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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Over 300 users reading this topic, damn. Also, I'd just like to mention that I had a laggy bit on my viewing of the webcast, where it showed Joe leaning back in slow motion. He looked like the coolest samurai ever.
  2. This attempted censorship is brilliant. *bleep*FUCK*bleep*
  3. I won't be talking here, as I want to enjoy the show, so yeah. ENJOY GUYS!
  4. I've had good quality, when the webcast was on. Also, nice to see them advertising Music for Relief.
  5. Right, I'm signing up for Skype just for this. Be grateful, LPLive!
  6. I think the best way to view it is directly from iTunes. Go to the iTunes store, and you'll see an iTunes Festival link. I assume that, come show time, you can easily view the webcast from there.
  7. Exactly. In a way, I hope the surprise is really crap, just to see people get TOTLA MAD.
  8. So hang on, when is the podcast in UK time? EDIT: Never mind, got it.
  9. Either that or Burning in the Skies is a better song? *facepalm*
  10. Whatever the surprise is, people will complain. I'm not getting my hopes up. That way, if it is something awesome, I will be all the happier.
  11. Whenever I listen to Robot Boy, Take That pop into my head. Is this normal?
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