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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. I'd much rather listen to a filler-free 45 minute album than an inconsistent hour-long one.
  2. My Ultimate ATS Tour Setlist 01) The Requiem/The Radiance 02) Papercut 03) Don’t Stay [Foreword Intro] 04) Given Up [breakdown Outro] 05) With You 06) Blackout 07) Lying From You 08) No More Sorrow [Extended Intro] 09) When They Come for Me [Empty Spaces Intro] 10) Breaking The Habit [A'Capella Outro] 11) The Little Things Give You Away 12) Wretches and Kings 13) New Divide 14) Crawling [KRWLNG Intro] 15) Iridescent 16) Jornada Del Muerto 17) Waiting For The End 18) Numb [2004 Intro] 19) A Place for My Head 20) Bleed It Out [Reading My Eyes Bridge] =================================== 21) What I've Done [AMBO Intro] 22) The Catalyst 23) In the End 24) Faint [Extended Outro] 25) One Step Closer [Reanimation Intro and Bridge, 2008 Extended Outro] Right, that's it, perfect for me. No more setlists until the fifth album
  3. For my 700th post, I decided to do something I'd been thinking about for a while. Namely, starting a "Rob is Awesome" thread. I honestly believe he is one of the most underrated drummers in rock today. So many LP songs have brilliant, unorthodox beats at their heart. With You, And One, Easier to Run, From the Inside, The Little Things Give You Away are the examples I can think of off the top of my head, but there are many others. He's not particularly flashy, but he does what a drummer should do, keep the beat and the energy of the song going. Plus, as we know from his Bleed It Out live drum solo, he's also a very good "flashy" drummer when he needs to be. So we should all be appreciative of Rob, bashing away at his kit at the back of the stage. Though he's not always the most obviously prominent member of the band, he is nonetheless an enormous, under-appreciated talent. That will be all. Thankyou.
  4. Why are people voting for From the Inside when the Live in Texas version rules?
  5. From the Inside. Cool as screaming children no doubt are...
  6. That's a pretty good metaphor, actually.
  7. Your friend has excellent taste. I agree that the lyrics of the band have improved, especially on A Thousand Suns. I don't think the swearing adds anything and I kinda wish they did away with that- every band swears and it really has no impact any more- but overall I think their lyrics have matured, mainly because they're not all about Chester's poor, hurt little feelings any more, to quote the man himself. As for the music... it's different. You can't really call one style of music more mature than the other, so I don't think that's really relevant. I do however think that A Thousand Suns IS a lot more individual and unique than Hybrid Theory, and in that way the band are being mature as they are not following trends.
  8. I would, but my microphone's broken Sorry I can't help.
  9. This article is holding up the new album... Anyway, pretty awesome if they succeed in this task. LP's Final Frontier: Finishing an album on time.
  10. I was reading back through this thread, found this and laughed so hard We need to make Setlist-Trading-Card-Syndrome, or STCS, an officially recognised illness... That's 'cause they don't have good songs of their own to fill their set with...
  11. Out of interest, what is the largest thread?
  12. A lot of people are complaining about the lack of older material in the setlists nowadays, and this could be the answer. I've mocked up a medley of old songs here- 10 songs in just over 11 minutes. What do you think, not only of my medley, but also of the idea of LP playing a medley of songs live?
  13. Reading the headline, I thought Lady Gaga had sued Linkin Park...
  14. Crawling. The attempted crowd participation fails so badly Though I suppose the crowd was mostly Metallica fans.
  15. We've been doing these since long before you arrived. Anyway, I'm also going to choose Somewhere I Belong, for the same reasons as leftshoe. This could possibly be the most interesting election of the lot.
  16. So many modern heavy bands idolise that album. It got thousands of young people- including me- into rock music and is, in my opinion, the most important rock album of the last decade, alongside Green Day's American Idiot.
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