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It's LP guys, come on! You will buy it anyway!

Exaclty, and it's MTM over and over, people will biuy the CD they'll say it's awesome then they'll critiscize LP

It's entertaining

And this will hold up the 5th studio album


Well, it's not what I expected...I just can't stand that two consecutives albums have a black/white artwork.


Know it's strange, but everything's strange in that art.


Funny how some are taking one look at, realising it's not Chester and Mike pulling some bad-ass pose, half-naked with bright spiky red/blue hair and proceed to bitch about it.


Personally, it's works a lot better then the MTM cover, which for me, was incredibly boring and unoriginal. Still funny how they both stuck to the whole grey scale thing.


In terms of predictions, this album is shaping up to be just that, better than MTM.

Posted (edited)

Typical response by an LP fan who just approves everything they do and makes excuses for them. The cover is plain and boring, i don't get how anyone can say it's awesome. I could have doodled something like this and thats saying something.

I don't have a problem with fans being divided, it's what challenges the band at the end of the day.


Lastly, LP album covers usually suck apart from Hybrid Theory so it's not a big deal to me. Meteora was completely random ( i don't care how the explained it), Minutes was awful, and this one is crap too.


They should have went with this for Meteora ( just the band shot, the title meteora and LP in small font somewhere on the cover)




This for Minutes to Midnight





Save all the art for the album's booklet. Oh well moving on..

Your "logic" is illogical. You're saying you have a right to dislike it and make it seem like you don't jump at every thing they do. but then you imply or plainly state that whoever likes this album is just a blind fan boy who likes whatever they do. In the real world.. people have different opinions. I personlly like it, because it IS art rather you want to view it as such is entirely your problem. So if i were to say i like all four studio album covers... that would make me a fan boy? Sorry, but i don't think so. When lp does something i don't like then i will happily disprove of it. Such as Collision course. that cover sucks ass. but i'm not going to say i don't understand how anyone could like it.. because other ppl have different taste and they could, so, i leave it at that.


and if you could doodle something better then go ahead show us. But will it serve the purpose the band wants it too? Mike or hahn.. or whoever else in the band can draw something way more detailed... but will that help make it more broad and go with what they are trying to do? Its like the band itself... they are all talented musicans. but they aren't going to solo every second or show off.. because thats crap. they have to work as a team and unit and personally i think this album cover.. while a little plain.. or colorless.. it will go with the whole theme of the album.



and btw. those pics SUCK ASS for an album cover. but to each his own.

Edited by FaiNt

May not be excuses, maybe it's just another vision of art

Lp has benn changing in evrything, and now my question is what were tou expecting if you aren't happy?


And the award for most boring album covers goes to those two.



And did it ever occur to you that some people only bother to announce and participate in what pleases them as opposed to the people who only speak when something doesn't.

Did it ever also occur to you that maybe the fan happens to like everything the band does because the band has yet to disappoint them? Since when did it become a crime that you can be pleased by a band each and every time?


I am an LP fan because I found out every time, at least 90% of the music on their album pleases me. Because i love so much of their work, the 10% that i don't isn't worth my time to bitch about. I save that for the music i hate 90% of.

i love this response, i have yet to be disappointed by anything lp does :D


Seems like a solar eclipse. And those rays cut from the image, like they cutting those lp.com backgrounds.

Interesting, but I don't like it. Similar like MTM b&w cover a bit.


Just because people can't understand album covers, that doesn't make this one bad by any means. If anything, MTM was the worst (no creativity, just a picture of the band), and even then it looks cool. This cover represents a concept you don't even know/understand yet, and it looks pretty amazing to me. Don't forget that the actual album cover will have Linkin Park/A thousand suns written on it.


Just because it isn't the generic album art you're used to with all the other mainstream bands that doesn't mean that an actual piece of good artwork is suddenly crap just because you don't like anything that doesn't look mainstream. This is actually a quality album cover. You're not a tool for not liking the album cover but you're a tool for expecting something mainstream as opposed to something good. I think LP has become popular enough that they don't need something that appeals to everyone instantly. Good music is good music.


And Meteora has a badass album cover. It looks awesome regardless of how poetic it is or not.


I don't think, that theres going to be "Linkin Park" and "A Thousand Suns" on the cover. Remember that the The Catalyst cover won't have any writings either? I think it would kinda fit, if this would just look as it does right now finally.

Posted (edited)

Do some people seriously not like the cover? I think it's pretty amazing. Their second best album cover, so simplistic and yet so interesting. Only bested because HT has the HT soldier on it, which may be the most awesome thing ever.

+1. I thought the MTM album cover was pretty bland. This one is kind of cool to me.

Edited by HybridThe0ry97

The fact that they're not putting any words on it makes me feel like they're taking a direct approach to the art on this album. They want it to show of as an album cover w/ a band's name but each as a separate piece of art.


I'm still confused as to whether the text is still to be added, or whether this IS the cover, sans text. Very interesting approach if it's the latter.

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