AudioNick Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Mine would be catching Mr Bourdon's stick! Quote
Teagan Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 My favorite lp related moment 2010 was for sure, thanks to ana, being one of the first 20 people in the world to listen to ATS in cologne, germany, and to meet Mike and Dave at the same event. That was just badass and for sure one of the most memorable things I ever experienced. Quote
Yagami23 Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Great wishes for everyone, As for me this year best moment was watching the making of of the album. Because after listening to the album, seeing the process of making it, makes it greater to appreciate. And as for this year I'm just waiting to go to my very first show ever ! Quote
annare Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Happy new year! My fav moment was the first time I ever listened to A Thousand Suns. I waited till night, put the lights out, closed my eyes and listened to it from begining to end. It was such an amazing experience Quote
McArt Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Just after Christmas in 2005 was when I got the server space from Sotrix to start my LP live "project". Nothing really came of it for a long time after that but that's when the very first seed was planted for this website. Over 5 years ago. Wow, how time flies! i remember that! haha you just had a bunch of .txt files hosted on the server. Crazy! Times does fly. Quote
D_Enigma Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 (edited) My favorite moment from 2010 was without a doubt being able to attend the ATS release show at the Best Buy Theater in NY. It was my first LP concert and I got to meet a lot of cool people there. Edited January 1, 2011 by D_Enigma Quote
tschenneck Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 (edited) Awesome year man. I can't believe it's over. BTW, isn't it time for the european dates? If I haven't got a show this summer I got no motivation... My best moment was when I listened to ATS the first time. It had something magical which has just blown me away. I can't describe it. Edited January 1, 2011 by tschenneck Quote
JozM Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Happy New Year to everyone. 2010 the year for all things Linkin Park. Awesome year clearly for the fact that ATS was released. Just love the build up of excitement waiting to hear the album for the very first time. And to see them live in Australia again, amazing experience, can't wait to do it again soon. Quote
LinkinMark Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 (edited) My favourite things from LP in 2010 were obviously the new album (which is amazing) and the fact that I went to my first ever Linkin Park show(s). I attended the November 10 and 11th dates in London and can easily say they were the best two days of my life so far. Here's to a great 2011 for Linkin Park and Happy New Year to all you folks here. Edited January 1, 2011 by LinkinMark Quote
youknowhu Posted January 1, 2011 Posted January 1, 2011 Listening to "The Messenger" for the first time. That was one of the best moments of my life. (: Quote
arbiter Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 I am looking forward to seeing them live on the ATS World Tour at least once. And if all goes well, i can attend 2 more shows and hopefully get a M&G to see the band and if my courage doesn't falter, ask Mike and Chester a question. This is by far my favourite touring cycle so i hope to attend the night where they play the most ATS songs. Quote
lnknchrs Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 I had so many great lp memories in 2010. -A thousand suns comes out -the laser listening event party in la - mini concert at the griffith park observatory - going to berlin and seeing LP perform at the O2 world arena - buying tickets to the LP concert in vegas in feb. LP in LV is Epic!!!! Quote
LPxDC Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Wow where to begin? Not Alone i think is where the year started in terms of releases from the band. Decent effort for the cause it was going to. 8 Bit Rebellion, meeting up with everybody from here in the 8 Bit World filling the chatboxes with calls Then finally June we were beginning to get all the riddles throughout for ATS, all the speculation on everything for what the album title,cover and first single. Hearing all the Catalyst remixes from everyone on here. The whole Dangersilent dramafest that turned into a lolque fest Then the HUGE twitter spamfest to get the reveal on the album cover for ATS, good times there Then the huge epic IMO battles on why The Catalyst was either a step down or up for LP. Then the early reports from the community on the listening parties for ATS. Got me so pumped for the new album Then of course the album leak, got so many links for it in my twitter/email/facebook inbox finally listening and thinking WOAAAH WTF happened here. And just thinking it's so different but its a good kind of different. Just finally listening to the whole thing was great. Then of course traveling to New York from DC to see the album release show and meeting up with Trip(LPPhan2005) and Jim (Papelbon/eng42ine) then meeting several people in line such as Numbrocker, Reagan, Cindy & Kelly beforehand. Managing to get the whole line signing LP songs, actually singing ALL of 99 Bottles of beer on the wall. Then finally inside the show, waiting with the LPL crew then the show starting with the band completely on their A game. Seeing some of the new songs live first was incredible. Always wanted to see LP in an intimate setting and finally copped an LP setlist from the stage. Then afterward while waiting to meet up with my madre and cousin the band was coming out backstage and getting to meet Brad, Mike & Chester was incredible even if it was brief. Finally getting a handshake from Chester, an autograph from Brad and a thank you from Mike for my compliments about ATS was the cherry on top. Definitely the best show of this year next to Metallica in Guatemala. And the last part of 2010 LP related has to be LPU X and the release of the US dates. Can't wait to see the band twice in New York and in Washington D.C., I hope I get a meet and greet for one of them,,so i can meet them formally finally after 5 years of being a fan. I'm go glad I have had the pleasure to meet and speak to all the LP fans I've met here and out at shows this year. Here's to 2011 for more good times of lulz,failz and trolling in the Linkin Park and LPL world! Quote
RiderSSPU Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 (edited) what is the the best thing from LP this year? If you were to ask me a couple months ago i would have said ATS, but I don't even listen to the album as a whole anymore or even listen to most of the songs anymore (besides WFTE.) But i will say when I heard WFTE for the first I was in love, I thought it was the best song ever written and i may not think that now but i still think it is the best LP song ever! So i say the best part of LP this year was WFTE For 2011 i am looking forward too, a BITS music video (should come out this year), and seeing what they play on the 2011 North American tour Edited January 2, 2011 by LinkinParkFan4Ever Quote
XaGiCo Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Happy New Year!! My 2010 has been impressive, from the new album A Thousands Suns, to see Linkin Park four in less than a week, Madrid, Birmingham, London & London. The big day was LPU Summit London. Quote
MikeDCT Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 (edited) LP highlights for me: 2 FREE concerts, the first one in Paris thanks to MFR, and the second one in Madrid, my country and what is my important my city. Other important moment: Aerosmith playing in Barcelona, Spain. I´ve waited to this moment like, 15 years (since I was 9 years old). Edited January 2, 2011 by MikeDCT Quote
schatti Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Best moments of 2010 was the M&G at the Stuttgart gig and met some people from lpl at the Frankfurt gig like SpikeMinoda or Overkill. We had a lot of fun before the concert Quote
Geki Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 The best moment of 2010 for me was right before the album was coming out...I remember staying up at all nights of the morning to get the remix clips for The Catalyst, I remember the snippets of a couple of the songs and the awesome LPTV's. I always love right before an LP album drops. Quote
DecanoLP Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 The best moment of 2010 for me was right before the album was coming out...I remember staying up at all nights of the morning to get the remix clips for The Catalyst, I remember the snippets of a couple of the songs and the awesome LPTV's. I always love right before an LP album drops.I agree. Waiting for news, snippets, cover art and all this stuff is more spectacular than the album itself Quote
Ree Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Best moment of 2010 (and my whole life lol) was the LPU London Summit. That day was fucking SURREAL. We had the chance to do so many awesome things such as meet the band and take part in a Q&A with them. What really surprised me was that after the Q&A, Mike suddenly pulled his chair right up in front of me for the acoustic LOATR performance! I had to move back so I didn't touch him! We got to watch the band at sound check too. I was also lucky enough to win a backstage tour with Mike which was fun. I got to hug him too! /fangirl. It was simply the best day EVER. You can watch my videos on this channel (including some HD videos): My other LP highlights of the year: *Seeing LP on tour at the London O2 Arena. *The whole hype leading up to the album release. *Hearing A Thousand Suns in full. *When They Come For Me. *Meeting so many awesome LP fans. *Mike reading my question and my name out on the LPU video chat haha. Happy New Year everyone and I hope 2011 is packed with more LP awesomeness for you all. Quote
ChuckCheese Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 The fact that the interaction with the fans skyrocketed during the making of ATS. With the LPU and Ustream chats and the remix contest and everything. But mostly the fact that with this tour they have already completely demolished the ass of the entire Minutes to Midnight touring cycle. They're going harder and sharper than ever live. Bringing fans onstage again, who saw that coming? The epicness that is WTCFM live? APFMH over BIO? The return of Papercut? Not even mentioning how good ATS was. No need. Quote
andydlp Posted January 2, 2011 Posted January 2, 2011 Happy New Year All!!! Hope everyone has a kickass 2011 Best moment of the year for me...Release and subsequent love of ATS! I took a while but we're inseparable now and we hope to have many more happy moments together in 2011 Both me and ATS love all our kids equally, even our "special" little guy Robot Boy! I must again remind everyone just how sick and wild our most precious child Blackout is. He can be misunderstood by most when they first meet him but if you give him time and patience then....he will blow your f-in mind with his awesomeness!!!! I think I'm still drunk but you get my point! Quote
iamsatan Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 Definitely best LP moment of 2010 was being able to listen to A Thousand Suns two weeks before release at Warner Bros. Records thanks to the LPU. I was looking forward to the album for so long and was lucky enough to get to listen to it before most of the world. I was pretty shocked that first listen, but it's really grown on me, definitely one of their best albums. I can already tell the best moment of 2011 will be me on the floor with my friends at Staples Center seeing them live in February. Quote
leftshoe18 Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 I'd say the best moment was when I first heard The Catalyst. It was so different. Also, it was that day that I found out I was going to be a father. Quote
arbiter Posted January 3, 2011 Posted January 3, 2011 Now that 2010 is over, i can reflect properly on the best LP related stuff. At the top of the list for sure is getting to listen to ATS for the first time from start to finish and then leave it on replay for the rest of the year. It was the most satisfying album i have ever listened too. Definitely the best present LP could give to their fans. The other one was going to the NYC release concert. I have always wanted to see the band in a small venue and i got my wish. It was very small and intimate. I got chills from the first time the curtains parted and revealed Mike to when the notes of The Requiem started playing and the creepy vocals singing the lyrics of The Catalyst.. Such a great opener. The rest was just too wonderful to put into words. And i guess the rest is just watching the progress of LP's ATS tour across the ocean. I enjoyed following their tour and all the little surprises they had for each show. Most of all, i just loved reading the experiences of all the fans from this community from the tour. I sure lived through the ones who were at the LPU Summit. Quote
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