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Thanks for your feedback.


We listened to the fans, and took the poll results to create this year's package.




Thanks to you too, dude! You've done a great job. :)


I wish the songs had vocals.. without them I cannot find them amusing any more..

I doubt LP has a limitless supply of fully formed songs to use as LPU tracks. Most demos start as instrumentals. Obviously not all of their demos are going to have vocals. I really don't see what is so hard to understand about that lol


They should go back to the six track format with better tracks give us 2 or 3 songs with vocals the rest should be rare live songs


Is that really hard Lorenzo? I wonder if you pass our complaints to Mike


LP still say that they have great interactions with the fans but that's a lie M&g happen because money is on the table


They should go back to their roots Mike used to have a lot of interaction with fans he posted a lot on LP.Com FM.com I believe that he had an account in LPA is that hard for him to make an account here and bring some fun to us?

Posted (edited)

LP still say that they have great interactions with the fans but that's a lie M&g happen because money is on the table

I don't think that's the only reason M&G's happen. Yes they DO make money from them, but they genuinely care about their fans as well. Music is their passion but it's also their career. Edited by Justin

Overall, this is far from my favorite LPU CD, probably my least favorite in the post-LPU 9 era, actually. I wouldn't say there's anything BAD on it...but nothing really stands out, either. It's literally 31 minutes of total mediocrity, only broken up by the surprise of actually hearing a vocal on Breaking the Habit, and the comic relief of Dave's Beat. The last five LPU CDs, regardless of their overall quality, always had at LEAST one true standout track on them (Across the Line, Pale, Slip, So Far Away, Holding Company...to name one from each album anyway, some have more). I can't really pick anything from this CD...MAYBE Malathion, but even that track doesn't hold a candle to any of the 5 I just mentioned from past CDs. I can't say I'm "disappointed," because more demos are always cool with me, but I could easily forget most of these songs exist. Nevertheless, it's another new release in one of the best years for new/previously unreleased LP music we've ever had, and I'll at least have fun learning all the new guitar parts. :P

This is exactly what I think, for the reasons you mentioned. Thank you for your awesome analysis, yet again


Is it possible that Castle of Glass came from Heartburn? It sounds VERY SIMILAR to Heartburn.

I hear literally no similarity whatsoever between the two lol.


I love the mimi rant Astat did on Breaking the Habit, never liked how some LP fans try and assume that there is always something funny about some of the lyrics on any LP song or demo or whatever when most of the songs are about depression and abuse and human issues and problems. Never found anything funny about LP lyrics, they have some of the darkest lyrics in music imo.

Posted (edited)

Is it possible that Castle of Glass came from Heartburn? It sounds VERY SIMILAR to Heartburn.

I can listen some similarities with In Pieces, but with COG?? No way…


BTW, I really love this BTH demo. For me is the best track from this year's LPU.

Mike's low tone remembers the one he used on "Barack Your World" lol

But I really love the melody and the early lyrics.



EDIT: thinking about the next year LPU, some ideas:

— THP demos (obviously)

— Meteora known demos: The Wizard Song, Take Away My Pride

— MTM demos: Grecian and Chester's take on No Roads Left

— Strings only songs: BTH, Krwlng (the whole instrumental would be cool too), Little Things, No Roads Left, Blackbirds

Edited by tfae

Is rather have one or two songs with vocals than 10 instrumentals. Unless you're looking to collect everything LP have ever made, what am I doing with these instrumentals? After one or two listens, I'm done with them.


This is the weakest LPU CD to me sadly since LPU 8 (which I still dislike to this day) BUT I thought it would be similar to this because of how much new music we are getting this year. Mall is coming soon and THP was released. When ATS came out, LPUX only had two completed songs on it - Pretend To Be and What We Don't Know. So I thought this LPU CD would have one of those songs....it had zero, lol.


With past LPU CDs there have been 2-3 songs I jam to quite a bit (LPU 9 is the exception because I love the entire CD) - for LPU XIII it was Basquiat, Cumulus (best demo they've ever released IMO), Primo (epic) and Pretty Birdy. With this CD, there's not an outstandingly epic song on it to me.


Highlights for me are:

-Rhinocerous because the Meteora era fascinates me and I LOVE the sound of the band at that time. Soundtrack, Broken Foot, Rhinocerous, Program, Cumulus, etc are all pretty good instrumental songs.

-The Berlin/Prague studio demos. While these demos are not incredible, they are still interesting to me. I'm contacting the studios asking for archived pictures/information about Mike/LP's visits in 2008 so I can do a feature on LPLive. I am surprised how much material LP worked on in 2008 considering they worked ALL of 2009 and most of 2010 on an album too.

-Aubrey One is a solid piece - the drums are pretty cool to me. I'll take a song like that all day.

-After Canada is a 2005 demo. Previously, we only had Divided from 2005, with I assumed was 100% Mike. On After Canada, there are live drums and guitar that sounds a lot like something Brad would do. I did not realize the band recorded music in 2005 collectively (even if it meant them sending demos back and forth). I remember Mike on tour with Fort Minor in early 2006 saying he would work on something in the bus and send it to the band to "check it out" but this is the first I've heard of Rob/Brad/etc adding instrumentation to 2005-era tracks. Now I'm interested in what else was recorded that year.


By the way, I agree that Berlin One, Version C could be an extremely early Burning In The Skies demo.


Finally, even though there isn't a lot of amazing stuff on the CD and even though there's not a single track with completed vocals and there's not ANY CHESTER ON THE ENTIRE CD (???!!!???!!!!), I would like to say that I will take 10 songs like this all day, every day, 24/7/365 before a single live song release unless that live song is something like My Own Summer (2002) or something extremely live and rare from oldschool days. As unlikely that is to ever happen, let's stick with the demos. They've given us tons of great shit on LPU CDs and I hope this backlash over these ten demos doesn't make them change their mind about the future.


With the Meteora instrumentals, Mall soundtrack, etc all coming out this year...this is fine with me...let's hope we get some other cool stuff on the next LPU CD.


What surprises me is that they have SO much stuff they know we want in the vault, ha.

- Messenger (choir version) + tons of ATS demos (WTCFM surely had 100 demos, lol)

- Pictureboard (surprised they never "leaked" it to this day somehow)

- "Thoughts That Take Away My Pride" demo from Meteora and/or A.06 (with "just drag it out, remember" vocals), Figure.09 with the alternate rapping verses, etc.

- Other ATS era stuff


We will see what the future brings.


LPUX has I Have Not Begun too, so is 3 complete tracks.


And yes, I would love some new stuff with vocals. I know that the number of instrumental demos will be always much higher than tracks with vocals, but we know that some of them exists [i'm talking about you, Take Away My Pride xD]... Well, I would like to hear some ATS demos. The fact that Primo, even that still sounds as a unfinished track, has vocals makes me wonder if the another demos were made as Primo. But I'm still happy that LP provides us the chance of hear those demos.






Well said Hahninator.

Though I'm surprised you like the stick n move and by myself demos from LPU9. Those ones I tend to skip a fair bit! :lol:


Anyway, People need to realise that LP aren't a conventional band. They don't have 90 full length finished demos liying about. Most of the demos they have left are pretty much like the 10 songs we have here. The juciy ones have either already been realeased or being saved for future LPU albums.


Look at it this way guys. If we heard the Rhinocerious demo in an LPTV episode from 2006 we'd be requesting it constantly like we are with that "Pride" demo or "Grecian".


LPU XIV is a really interesting album. It's so cool to hear some many heavy demos for once. I'd take XIV over LPU 3.0, 5.0 and 7 any day.

Posted (edited)

they provably have great stuff like grecian, take away my pride, pictureboard, my december team sleep remix, show me what you got and give us THIS, but ofkoz LPU XIV is still better than LPU 3,5 or 7....well, i think this year the real LPU is The Mall soundtrack, White Noise is supercool

Edited by mrfox

Agree with Mark, and a lot of instrumental this year, some of these demos feels like a movie score, I think they would have a better place in Mall Soundtrack, I'll do my LPU with the vocal tracks of mall soundtracks and some of this. But for now this is one of the weakest LPU to me.

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