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It Leaked (ATS/LT/The Hunting Party)

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When They come for me is the worst song


Blackout , Wretches and Kings , Iridescent , Waiting for the end , burning in the skies are the best ,


Robot Boy , The Catalyst , The Messanger are quite/normal


in my openion .


All these reviews by newspapers, people etc seem to lead me to think that nothing the band does will satisfy them. I'd love to see them do better to be honest. The NYDailynews link just annoyed me A LOT.

LP wont ever satisfy them XD, if they do the same thing they will be criticized for always doing the same type of music , if they do something different they will be criticized for that too hahahah.


BTW . . . A great and diverse album


While listening to the album, I've been thinking of the right word that would describe the music that I'm hearing, sitting in my dark room right now, with my headphones on. And really, the only word that comes to mind, is "Beautiful".


I don't fucking care if there's less Brad or less old-school Linkin Park sound on ATS. All I know is that, right now, I'm listening to some really beautiful music ... and its making me think about the expansive landscape that music, in general, can create in our minds.


And if a "mainstream" band like LP has come up with an album like "this", then I'm glad that the mainstream has at least two genius bands (Muse being the other one ^_^ ).


Journey, it fucking is, Mr. Shinoda. And what a journey it is.


Today, I'm truly proud to be a Linkin Park fan.


I need to listen to it a few more times before I can give a full opinion, cause right now my jaw is on the floor.


If you had told me ten years ago that LP was going to sound like this, I would have given you a smack in the head, called you a "nu metal pansy" and walked away. I'm eating my fucking words right now.


First impression: It truly is their Dark Side Of The Moon. Too bad the majority of their fans don't want Dark Side Of The Moon... :(

Posted (edited)

my first impressions(there will surely change):


Burning in the skies 8/10 - lp like(m2m edition) :D


When they come for me 9/10 - love the ending!!!


Robot boy 7/10 - so and so


Waiting for the end 10/10 - great song


Blackout 10/10 - total mess :D it is awesome now, but it so messy I am not sure will I like it later


Wretches and kings 8/10 - love the beat, not the heyheyheys or choruses that much


Iridescent 9/10 - mike and chester singing nicely together... very U2 like


The Catalyst 10/10- ...


The Messenger 10/10 - Chester makes you "cry" here... extraordinary performance



It's definitely a journey! An awesomely enjoyable one :D What I can say is that my emotional response after hearing it for the first time is a lot better then when I had just heard M2M. However, first impression after HT was more intense(but then I was just a 12yrs old kid) :D

Edited by bojkic

Man, what an album! It's hard to say what I really think about it after the one listen through; it definitely needs to be played over and over some more for it to sink in completely, but it's epic. When They Come For Me is so badass and I'm glad it lived up to the previews, LPTV episode, etc.


As for the genre, well man this has me stumped, it's so many things in one. I like to organise my music meticulously, but this is the best I could come up with for now:


Posted Image


I'm off to have another listen. B)


The Messanger: What a total fucking disappointment ( IMO ), Chester, acoustic, how did it go wrong ? really dont like


i'm finished with my first listening and well i have to say i love every second of that album.

i guess it doesn't matter which genre LP is doing cuz you always get that special linkin park touch which makes it unique....

feels like you are on a journey when you listen it and the messenger is sooo beautiful ....it's a great last song for the album.

i guess that song will be great live! imagine brad sits beside chaz on a chair with the spotlight on chester and he nails that song into his mic


this is the best album LP ever did for me

i fell in love


i'll say this. black out is not hardcore by any means. chester doesn't belong on the track and thoes who say the ending is weird, the ending is the part that feels like it belongs the most.


all the intermission tracks make the album sound like its restarting. they all sound like intro's rather than interludes.


first two tracks should have just been one.


To me, the messenger was ALMOST epic. but i think chester oversang it. it pushed his vocals to far and it kind of hurt the track. it wasn't bad, but i felt like it was too much.


fall out and iridescent are basically throw away tracks.


the album is super soft. if you want hardcore you'll get about 2.5 tracks worth it.


best songs?

Burning in the Skies

When They Come For Me (Brad yelling in spanish)

Waiting for the End

Wretches and Kings



biggest let downs?

Black Out



i can't tell you if this album is bad or good collectively because i don't know how i feel about it. you just have to decide for yourself. all i know is that I am let down a little.


I remember the LPTV episode "Megaphone Brad".. Did that make an appearance in the album at all that I may have over looked?

at the end of wtcfm


A wait to monday :) but i can wait :D

Maybe LP will give us the download link to the album before time, to all of us, who had preorded the album hehe No that will not happen LOL


I remember the LPTV episode "Megaphone Brad".. Did that make an appearance in the album at all that I may have over looked?

It sounds like it's at the end of Empty Spaces, I'm sure that it is Brad with the megaphone. Listen to it again!


I actually cried at the end of The Messenger... :mellow:

I love the album! it's so emotional... It cannot be described in words... Definitely not old LP, but still, it's just... Wonderful! B)

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