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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. LT=ATS>HT=MTM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Meteora but I still like Meteora...just not nearly as much
  2. New Divide sucked live early on as well. Give it some time and it will get better.
  3. 1. Lost in the Echo 2. In My Remains 3. Given Up (extended outro) 4. Blackout 5. With You (extended intro) 6. When They Come For Me 7. I'll Be Gone 8. Papercut (until it breaks outro)* 9. Waiting For The End (apaches intro/wall of noise outro) 10. The Catalyst 11. Castle of Glass 12. A.06/Lies, Greed, Misery** 13. Somewhere I Belong (2012 extended intro) 14. Numb (short piano outro) 15. Leave Out All the Rest/Shadow of the Day/Iridescent medley 16. What I've Done (long piano intro) 17. Crawling 18. Faint (extended outro) ---- 19. Tinfoil 20. Powerless 21. One Step Closer (extended outro) 22. Bleed It Out (Sabotage bridge) * new outro containing the first verses from Until it Breaks and transition into WFTE ** a.06 intro is played until just before heavy part where Mike comes in with LGM verse and song continues as normal
  4. One Step Closer could become insanely awesome with an orchestral arrangement.
  5. If the stream ever happens, I'm gonna record audio for anyone interested.
  6. Here's everything that's been on a soundtrack release: Little Nicky - Points of Authority Dracula 2000 - One Step Closer Valentine - Pushing Me Away The One - Papercut The Matrix Reloaded - Session S.W.A.T. - Figure.09 Transformers - What I've Done Twilight - Leave Out All the Rest Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - New Divide Resident Evil: Afterlife - The Catalyst Transformers Dark of the Moon - Iridescent (Transformers Mix) Underworld Awakening - Blackout (Renholder Remix) Here's things where there were songs in the movie/tv show but I'm unsure of soundtrack status: The Crow: Stairway to Heaven - Rhinestone Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - Powerless And things I'm unsure about but Wikipedia says is right: Riding Giants - Don't Stay Also: Underworld Evolution - Chester Bennington - Morning After (Julien-K Remix) Saw 3D - Dead By Sunrise - Condemned and Remember the Name by Fort Minor has been used in a ton of trailers (unknown to me if it's been on a soundtrack or in a movie though) edit: Remember the Name has been used in trailers for: - Gridiron Gang - Friday Night Lights TV series - Pride - Fighting - Karate Kid (2010 version) edit 2: Given Up was used in the trailer for Crank 2 Numb/Encore was used in the trailer for Miami Vice
  7. Have you heard APFMH with that new intro? That's a GREAT opener.
  8. Here is a list of all official remixes of Fort Minor, Dead By Sunrise, etc.: Fort Minor Remember the Name [Funkadelic Remix] - We Major mixtape Bleach [Jimi Remix] - We Major mixtape Petrified [Doors Remix] - We Major mixtape There They Go [Green Lantern Remix] - We Major mixtape Nobody's Listening [Green Lantern Remix] - We Major mixtape Where'd You Go? [sOB Remix] - We Major mixtape (Limited Edition)/Where'd You Go? single Where'd You Go? [big Bad Remix] - Where'd You Go single Petrified [Los Angeles Remix] - Believe Me single Kenji [interview Version] - Fort Minor Militia Where'd You Joe? - Fort Minor Militia Believe Me [Club Mix] - Fort Minor Militia Where'd You Go? (Adam Young Remix) Dead By Sunrise Morning After [Julien K Remix] - Underworld: Evolution soundtrack My Suffering (iPunk Remix) Mike Shinoda Remixes Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence 04 Styles of Beyond - Hard [MS Remix] - Razor Tage mixtape Julien-K - Death to Analog (Mike Shinoda Remix) - Death to Digital Metric - Gold Guns Girls (Mike Shinoda Remix) Mr. Hahn Remixes Good Charlotte - The Young and the Hopeless (Mr. Hahn Remix) Lady Tigra - Bass on the Bottome (Mr. Hahn and Troublemaker Remix) Chester Remixes Mindless Self Indulgence - What Do They Know (Julien-K and Chester Remix) That's all I've got. If I missed something, let me know and I'll update the list accordingly.
  9. That's not a remix though. It's just the version they recorded during the Hybrid Theory sessions. If we put that on there, might as well put In the End, A Place For My Head, and any other songs that we have demos of. But Collision Course was released in the Meteora era. I think they all belong in that one more.
  10. ^ I'd love for LPU12 to consist of Living Things in demo form. I really wanna hear Victimized with the gang vocals and any takes of the song with alternate lyrics.
  11. If I recall correctly, it was only released with the 8-bit Rebellion game and the iTunes version of A Thousand Suns.
  12. Skin to Bone is one of my favorites.
  13. leftshoe18

    Choose Shows

    I would love: Fort Minor 2006 Club Tattoo show Julien-K show where Chester filled in Linkin Park's Mountain View 2004
  14. Given Up is a perfect live song. It's high-energy and fairly easy for the band to translate to the live setting. It's status as a single is also a great reason to keep it around. Dropping Given Up would be a bad decision all-around.
  15. I think that Until It Breaks could essentially be played the following way: Song A has extended outro including Mike's first part, transition using Chester's mini-verse, Waiting for the End with Apaches intro and sorry Brad but we gotta cut your part Anyways, I feel like Victimized could easily be rotated with Lies, Greed, Misery. similar energy and length would make that prime for rotation Lost in the Echo, In My Remains, and I'll Be Gone are for sure going to be played since they'll likely translate well to a live setting. Powerless could be a good song for closing the main set and I could definitely see that being played. Skin to Bone, Castle of Glass, and Roads Untraveled will be hard to pull off I think
  16. I think that they should bring back When They Come For Me and play I'll Be Gone after it.
  17. Completely redone from before: 1. Waiting for the End: I fell in love with this song right away and it continues to be one of my all-time favorite songs. If you break it down, it's a simple pop ballad with rapping around it. The experimentation with the structure and instrumentation really helps and Mike and Chester nail the vocals to bring this song to the next level. 2. Until it Breaks: Mike delivers some of his finest rapping on this track flexing lyrical muscles most probably didn't realize he had. Chester's mini-verse/chorus thing sounds amazing and puts a nice little breather between Mike's monstrous raps. Brad's singing at the end really ties everything together sonically and reminds me of Hands Held High in a way. The crazy structure alone made this a standout track on Living Things but it's the execution that puts it here among my favorite Linkin Park songs. 3. One Step Closer: This song will always hold a special place in my heart as my first favorite song. It got me into the band, into music, and I will always love it because of that. The song itself isn't anything special really and is simple, angsty nu-metal. It's fun to rock out to though. 4. Roads Untraveled: Mike's voice is just perfect for this song. He sounds so wonderfully vulnerable on this track as he sings the first two verses. "The love that you lost wasn't worth what it cost/and in time you'll be glad it's gone" is probably my favorite set of lines from any Linkin Park song and then dropping all lyrics for the next minute or so really lets that one sink in. The vibe, the build, and the lyrics are just amazing. Having Chester sing after everything drops our was also a nice choice as his voice definitely gives a different feel and is perfect for his compassionate verse before everything explodes once more in a dramatic flourish to finish the song. 4. In Between: Tied with Roads Untraveled is our first experience with Mike singing a whole song. His vulnerable voice once again shines on this one and fits the mood of the song perfectly. This song made me love Mike as a musician even more than I already did. After Rising Tied opened the world of hip-hop to me, this song opened the world of soft music to me. Without it, I wouldn't have given Minutes to Midnight another chance and I'd probably be stuck in the "if it doesn't have heavy distorted guitars, it ain't worth listening to" mindset that I was in pre-2007. 6. And One: Speaking of heavy distorted guitars, this is probably the BEST song out LP's nu-metal days. Chester sounds angry on this one and growls out some of my favorite pre-MTM Linkin Park lyrics. The catchy, heavy chorus and some experimentation with the structure that was mostly absent from other Hybrid Theory and Meteora era tracks are also big reasons why this is among my favorites. Mike's rap at the end is also pretty great. 7. Blackout: Linkin Park is really at their best when they experiment. Chester's angry vocals sound crazy against the poppy synthesized background but somehow manage to work wonderfully. After the second chorus, we have one of my personal favorite moments from any LP song in that crazy glitched-out bridge before settling down into that amazing outro. 8. Part of Me: Some of my favorite verses from Mike in a farily standard rap-rock tune. Combine those raps with some of my favorite riffs in any Linkin Park songs and you have a winner. Also, I love the way Chester sounds on all these HTEP tunes. He sounds so angry and has that nice grunge tone to his voice. I wish he'd sing like that more. 9. Victimized: Linkin Park being heavy AND experimenting a bit? Yes, please! Having one verse sung and the other rapped definitely caught me by surprise on the first listen. Hyped up as LP's heaviest song to date, it didn't disappoint as Chester screams over distorted guitars to intersperse Mike's verses. If it had been a little longer (maybe a guitar solo?) it would have been even higher on this list. 10. Figure.09: I don't know what it is about this song, but I can't get enough of it. Honorable Mention: 11. Jornada del Muerto 12. When They Come For Me 13. Skin to Bone 14. A Place For My Head 15. Castle of Glass 16. Hands Held High 17. Iridescent 18. No More Sorrow 19. Nobody's Listening 20. The Catalyst Edit: formatting
  18. BEST: Until it Breaks, Until it Breaks, Until it Breaks, Roads Untravelled, Until It Breaks GOOD: The rest of the album except: AVERAGE: Burn It Down WORST: none
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