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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. Other than the Burn it Down remix, I thoroughly enjoyed this remix album. My favorites are Victimized, the I'll Be Gone remixes, and Skin to Bone. Awesome work in my opinion. This should hold me over for a little while as I await the new LPU and album.
  2. I'm 21 and I've been listening to LP since Hybrid Theory came out. HT and Meteora were basically all I listened to in my pre-teen/early teen years but I really don't listen to their first two albums at all anymore. The last three are just so much better (to me) musically, lyrically, and thematically. A Thousand Suns is one of my top three favorite albums of all time and Minutes to Midnight and Living Things aren't too shabby either.
  3. I think it's safe to assume that they were created using the multi-tracks to the song. These are official remixes after all.
  4. I love that song up until the extremely ciringeworthy "on a Valentine's day" lyric. The composition and the way it builds are fantastic but it's all brought down by one extremely bad phrase near the end.
  5. You would actually need to slow that down instead of speed it up. But it could sound pretty awesome.
  6. Astat said he'd try tabbing it for me a while back but nothing ever came out of it.
  7. That's because In Between is a fucking awesome song.
  8. Honestly - both. Though Hybrid Theory does have some interesting musical moments in A Place For My Head and a couple other places. Those albums just don't appeal to me anymore the way they did when I was a pre-teen/teen.
  9. STP looks really out of place with the rest of those bands.
  10. I can barely listen to the Linkin Park albums that weren't produced by Rick Rubin anymore. The last three albums are just so much better than the first two in my opinion. Hybrid Theory was one of my favorite albums for a long time and it will always be special to me since it was the first album I ever owned, but I think I've outgrown it and moved on.
  11. I'd like to see Chester singing the Xero songs. That would definitely be interesting to hear.
  12. After the way everything was structured and fleshed out on A Thousand Suns it was a little disappointing for them to go back (for the most part) to the traditional/simpler songs and structures that dominated their earlier work. While I don't dislike Living Things, it definitely failed to deliver the same experience as A Thousand Suns or even Minutes to Midnight. I will say that my personal favorites on Living Things (Until it Breaks and Victimized) are among my all-time favorite Linkin Park songs and the album is still one that I enjoy listening through all the way (which is more than I can say for Meteora or even Hybrid Theory at this point).
  13. tinfoil i usually like LP's instrumentals, but this one is a little underwhelming
  14. This is so awesome. I like STP and Chester has a great voice for this type of music. I can't wait to hear more if they do end up recording an album.
  15. I'd like to see them go even more electronic with a heavy hip-hop influence for the next record.
  16. Xzibit did a version of It's Goin' Down with another band. I can't remember who though.
  17. I would like some A Thousand Suns demos. It's been a few years now since it was released so I think it's time to open the proverbial floodgates. Also, I won't say no to more of those awesome Meteora-era instrumentals.
  18. Things That Can Be Put In Live Talk Quick Questions
  19. The Jonathan Davis original is just so much better. I rarely ever listen to the Chester version.
  20. I wouldn't want LP to leave Warner because it would mean that they couldn't release old stuff to the LPU anymore.
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