the bridge. Also just wondering, They got "Nobrain Thing" written next to WTCFM. I know the guys did give No Brain parts of WTCFM after he won the contest to fuck around with. So what is the "NoBrain thing" Thing
  14. Dark horse topping the 2010 charts when it was released in 2008 Thats Billboard charts for ya.
  15. Well Narc did tweet "Very impressed with Dead Letter Circus... why's it taken me this long to see these guys?" before he started tweeting setlist. Safe to say they were.
  16. Same set as last night. No fan on faint and Chester in the crowd for Crawling.
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth. Leave out all the rest was being played on the radio before Bleed it out was released as a single. I believe Lying for you had the same deal but never made a single? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. Haha he told me a little about it. I think its more what DIDN'T happen at the meet and greet.
  19. As do I. I was about to job someone in the line today who was talking shit about it. Back on topic. Pooch said Sydney 2 tickets are selling really poorly!
  20. I would be like the 10th member or something. Like there the Keytar, Hugo and Marice are members. I havent heard of the Keytar for a while now. Maybe I can replace it
  21. Fucking awesome night. Like I said to Narc after the show. The crowd just gave the guys so much energy. I fucking awesome moment for me was Chester during Crawling. He was slowly moving along the barricade. and when he came to me and noticed me he stopped and Shared the Mic with me. He then shook my hand as he moved on. He also stopped at the blind kid who he also let sing which was really good for him. Also Dave noticed me at the end of the show. He was waving at everyone and then stopped and pointed at me giving me the devil horns. He tried to throw his sweatband at me but hes got one horrible shot. Chances for the 2nd show are looking good for me again
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