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About Kirstie

  • Birthday 06/05/1985

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  • LP Shows Attended
    Linkin Park - 20 shows. Fort Minor - 6 shows - Dead by Sunrise - 2 shows

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Leeds, England

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  1. Anyone going to the UK listening parties received their pass/email from LPU?
  2. I’m so excited!! And a little anxious!! I’ve not seen anything live (other than the secret show) and avoided the setlists so it’s all brand new to me! Anyone going come say hi to me! Tall blonde and I’ll be with Simon from LPfuse! I really thought I’d never see LP again.
  3. I'm praying to all the Gods that Rob is involved, I'll be devastated if he's not. I want to see them all together!
  4. https://www.instagram.com/welcometorockville/ Music Festival in Florida has reposted LP's post.
  5. Anyone see the After Party? Is it good, how long is the video? Anything exclusive/interesting?
  6. Wait what? So I won't be able to see this unless I'm a Premium YouTube member? Well that's a nail in the coffin for LPU members!! FFS
  7. Oh man, the joy of hearing Chester. He will never truly be gone. 🥰
  8. So basically you made your own Greatest Hits album. LP doing an IKEA album, basically gave you the running order and you built it yourself on your streaming service! This is why a GH album is absolutely ridiculous, I already have a this album saved as my personal playlist.
  9. There are very few dick takers round here. Maybe that’s the problem.
  10. Dude, I was wondering where you’d gone! Don’t go!! You’re the one of the only ones that can actually take a joke around here! on topic; I was skeptical about the greatest hits idea but the rumour seems to have legs now. A greatest hits album is a stupid idea!!!
  11. Hi Geki! Are you like Beetlejuice, someone mentions your name and you appear!!? 😅 I concur with a lot of what you said, I love each LP album for different reasons. If there is going to be a new release of some kind (I'm very pessimistic on this*), which band members are going to be involved? Or is it a Mike thing with Dave and Brad getting roped in for like one webchat? *unless there are pressures from the record label I just really don't think Mike is interested in looking backwards right now, he's really trying so hard to push himself forward into a younger generation of music fans so I'm not sure why he'd revisit the past again. He doesn't want to deny LP and the platform it gave him but basically that's over now and he's trying to re define himself away from that.
  12. This thread has gone on a real journey. If you have a greatest hits album (why would you even bother in a would of streaming/playlist based listening) then surely you HAVE to have at least one song from each album? To just ignore a whole body of work would be crazy! It'd be an interviewers first question to Mike!
  13. I was going to suggest that it was the same label but it isn't! Different genre so not a threat? I doubt even WB could explain their decision process. Maybe the day the Slash question arrived the decision maker's gf cheated on him so he said no to everything, took the day off and got drunk.
  14. WB doesn't need lawyers when they've got you guys just writing their defence for them!
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