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"Guilty All The Same" - New Linkin Park Single!

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Lp sounds so much better than korn honestly ! Lp is gonna win defo

It's honestly more of a question of who's more popular/who actually knows about it, not who's better.






Another weird music video collab with a company. Wish they'd return to performance videos and jam again.


Here it is: our collaboration with Project Spark. Instead of a traditional music video for GUILTY ALL THE SAME (feat. Rakim), we are giving you this as a starting line for you guys to create and share. This is the first interactive, remixable game. We look forward to seeing what you make with it." - Joe

Posted (edited)

Is it only me or the song version in the video contain different mix/mastering?

Yeah, definitely a different mix. The whole song has a weird "underwater" kind of tone to it that may not be intentional (the audio on the WID music video on LP's Youtube channel is all fucked up too and has been since the day it was uploaded - Youtube does weird shit to the audio depending on the encoding of the original file), but the levels are also a lot different, there's an additional vocal part an octave below the melody during the second verse, and Rakim's last "you're guilty" line echoes a lot longer on this version.


*Edit* And yep, stems for the song should definitely be available on Project Spark. Unfortunately I don't have an Xbox One or a device that runs on Windows 8 (nor do I ever intend to own either one), so I won't be taking part in this. I guess it's up to other people to get the stems...hopefully this doesn't turn into another Guitar Hero/Rock Band stems type situation where it takes over a year for them to actually get "out there."

Edited by Astat


No interest in the video aspect, but I really want those stems.

Yeah, I don't care about the video, just the mother fucking stems :lol: , I want to listen every instrument and vocal part of that song, gang vocals would be awesome.


1. What the heck is an Xbox One? I thought the Xbox was called the 360.

2. Windows 8 is puuuuuure garbage. Easily the worst operating system I've seen.


I have no idea why they try these technology promos with stuff that isn't commonplace yet. I know no one with Windows 8 and I've never heard of Xbox One. So if you don't play video games and don't want a shitty OS, you can't get it?


Reminds me of the Concert For The Philippines webcast. "lol iPhone users only". Aaaand you wonder why we didn't get a good recording of the show.


1. What the heck is an Xbox One? I thought the Xbox was called the 360.

2. Windows 8 is puuuuuure garbage. Easily the worst operating system I've seen.


I have no idea why they try these technology promos with stuff that isn't commonplace yet. I know no one with Windows 8 and I've never heard of Xbox One. So if you don't play video games and don't want a shitty OS, you can't get it?


Reminds me of the Concert For The Philippines webcast. "lol iPhone users only". Aaaand you wonder why we didn't get a good recording of the show.

XBox One aka the Next Gen Console of Microsoft that has by far not sold as many items as Sony has Sold PS4s

Windows ME is still worse than Windows 8, I still only knew very few people who use it because it's basically a tablet OS and not pretty good on normal laptops.


I could install win8 on one of my machines, wouldn't be worth it tho


I've come back to the song after a while of not listening to it, and I do really like it. If anything the Rakim section is my favourite part of it, so much groove and his verse is killer. The production does leave a lot to be desired, hopefully listening to it on CD rather than through YouTube will improve that slightly.


Seems as though this IS the official video for GATS. LP's post on Facebook says ''Linkin Park's new video is a game''. Great.


Seems as though this IS the official video for GATS. LP's post on Facebook says ''Linkin Park's new video is a game''. Great.

I think they'll choose one of the fan made videos on Project Spark, and they will make that the official music video.


They haven't really ruled out there being a "regular" GATS video at some point, people just seem to be jumping to that conclusion.


but we haven't really heard anything from them about making a real one either. On the other hand the BID video came out over a month after the song release.


Lost In The Echo has three music videos - lyric, interactive and regular. I think it'll be the same thing here, but who knows.


Lost In The Echo has three music videos - lyric, interactive and regular. I think it'll be the same thing here, but who knows.

If so, the promotion for this album is extremely poor on LP's part.

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