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Wait guys..

is'nt suppose to be world wide on radio premire of the catalyst?

what i've done single premired before the actual single realesed.

so why is'nt the same with the catalyst?

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1920x1080 Desktop Version :)


great work! i was wondering if this would become available somehow...



now we just need an ATS LPL theme... ;)

Edited by Cbass

To the photo with text on it, of course its photoshop. It looks rubbish Lol


Any for the record, the MTM album cover owns this. There wasnt any concept really goign on with that album cover, but it still looks better.


personally, i think it would be so cool and really interesting if both the catalyst single art and ATS did not have text on the front. it'd be really intriguing, for me at least, and i mean seeing a cd with no text on the front at a store, i would definitley be one to just pick it up and see what it is. but than again, the walmart version will obviously have that big ass sticker on the front saying like, "Linkin Park's new album A THOUSAND SUNS featuring the HIT SINGLE: "THE CATALYST" lol.


Great cover, very abstract and surprising. It's good to see that they progress their visual presentation and not only their music. Now I'm really looking forward to hear the new music. It will be so different compared to their older songs!

Anyway, much respect for having the courage to make this the album cover!




personally, i think it would be so cool and really interesting if both the catalyst single art and ATS did not have text on the front. it'd be really intriguing, for me at least, and i mean seeing a cd with no text on the front at a store, i would definitley be one to just pick it up and see what it is. but than again, the walmart version will obviously have that big ass sticker on the front saying like, "Linkin Park's new album A THOUSAND SUNS featuring the HIT SINGLE: "THE CATALYST" lol.

lmao yeh, too true there.


I think the Cover is ok as it is. But I can't say I love it. Neither do i much like MTM or Meteora. but I certainly appeciate them


& like what Astat said, I think its cause it's black & White again that bothers me most (then again Foo Fighter's 3rd & 4th albums where both B&W, so nothing new.)


Too all the WHINERS... SHATTTT UP!!!!


You do not know the significance of such a COVER!!! This artwork has a meaning, and Linkin Park chose this cover FOR a Reason. It's quite obvious that their music is going to be "genre busting" and much different than ever before, so why not break the usual chain of "FLASHY" Covers and make something original like this. Something that will keep us thinking, for music that has the MAGNITUDE of a THOUSAND SUNS!!!!!


It's not as awe-inspiring as I would have hoped, but I do see the new direction that LP is taking with this CD. They are going into the experimental/electronic/conceptual type of music/art and I couldn't be any more excited about it. BRING ON THE CATALYST!!!


Very shitty, simple and abstract


i was expecting a pixelated image like the photos.


pixelated imagery will probably be for the album art, i'm guessing.


This entire topic is proof that fucking nothing the band does pleases ANYONE.


I like the art too. It's different. There's no text cluttering the shit up. It's just art, out there. Why does it need to be 'explained'? Real art doesn't need an explanation.


Goddamn LP fans are tools

Lol everybody got different tastes. Let's say if LP said let's do an Album cover contest, the winning cover with the most votes will be the album cover right ? and someone made that one they (LP) posted! would YOU vote on That cover or say you dislike it ?


Btw... i respect everything LP does, and support them! but if i don't like something they do, i simply share my opinion.


1920x1080 Desktop Version :)


Thank you! Already put it as my wallpaper.


I have to say, the album cover is not what I was expecting, which is probably a good thing. It may seem bland for some people, but you have to admit you don't usually see this kind of art on the cover of an album. Usually.


Does anyone else think that the black image is a dove?


My take on this, as I posted on the Lplive FB page, is that fitting with the whole thousand suns being akin to a nuclear blast, what is the universal symbol of peace in our world? A dove with an olive branch. Its really a powerful statement having that symbol in a situation where it appears to be blown apart by a nuclear blast.


I really like it, I think it fits.


Lol everybody got different tastes. Let's say if LP said let's do an Album cover contest, the winning cover with the most votes will be the album cover right ? and someone made that one they (LP) posted! would YOU vote on That cover or say you dislike it ?


Btw... i respect everything LP does, and support them! but if i don't like something they do, i simply share my opinion.

They should've given us snippets from the cover and make a remix contest....winner cover will be included in the album booklet...


wiiesel - win.


Xero21 - double win. I knew it looked like something but I couldn't put my finger on it and I was like, yep, that's it. lol


You know, I was feeling kinda bad after I made my post before.


Then Mike quoted me in his most recent blog post. Positively meant or not, it's pretty awesome.


I do still stand by what I said though. Art is art, it doesn't need explanation.


if you invert the colors it maybe is kind of a supernova and shadows of planets/moons.


This cover... the last time I was so surprised by LP was after finishing listening to HT for the first time. If the cover reflects the spirit of the album it'll probably be LP's best yet. Kudos to the band for stepping out of the box for once.

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