sublimeric Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 I'd like a remastered version of "She Couldn't" and maybe a demo of "Pushing Me Away" (reanimated) with Mike singing Stephen's part. Definitely downloading this no matter what they put on it. $60 + whatever the CD price is + shipping is ridiculous for a 10 track disc. Quote
leftshoe18 Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 There were unreleased Collision Course tracks? that would be awesome to hear. Quote
Spin Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 Wow, this is pretty freaking awesome. Looking forward to this quite a bit now. Quote
Rob_Wilson Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 1. P5hng Me A*wy Demo 2. Easier To Run Demo 3. Don't Stay Demo 4. Anything to do with Breaking The Habit 5. Some sort of demo for Cure For The Itch 6. Numb Demo 7. PictureBoard (haha) 8. Anything to do with TLTGYA 9 and 10. Any unreleased songs. Sorry if people got bored reading this, just like to see something along those lines but its pretty obvious that when LP says ten demos, it's going to be badass regardless. Just have to wait and see............. Right we already have a bth demo for lpu 9 they overdid live versions of the song let's not overdo demos as well! Also there was a tltgya demo lpu9 so let's not have another I'm up for anything we don't have already - don't car what era Quote
JanekZech Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 Thomas, did Mike really say 10 demos? I only remember that he said ALMOST 10 demos. Well, whatever. Concerning the live shows: He said that for the first few tours (like Europe and South America) they'll only do one shorter setlist because they have to get used to play live again but after that, they'll do the longer setlistS, including a poll where the fans can chose one song that the band will play. Pretty badass. By the way, when I asked him about the 2004 Figure.09/From The Inside transition and if they could play that again when they play F.09 he didn't even know what I was talking about LOL. Quote
lpfan89 Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 Hopefully its a full song not just instrumentals and quick 1 minute demos. A full fledge song from that era Quote
gtrnowak4tkd Posted August 20, 2010 Posted August 20, 2010 Hopefully its a full song not just instrumentals and quick 1 minute demos. A full fledge song from that era i hope its all songs like that are in their almost completed states. Quote
BlackChester Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 Full Interview Audio posted on go check it and pls, don't repost it on other pages, just link to, thanks! @Janek yep, he said 10 Songs! Quote
Xandersilk Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 (edited) Yeah, as has been mentioned numerous times already, the CD is NOT included with the $60 membership fee - there are no physical "package" items included in that. You have to pay extra for those and purchase them in the LPU Store. As for the CD, cool. I'd be even more excited for it if I could actually get it for a semi-reasonable price. What about a digital download CD like LPU9? I'm sure the demos will be all over the internet as soon as LPUX is out anyway so I'm not too worried. By the way, when I asked him about the 2004 Figure.09/From The Inside transition and if they could play that again when they play F.09 he didn't even know what I was talking about LOL. I think the fans take more notice than the band when it comes to special jams and stuff they do live. To them the actual finished songs are more important but us as fans are very demo hungry for some reason Edited August 21, 2010 by DJIntensity Quote
Geki Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 I can't wait for this!!! I just really don't want minute long demos like Sad and Stick N Move...I'd also rather have all the demos have full vocals but that probably won't happen. I want b-sides more than demos. I hope we get Thoughts That Take Away My Pride. Quote
KATHYxx Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 Oh please oh please oh please oh let my LPU membership be eligible to get this. I'd love to have this in my hands, but for $70, oh heck no. Quote
LPFreak64 Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 I made something that I thought would be relevant to this topic. Quote
jFar Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 (edited) What I don't get is so many Hybrid Theory demos leaked out so long ago, but why didn't many(or any) Meteora or Minutes to Midnight leak out? Oh please oh please oh please oh let my LPU membership be eligible to get this. I'd love to have this in my hands, but for $70, oh heck no.That is the funniest thing i saw all week! Edited August 21, 2010 by TripleXero Quote
aravind221 Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 (edited) im sure the band would have a made a lot of tracks during the ats sessions , probably they might include the un released songs in the ATS , there couldnt be any more HT or meteora demo since plenty of them have already come out , if so there are any Mtm track demos which hasnt hit yet , they have a better chance in lpux or else IT IS...................... most likely B- side of ATS WILL be in LPUX i hope , Edited August 21, 2010 by aravind221 Quote
RockyP Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 What I don't get is so many Hybrid Theory demos leaked out so long ago, but why didn't many(or any) Meteora or Minutes to Midnight leak out? It's because the HT demos were given to various labels. If something from Meteora or MtM leaked, that would mean a band member or somebody they know put it out. Chances are slim Quote
DecanoLP Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 Concerning the live shows: He said that for the first few tours (like Europe and South America) they'll only do one shorter setlist... Quote
hahninator Posted August 21, 2010 Author Posted August 21, 2010 im sure the band would have a made a lot of tracks during the ats sessions , probably they might include the un released songs in the ATS , there couldnt be any more HT or meteora demo since plenty of them have already come out , if so there are any Mtm track demos which hasnt hit yet , they have a better chance in lpux or else IT IS...................... most likely B- side of ATS WILL be in LPUX i hope , Of course they made a lot during the ATS sessions. We already got one of those tracks the other day with Pretend To Be. It's possible there will be one or two ATS sessions tracks on LPUX but I highly doubt any more than 1 on the CD (other than Pretend To Be. Not sure if PTB is on the CD or not but I wouldn't think it would be.) So in your opinion there couldn't be any more Hybrid Theory or Meteora demos? If you ask me, there couldn't be any more MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT demos. We got a reworked Not Alone, we got Across The Line (which was a clip in the DVD), we got No Roads Left (iTunes) and we got (possibly reworked) Blackbirds. That's more than the Meteora sessions, WAY more. The band confirmed they stopped working on Grecian and we have QWERTY, Announcement Service Public, etc. Surely there's not that many more songs that they almost completed from MTM. Take a look at Meteora. We have the entire CD and that's it. The only other song from those sessions that was released was A.06 / A-Six. There's clips from the Making Of Meteora of another demo (the one that goes "Thoughts That Take Away My Pride") and there's clips from the LPTV Summer Sanitarium 2003 episode of an unreleased instrumental when Brad and Mike are at the M&G table. That's two clips of something already right there. The band said they remixed Meteora tracks but never released them - there's something. SURELY they made more songs than just what we have from Meteora. You'd be ignorant to think otherwise. I bet there's more, I'd be willing to put money on it. Hybrid Theory, take a look at that. We have the entire album and ten trillion demos but the only songs from those sessions that we have (that are DIFFERENT) songs would be High Voltage (Remix), which doesn't count as an entirely new song really, and She Couldn't. The rest are just demos of Hybrid Theory or the Hybrid Theory EP. Let's take a look at songs from that era that we possibly know of. The video of LP rehearsing in Burbank (the video of BRAD, MY FUCKING PARKING TICKET) has that instrumental clip they are jamming on. There's one. Pictureboard is in there, but that dates back to Xero time. They said Esaul was written during Xero too, so there might be a recording of that. And I highly doubt Xero only recorded 6 songs (those 2 and the 4 on the tape). There surely is more from that period, whether it's full fledged songs, half completed songs, or even instrumentals. Reanimation? Team Sleep's remix of My December, the version of WHATEVER song Ryu recorded vocals for (With You, Enth E Nd, or whatever he claims it was, lol), and I'm sure there's more. LP sent stems out to their friends to remix the songs and picked the best ones for Reanimation, so I'm sure they have more remixes that are unreleased. We already have two - Buy Myself (Manson Remix) and Pts (Crystal Method Remix). More? Highly possible. So your claims of there being no more Hybrid Theory or Meteora tracks...I find that total bullshit lol. We said that before and then She Couldn't came out. Of any of the 3 major albums, we have the MOST tracks from the MTM sessions and the LEAST amount of tracks from the Meteora sessions. There's a TON of unreleased LP stuff in the vault. I bet ATS has a ton of stuff but like I said earlier in this thread, they are likely to save that and release it later. MTM might have 1 or 2 more songs but this is a CD for LPUX - the last 10 years of Linkin Park. Very VERY VERY likely there are numerous Hybrid Theory and Meteora songs we've never heard of and hell I'll even bet there's a Hybrid Theory band or Xero band song on there too. The band isn't fucking around with the LPU CDs and I saw that with LPU9 - they dug deep and got us some really cool stuff. If they are saying LPUX is even better, I expect fully unreleased songs/songs I've never heard of that just kick ass. /my 2 cents Quote
Teagan Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 Of course they made a lot during the ATS sessions. We already got one of those tracks the other day with Pretend To Be. It's possible there will be one or two ATS sessions tracks on LPUX but I highly doubt any more than 1 on the CD (other than Pretend To Be. Not sure if PTB is on the CD or not but I wouldn't think it would be.) So in your opinion there couldn't be any more Hybrid Theory or Meteora demos? If you ask me, there couldn't be any more MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT demos. We got a reworked Not Alone, we got Across The Line (which was a clip in the DVD), we got No Roads Left (iTunes) and we got (possibly reworked) Blackbirds. That's more than the Meteora sessions, WAY more. The band confirmed they stopped working on Grecian and we have QWERTY, Announcement Service Public, etc. Surely there's not that many more songs that they almost completed from MTM. Take a look at Meteora. We have the entire CD and that's it. The only other song from those sessions that was released was A.06 / A-Six. There's clips from the Making Of Meteora of another demo (the one that goes "Thoughts That Take Away My Pride") and there's clips from the LPTV Summer Sanitarium 2003 episode of an unreleased instrumental when Brad and Mike are at the M&G table. That's two clips of something already right there. The band said they remixed Meteora tracks but never released them - there's something. SURELY they made more songs than just what we have from Meteora. You'd be ignorant to think otherwise. I bet there's more, I'd be willing to put money on it. Hybrid Theory, take a look at that. We have the entire album and ten trillion demos but the only songs from those sessions that we have (that are DIFFERENT) songs would be High Voltage (Remix), which doesn't count as an entirely new song really, and She Couldn't. The rest are just demos of Hybrid Theory or the Hybrid Theory EP. Let's take a look at songs from that era that we possibly know of. The video of LP rehearsing in Burbank (the video of BRAD, MY FUCKING PARKING TICKET) has that instrumental clip they are jamming on. There's one. Pictureboard is in there, but that dates back to Xero time. They said Esaul was written during Xero too, so there might be a recording of that. And I highly doubt Xero only recorded 6 songs (those 2 and the 4 on the tape). There surely is more from that period, whether it's full fledged songs, half completed songs, or even instrumentals. Reanimation? Team Sleep's remix of My December, the version of WHATEVER song Ryu recorded vocals for (With You, Enth E Nd, or whatever he claims it was, lol), and I'm sure there's more. LP sent stems out to their friends to remix the songs and picked the best ones for Reanimation, so I'm sure they have more remixes that are unreleased. We already have two - Buy Myself (Manson Remix) and Pts (Crystal Method Remix). More? Highly possible. So your claims of there being no more Hybrid Theory or Meteora tracks...I find that total bullshit lol. We said that before and then She Couldn't came out. Of any of the 3 major albums, we have the MOST tracks from the MTM sessions and the LEAST amount of tracks from the Meteora sessions. There's a TON of unreleased LP stuff in the vault. I bet ATS has a ton of stuff but like I said earlier in this thread, they are likely to save that and release it later. MTM might have 1 or 2 more songs but this is a CD for LPUX - the last 10 years of Linkin Park. Very VERY VERY likely there are numerous Hybrid Theory and Meteora songs we've never heard of and hell I'll even bet there's a Hybrid Theory band or Xero band song on there too. The band isn't fucking around with the LPU CDs and I saw that with LPU9 - they dug deep and got us some really cool stuff. If they are saying LPUX is even better, I expect fully unreleased songs/songs I've never heard of that just kick ass. /my 2 cents Pretend to be is not from the ATS sessions, but from MTM. Thats at least what Mike said. Quote
hahninator Posted August 21, 2010 Author Posted August 21, 2010 Pretend to be is not from the ATS sessions, but from MTM. Thats at least what Mike said. Consider myself corrected. That's weird though because it says 2008 demo. MTM is from 2007. I wish LP would do descriptions and explanations of tracks they release. If so, then that's yet another track that destroys In Between lol. Quote
Ashwhisker Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 The video of LP rehearsing in Burbank (the video of BRAD, MY FUCKING PARKING TICKET) has that instrumental clip they are jamming on. There's one. Mike said they didn't finish that. Quote
hahninator Posted August 21, 2010 Author Posted August 21, 2010 Mike said they didn't finish that. Source? Quote
luki9875 Posted August 21, 2010 Posted August 21, 2010 i want grecian lol i am sure whatever the cd will have its gonna kick butt Quote
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