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Everything posted by Pez

  1. Yep all good Got one for ya. Brad used to work as a bouncer at the Roxy! Edit: Did notice I was the last person to post and therefore accidentally double posted. Sorry Peeps.
  2. Damn, I was actually going to be able to attend this one before it changed. Ah well shit happens I guess.
  3. I was actually thinking about this today. On the way home from work OSC came on because I just have everything on shuffle. Then I though "Damn, this isnt as good lyrically as everything else they have put out recently". Im pretty sure thats why I listen to both MTM and ATS a lot more then HT and Meteora. Just the fact that the lyrics have (well IMO, dont go crazy at me for saying this) a lot more meaning and a better story behind them instead of "Shut up when Im talking to you".
  4. I just read this moments ago. Sad story. May he rest in peace.
  5. Damn, my bad, totally missed that bit.
  6. Either way Im pretty sure it comes under the official material rule here so even if it does exist it cant be shared on these forums.
  7. Should also include Poochs name in the nominations. "Ken Van Druten"
  8. ITS BACK! I cant wait for some new material. Also with the LOL at the 2009 Album thing. Dont forget the guys were bitch fighting with Warner (kinda) as shown in the ATS DVD. Edit: this is my 1,500th post. Woo!
  9. Thats not the chorus. Plus Mikes part is there, I hate it when people call it rap. Its actually more rhythmic singing.
  10. I have one, Not a biggie but something I noticed the other day. Crawling, Forgotten and Easier to Run are the only songs that appear on a LP Studio album that Starts with a Chorus (lyric wise) Correct me if Im wrong.
  11. The only thing I liked was the little scratching (more like fader sliding) bit but even that sucked ass. Cookies for trying tho
  12. I didnt even know Gaga was facing a Lawsuit. Damn.
  13. Thats correct. I remember watching it myself. I believe thats because thats David's Birthday?!?
  14. Nevermind, got my shit working. DAMN I though it was the video Ah well better then nothing.
  15. This is gay, I cant even flip the first card -.-
  16. Are you sure there samples. It seem to me more to be like cue points set at the start of each word cos the video jumps back to stay in sync. Hence why the video jumps around alot when he strikes the Sample pads.
  17. Damn, looks like a real cool axe, My local store has one apparently so I might go have a little play Also that BITS one looks pretty damn cool. Can I ask one more question, its Joes gear tho. Those pad things he has right (I cant remember the name), are they set up at certain cue points. So like when he hits one it will jump to a certain word and if he holds it down it just repeats, you know in the radiance etc. How would he have that set up?
  18. I would guess Skype would be go. But if it was skype then it might of well have been a video chat. Keep it old school and use a phone Shinoda! ahaha
  19. You enter, whoever gets randomly selected will get called by Mike.
  20. Yeah Im down. Ill most likely record it this weekend or some night this week if work isnt too busy.
  21. Hey Ive got one for ya Astat. Whats the Axe Brad was using in the Iridescent video?
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