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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. One Step Closer. I myself have never understood the appeal of the floating ninjas.
  2. 2008 January 29th - O2 Arena 2009 August 1st - Sonisphere Festival 2010 November 10th - O2 Arena Disappointing then that I won't get to see them this year.
  3. The first Summer Sanitarium show was at the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan.
  4. You really don't understand what an opinion is, do you?
  5. Pushing Me Away The Little Things Give You Away One Step Closer Across The Line No More Sorrow When They Come For Me Crawling New Divide Leave Out All The Rest A Place For My Head Easier To Run With You Iridescent Breaking The Habit (Though I'm sad not to be voting for Figure.09) Don't Stay Reading My Eyes
  6. December 21st, 2012. It's going to be so awesome it will trigger the apocalypse.
  7. I can't see them ever dropping In the End or Numb, they're pretty much the band's biggest hits. Crawling I think could be rotated rather than a staple, but One Step Closer should, in my opinion, be in every set. It's just that badass. Wretches and Kings should make a return for sure, it's possibly the best live ATS song. I'd also like to see Somewhere I Belong make a return, just to shake things up a bit.
  8. The main one I noticed was repeated attempts to start Wisdom Justice & Love while Chester was talking. In a side note, this is the 850th comment on a show thread, we must be nearing some kind of record...
  9. And that's that. Awesome show, really, really great. Rolling in the Deep was killer, and Bleed it Out has finally convinced me it is worthy to replace One Step Closer as show-closer. I think the censor guy must have given up at that point. Well, I'm off before any more depressed Hybrid Theory era fanboys vent their spleens all over the forums. Nice discussing the show with you guys.
  10. Is it just me, or did Mike just screw up In the End Verse 2?
  11. Never mind that he writes all the songs, and pretty much got the band to where they were today. Obviously this is irrelevant, because you don't like his voice.
  12. Nah, the bleeps were hilarious. The bit in When They Come for Me when they censor everything but "motherfucker"... classic.
  13. Adele will be doing an Iridescent cover at her show. I'm calling it.
  14. Face it, we were all surprised. Is that not the point of a surprise? Dragon's Den...?
  15. I'd take this over With You any day. Chester's voice is AMAZING.
  16. Exactly. Just 'cause he's stuck in 2004, it doesn't mean the rest of us are.
  17. That was probably the best I have ever seen The Catalyst performed. Both Mike and Chester were spot on- Chester's effected scream was amazing.
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