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2012. május 26. - 21:46




egy kérés. legyen szíves valaki akinek megvan jó minőségben ( nem valami rajongó által mobillal felvett… ) a Linkin park – Chiba, Summer Sonic Festival, Japan 2006-os koncert, adja már nekem oda mp3-ban de nem sírok ha video formátumban adja. Vagy csak egy linket h hol tudom letölteni. Légyszí valaki!!!






Google says:


2012th May 26 - 21:46




a request. please someone who has good quality (no cell phone recorded by some fans ...) Linkin Park - Chiba, Summer Sonic Festival in Japan 2006 concert, please have me in there but I do not cry mp3 video format you specify. Or just a link where can I download h. Please someone!


thank you

Why are you posting this here, go to the request section


You got like 200 shows for free but you don't even want to pay the full price for the show you went to?

He would if it were labeled as a 'master'.


He would if it were labeled as a 'master'.

:lol: That is so true!


FLAC for $10 - definitely.

MP3 for $5 - definitely.


MP3 for $10 - probably, but not 100% sure. :)


You are able to hear the difference between a 320kbit/s MP3 and an uncompressed file?

Even if you are able to hear that much difference I don't think that it's worth paying twice as much.


You are able to hear the difference between a 320kbit/s MP3 and an uncompressed file?

Even if you are able to hear that much difference I don't think that it's worth paying twice as much.

No, I'm not. That's my mental problem, rofl. :) Can't get rid of it.


lol have you even bought a DSP before?

Me? No.


I always thought that buying digital content isn't interesting.

Buying CDs is much more interesting, so I have plenty of them. But buying simple mp3s is just not what I look for.


There was no DSP for show in Poland in 2007 :( I would've bought that for sure at that time.


My problem with the ATS era DSPs is that the guitars sound SO WATERED DOWN. Like, they sound like soft bass. It's sad. Go listen to 2007 / 2008 DSPs and compare. It's awful.

I agree with you ;) for example I don't like 2010+ mastering of In the End

Thing with people is that they will always moan about something. Even if it's free. This year people better work together on those DSPs (so some of us won't end up buying several, again...). As always, we will try our best with the "usual place" right? :P I will get Berlin and Warsaw so anyone who wants to buy a DSP from this two, use your code for any other show! :)


Damn :( Was hoping these would be up before this party I am organising the A/V for tomorrow night - was going to play a couple of the tracks on the big screen but the audio from the broadcasts aren't up to scratch :(


I have a question about this DSP, 'cause for me it seemed there's sign of editing;


if you look the video of Burn It Down - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNTbtWQ-enw -

Mike isn't really audible in both rapping part of the outro, you can hear only Chester singing;


- could it be the bad audio mix of the webcast?

- Mike forgot to rap his part?

- Mike has a problem with his microphone?


someone who's at the show could explain that?


I have a question about this DSP, 'cause for me it seemed there's sign of editing;


if you look the video of Burn It Down - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNTbtWQ-enw -

Mike isn't really audible in both rapping part of the outro, you can hear only Chester singing;


- could it be the bad audio mix of the webcast?

- Mike forgot to rap his part?

- Mike has a problem with his microphone?


someone who's at the show could explain that?

it's likely the sound being mixed differently in the DSP to that of the webcast. I assume most of the DSPs are "edited" (mixed properly) since alot of the '07 DSPs i notice, have a really weak guitar sound and I doubt the show would be anywhere near as good as it could be if the guitar was genuinely mixed that low for the show itself :P


Everyone complains about the guitar levels/mixing but my #1 DSP request would be to raise the crowd volume on the releases. One of the most unique aspects of a LP show is the entire crowd singing every word to almost every song, and the webcast/TV rip demonstrated that perfectly. I love it when the people are almost drowning Chester out on songs like "Numb".


Anyways, Rock in Rio (Lisbon) sounds good so far. Happy to have lots of new live shows to listen to this Summer!

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