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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. LP were my favorite band from 2000-2008. When I saw Nine Inch Nails live in November 2008, NIN became my favorite band.
  2. First time I've heard this remix. I like it a lot. lol
  3. Kind of predictable that we'd be getting another song before the album but it's nice to get a confirmation.
  4. It's more: Intro A Intro B [the part with the melody repeated in the verses] Verse 1 Chorus 1 Bridge 1 [with melody from Intro B] Verse 2 Chorus 2 Post-Chorus 1 Rap Bridge Chorus 3 Post-Chorus 2 Outro/Guitar Solo
  5. Mike plays both piano and guitar on the live version of What I've Done.
  6. Legit metal riffing, raw vocals, 6 minutes, a guitar solo...yet it still sounds unmistakably like Linkin Park. I love this.
  7. Cool that we now have that song (Blue) even though they thought it sucked. lol
  8. Lying From You is definitely redone in both verses. Chester also does backing vocals that aren't present on the original version during both of Mike's verses. Faint is also definitely redone on verse one as well as the first couple lines of verse 2. Jay-Z's second verse in Jigga What also sounds like a different take than the original version.
  9. But without Mike, there would be no LP. He's so integral to everything that they do that if he weren't there, the band wouldn't even be recognizable.
  10. I really like the "thrash part" note. That's got me intrigued.
  11. What I've Done was pretty cool with the different guitar parts.
  12. Fucking awesome setlist. Opening with Wake and bringing back When They Come For Me are some pretty cool surprises.
  13. *HT EP: And One HT: One Step Closer, A Place For My Head, Points of Authority Reanimation: Pushing Me Away, X-Ecutioner Style, Crawling Meteora: Faint, Figure.09, Breaking the Habit MTM: In Between, No More Sorrow, Hands Held High ATS: Waiting For The End, Iridescent, When They Come For Me LT: Victimized, Until it Breaks, Skin to Bone Recharged: Lost in the Echo, Skin to Bone, Victimized LPU (2-13): Pale, What We Don't Know, Three Band Terror *Favorite live song: One Step Closer (Live in Texas) *Collaborations: Points of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer TOP FUCKING FIVE 1) Waiting For The End 2) Until it Breaks 3) One Step Closer 4) In Between 5) Faint
  14. What I've Done still sounded very much like a song LP would put out when it was released in my opinion. Same thing with Given Up. There were still noticeable elements from their Hybrid Theory/Meteora days in those songs. The rest of the album was just so out of left field.
  15. Minutes to Midnight - especially In Between and The Little Things Give You Away
  16. In all seriousness, I'd love to hear LP cover that Muppets song in full.
  17. I heard One Step Closer on the radio when I was like 8 (back in 2000) and was hooked ever since. Later the album came out and I had my mom buy me that. It was my first album and I listened to it basically on repeat and from that point on they were my favorite band (until 2008 when I decided I liked Nine Inch Nails more - coincidentally, I only started listening to NIN after hearing Linkin Park's cover of Wish). A few years after that, Meteora came out which was about when I discovered the LPU CD's as well. When I was 12 I began remixing LP stuff and they are still the band I do the most remix work of. When Rising Tied came out, it was the first hip-hop album I liked and it pushed me towards appreciating that genre much in the same way that MTM would eventually push me towards appreciating softer music a little while later. Minutes to Midnight was actually the first album leak I ever downloaded. A Thousand Suns (and MTM to an extent) really changed the way I view LP's earlier albums. They really aren't anywhere near as interesting from a musical standpoint (whether that is a good or bad thing is up to the listener) which makes me not really like them as much anymore. I can still go back and listen to my favorites (OSC, APFMH, Faint, Figure.09, BTH) but it's kind of difficult to listen to those albums as a whole anymore. In all, Linkin Park has really shaped the way I view music and what kind of music I like. Whether it's helping me discover my favorite band (NIN through the Wish cover), appreciating a new genre (hip-hop through The Rising Tied) or just expanding my musical tastes in general (Minutes to Midnight), Linkin Park has been a major influence on my music preference. It's been a great 13 years of LP fandom and here's hoping they won't be gone anytime soon.
  18. What are the chords for the last part (Brad's part) of Until it Breaks?
  19. For me it's a toss-up between Apaches, Foot Patrol, and Three Band Terror. Can you guess which Living Things song is my favorite?
  20. Let me just say that it bugs me that the Apaches intro keeps getting referred to as verse 2 from Until it Breaks when it's actually verse 3. There are two separate rap verses in the first section of the song.
  21. How close do you guys think this is to how the ATS-era version of Primo sounded? It's definitely got that ATS type build and structure to it. It reminds me of a cross between Iridescent and Blackout. I wish we had a version of this with the final chorus on it as that's the only thing I could think that would make this song better.
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