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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Sad but true... though I'm not sure they'd include Numb/Encore to be honest.
  2. Both Rock am Ring 2001 and 2004 are awesome. More recently, the iTunes festival was an excellent performance.
  3. This is my first topic in the Newswire... I'm so happy!
  4. "Tune in to Kevin and Bean on KROQ tomorrow at 8am PT. Chester will be on to make a special announcement regarding Linkin Park's secret show on August 31. Listen live at http://kroq.com/." So what does everybody think the announcement's gonna be?
  5. I'd like it to be like Pink Floyd's Echoes, with the tracks linked. 01) Papercut 02) The Catalyst 03) Given Up 04) Lying from You 05) Points of Authority Remix 06) Burning in the Skies 07) Leave Out all the Rest 08) Somewhere I Belong 09) Waiting for the End 10) Crawling 11) Shadow of the Day 12) Breaking the Habit 13) What I've Done 14) In the End 15) Faint 16) New Divide 17) Iridescent 18) Bleed It Out 19) Numb 20) One Step Closer 21) Blackout (Live Bonus Track)
  6. I'd like to hear a song with Rob playing piano and Chester singing. That could be amazing.
  7. Difficult, difficult choice. I'll go for P5hng Me A*Wy
  8. Popular opinion contradicts you. Anyway, I vote for Somewhere I Belong.
  9. In the End Everyone voting for OSC fails. REANIMATION BRIDGE, PEOPLE!
  10. That'd be my reaction. I'd be somewhat disappointed, though I'm sure I'd still enjoy the album.
  11. A cool medley could include Lying from You, From the Inside, Points of Authority and A Place for My Head. Old fan favourites that the casual fans would know, but diehards such as ourselves would nonetheless greatly enjoy.
  12. Faint. It's not nearly as cool without the guitar solo outro...
  13. NO. YES. I'd personally put No More Sorrow into my Top 5 for MTM.
  14. When ATS came out, I immediately decided that it was the greatest thing in music history and that it would be my favourite album for the rest of my life. Nearly a year later, my opinion is rather different. On reflection, I can say this. Very few of the songs on ATS are as good as on Hybrid Theory or Meteora. Iridescent is an exception, and Waiting for the End and Blackout come close. But, in terms of strong songwriting and X-factor brilliance, nothing much on ATS comes close to their old anthems. However, A Thousand Suns IS my favourite LP album to listen to all the way through. The first two albums are collections of brilliant songs, which, when taken independently, still stand equally strong. The real magic of ATS is the fact that it is far greater than the sum of its parts. Listening to it is an experience, an otherworldly voyage of sound that transcends that of other albums. Though none of its tracks (bar Iridescent) are masterpieces when taken out of the album, when fit together into the jigsaw of A Thousand Suns, the pieces gain new meaning and strength. Overall, I would choose Hybrid Theory as the band's best album, based on the sheer quality of EVERY song on that album. A Thousand Suns is not flawless (it takes too long to get into the first actual song, the mixing is brilliant, The Messenger is a weak closer), but it is a magnificent piece of art when taken in it's glorious whole. And if I had to do a ranking, it would be- Hybrid Theory > A Thousand Suns ≈ Meteora > Minutes to Midnight
  15. One thing I will say about No More Sorrow- I think it's one of those songs where the lyrics will get even more relevant as time goes on. I like the fact that they're quite politically inclined without being specific.
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