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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. The Jonathan Davis original is just so much better. I rarely ever listen to the Chester version.
  2. I wouldn't want LP to leave Warner because it would mean that they couldn't release old stuff to the LPU anymore.
  3. That's odd that they're performing if they're not nominated for anything.
  4. I got these lyrics the first time I listened to the song back in 2006. I didn't realize they were supposedly hard to understand. lol
  5. In my opinion, Pale is the best song on any LPU and it's an instrumental. I'd also take A-Six, Broken Foot, Halo and Soundtrack over songs like Across the Line or Pretend to Be. Don't say an instrumental isn't worth as much as a vocal track when, to some people, the instrumentals are better.
  6. There are probably a handful of Xero songs with Mark on vocals that we'll never get to hear. I'm honestly not all that interested in hearing them since Chester is SO MUCH better than Mark could ever dream to be. I'd rather hear the Xero tape with Chester singing. Or even just Fuse with Chester.
  7. Could somebody tab out the drum solo from Bleed It Out on Road to Revolution?
  8. B.o.B is one of my favorite rappers/artists and I would love to see him work with Linkin Park.
  9. There is no way to do it legally so nobody here can help you.
  10. I don't particularly like Out of Ashes but I do love what Dead By Sunrise sounds like on the live recordings. The songs gain so much more in the more raw live setting that just isn't there on the albums.
  11. And you had to load the stream uphill both ways! ...wait
  12. there is a ton of guitar in it though...
  13. Actually: No More Sorrow>>>Robot Boy>Iridescent>>>>>>>>>>Given Up
  14. I'm particularly fond of this remix I did of In Stereo. /shameless plug zwierz's remix of Blackout is pretty awesome.
  15. 1. Across the Line 2. QWERTY 3. Given Up 4. What We Don't Know 5. Bleed It Out 6. No More Sorrow 7. Blackbirds 8. In Between 9. In Pieces 10. Asbestos (with a chorus) 11. Hands Held High 12. Pretend to Be 13. The Little Things Give You Away 14. Pale
  16. Got a new one: 1. So Far Away 2. Slip 3. Dedicated 4. Coal 5. Blue 6. She Couldn't and a new full-length album: 1. Carousel 2. Technique 3. Step Up 4. Dedicated 5. Slip 6. And One 7. So Far Away 8. High Voltage 9. She Couldn't 10. Part of Me 11. Ambient 12. Blue
  17. The instrumentals on this LPU were a little disappointing compared to previous ones (like Pale, Halo, etc.). My favorite tracks this time around are Asbestos and So Far Away. Asbestos has an awesome flow to it even if Mike is kind of rapping in circles (you know...not really saying anything). I really wish they would have finished this one. Chester could have had a great freak-out chorus in the same vein as Victimized or Blackout. So Far Away further proves that A Thousand Suns was more like pre-Hybrid Theory album Linkin Park than we would've at first guessed. Some structure variation, Mike singing, etc. It joins Blue, Slip, and She Couldn't as songs that I really didn't expect were made by Linkin Park during that time period. Awesome song.
  18. I haven't listened to everything yet, but Asbestos is my current favorite. I'm going to construct a chorus for it and throw it on Rebirth 4 I think.
  19. I'd like to see them do a few acoustic songs. In My Remains full-band acoustic would be awesome.
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