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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Just a quick note now that I have seen this thread again. They are currently Auctioning off a Pair of white Xanders which are signed by Mike for charity. LINK Also some of the First/original Xanders have appeared on Shinoda's new store on his blog. There up for $100 US and only available in 10.5 and 11.5 LINK Hope this helps
  2. Oh yeah Also quick note. Chester had no arms during 2000-2002
  3. Eb doesnt really suit IMO. Both C and Also D sound great.
  4. No offense, but the future doesn't look too good at the moment.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0
  5. You are not alone... I love Brads Solo Intro. Then The massive ass pause before the verse and at the bridge. Also the guitar smashing at the end of it is also note worthy.
  6. Ahh a video where Brads playing with his broken foot. I think Ive only seen maybe 3 max of this period.
  7. Damn, Ive been hunting for them all over the place. Some of these Online shops wont ship to AUS.
  8. If something were to happen, it would be a weird combo. Mike as the artist and Deadmau5 has the producer type thing. Just doesnt work for me. Although I am down for hearing some new shit.
  9. Just saw this on youtube. Amazing. Reminds me of him at the summit. He has such a great touch on the song.
  10. I think Faint holds my crown. But seriously. I find it really hard to choose. I change all the time. I love Blackout atm and its been like that since the album came out. But then theres others and I just cant decide.
  11. Where'd you get them from. The exact size I need too.
  12. I reckon they will be recognized in some HOF one day down the line. Really there one of the leading bands. Still recording amazing songs. Donating time to charity and supporting change. Id vote for them.
  13. Why didn't you come to the Sydney one Us Aussies arnt good enough for you?
  14. Seems like a good chat. Shame I missed out, stupid time zones If anything I think this is what he would do IMO. Max would be something Like Lockjaw.
  15. Yewwwww Last time They did this Shinoda brought out the 'Pink Pussy' I believe.
  16. I'm here to do so. They actually had a group of 20 or so people who came in during the meet and greet wearing the blue M&G Passes. It could of either been 1) contest winners who one the chance to meet them though a radio station or something 2) due to a 100 person limit for the summit, they had the meet and greet for the few LPUers that missed out or lastly 3) just because they can But yeh thats just what happened in Sydney, not sure about the other 2 summits.
  17. Compared to ATS where his vocals are somewhat featured on every song (exlcuding some Interludes). I actually think his vocals are on the messenger too (the lower octave at the end) I could be wrong.
  18. Quoted for the amazing post of truthness Seriously guys. You cant vote MTM just because of one song. He pushed the shit out of his vocals just to sing that. And are you serious about the catalyst thing. Cos I just listen to it and do actually believe it. Thats amazing!
  19. Nah I reckon its legit. You should add Adams Tweet to the post. Hopefully its something solid.
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