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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. VERKTER! That was one of the most entertaining episodes in a while, for me. Lille was brilliant.
  2. I remember reading somewhere that they chose My Chem 'cause they were the first band to come up on Mike's iPod shuffle If only they'd got Muse on that tour... I'd actually have flown to the US to see that.
  3. Wretches and Kings needs a return. I think they should replace BITS with it, as Wretches is a better live song.
  4. It seems to have become an LPL tradition for every thread to turn into a "Should Mike be singing?" debate. For what it's worth, I'd like to see another Fort Minor record, but not if it gets in the way of LP.
  5. Blackout and The Catalyst are the ones that stand out for me. I've also never heard anything quite like My December, but if there's any music similar I'd love to listen to it
  6. Jigga What/Faint Awesome though that outro is, Jay-Z's got to go.
  7. Finally, touring resumes! No doubt setlist trading card syndrome will once again be sweeping through LPLive.
  8. A Thousand Suns, 'cause it was just so damn different and exciting. While Hybrid Theory is my favourite LP album, A Thousand Suns is still the most interesting to me.
  9. I would give my liver to hear Matt Bellamy rap. And yeah, this thread has just fallen apart. But it's quite entertaining.
  10. It's more likely they WOULD be. They'd just written off as has-beens.
  11. And you forgot the one massive difference- Iridescent is a good song.
  12. Burning in the Skies and Iridescent are both rock ballads. ROCK ballads. Wretches and Kings is rap rock, pretty much indisputable. Blackout is most easily labelled as industrial rock, and the final section is definitely rock. Just 'cause something 'aint heavy, it can still be a rock song. New Muse isn't heavy, but (almost) all of it is still rock.
  13. They won't be forgotten for one simple reason- Hybrid Theory. It was pretty much the biggest rock album of the last decade. Hell, people will probably think of them as a nu metal band, even in 20 years.
  14. Burning in the Skies, The Catalyst, Iridescent, Blackout and Wretches and Kings are all rock songs.
  15. On August 3rd, The Catalyst reached gold certification in the USA, selling over 500,000 units. Just thought I'd let you know
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