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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Throw in QWERTY and you have a deal But yeah, you're right. I never join in with the setlist bitching 'cause it's just completely pointless. There are people who don't seem to realise that the band can't just chuck songs into the setlist, not only as they won't be rehearsed, but also because of the massive visual aspect of this tour. I'd enjoy any LP show, regardless of the setlist, and if they throw in any old rarities, that's just a nice bonus.
  2. Anyone ever heard of Family Force Five? They're like crunk Power Rangers. I've had the misfortune to see them live, and believe me, I'd take good old JB over them anyday...
  3. Can anyone confirm what I've heard, that they played Richard Cheese's cover of One Step Closer over the PA after the show?
  4. Can somebody, at some point, ask Mike to rap the end of And One over Bleed it Out? That would just be amazing...
  5. For only an LP album is powerful enough to trigger the apocalypse...
  6. I would honestly pay to see that, just to see the fan's reactions. They could always hit them with Foreword as an encore...
  7. Just when we think Hawk has saved the thread... it dies again. This is the Chinese Democracy of LPL elections...
  8. I'm guessing at a deathcore record. Not really, despite how awesome that would be. Good to hear that they're continuing to move forward. Also good to hear that they've already began writing music. Maybe we'll see them release a new album in 2012!
  9. I really should stop making these, but this one is possibly my absolute dream set. 00. Hybrid Theory Tour Intro 01. With You 02. Given Up 03. Somewhere I Belong 04. Wretches and Kings 05. QWERTY 06. Crawling 07. Burning in the Skies 08. No More Sorrow 09. Foreword/Don’t Stay 10. Jornada Del Muerto 11. Waiting for the End 12. Papercut 13. Leave Out all the Rest 14. Numb 15. Empty Spaces/When They Come for Me 16. P5hng Me A*wy 17. Breaking the Habit 18. In the End 19. And One 20. Lying From You 21. New Divide 22. The Little Things Give You Away ========================== 23. The Radiance 2.0 24. Iridescent 25. What I’ve Done ========================== 26. Faint 27. A Place for My Head 28. One Step Closer If they played that, I would happily kill myself afterward. If it had to fit with their current setlist model/be semi-realistic- 00. The Requiem 01. With You 02. Given Up 03. Somewhere I Belong 04. Wretches and Kings 05. Crawling 06. Burning in the Skies 07. No More Sorrow 08. Foreword/Don’t Stay 09. Jornada Del Muerto 10. Waiting for the End 11. Papercut 12. Leave Out all the Rest 13. Numb 14. Empty Spaces 15. When They Come for Me 16. Breaking the Habit 17. In the End 18. Lying From You ========================== 19. The Radiance 2.0 20. Iridescent 21. What I’ve Done 22. New Divide 23. Faint 24. One Step Closer
  10. Good to hear the band got a (mostly) good reception. And I'm not going to moan about the setlist, 'cause there's really no point, but I do think they could at least have made Faint and One Step Closer an encore. I always feel really cheated when a headliner doesn't play an encore.
  11. Just thought I'd add that Billie Joe from Green Day's just tweeted about him.
  12. I noticed it this morning. Good to see LP mingling with the giants of the music world. I'm surprised Shakira is so "liked" though...
  13. Damn, I'd pretty much forgotten about this. Anyway, I'm still voting for troub1eboy.
  14. Facts I've nicked from the special edition liner notes of Meteora and MTM- "Foreword" was actually recorded after everything else on Meteora. Chester wrote the lyrics for "Easier to Run" before any of the music was created. Though the final recording of Faint is 135bpm, the original demo was only at 70bpm. "Session" took more than a year to finish. "Numb" was written only one week before the band entered the studio to record. The demo for "Hands Held High" was called "Song Q", and was the only song that Brad concieved that ended up on the album. "Valentine's Day" was recorded in the studio owned by Korn.
  15. This is my dream (semi realistic) lineup, with a stop in England. Main Stage Linkin Park The Prodigy Korn Deftones Skindred Revolution Stage Enter Shikari Skrillex D.R.U.G.S. Lights Japanese Voyeurs
  16. I really like it, probably my favourite ATS video. I feel the Transformers did ruin it a bit, but hell, it's for the movie so I'm not going to bitch about it. Though I do feel they should have done a "director's cut" with the original version of the song.
  17. I at first read that incorrectly as "Ginger Chester" FTW Has Chester ever been ginger?
  18. Sorry to re-open old wounds, but if you disagree that Chester's the frontman, and the most prominent member of the band, check out this week's issue of Kerrang. The section about Linkin Park is pretty much half about him.
  19. Looks like they'll be doing a more "rock" set at Download, from what Chester said in Kerrang this week. Maybe we'll get some more old stuff coming out on this tour.
  20. Anyone else think Chester looks really weird in that poster?
  21. I'd enter this... but I have the artistic talent of a walrus. Or, indeed, a duck.
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